What Is Wisdom?
Time & Place: 7:00 PM- 8:45 PM, March 3, 2017 .
Café Amouri, Vienna, VA
Host: Ethical Society (Northern Virginia Chapter)
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What is wisdom
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March 3, 2017
TOPIC: What Is Wisdom?
Time & Place: 7:00 PM- 8:45 PM, March 3, 2017. Café Amouri, Vienna, VA
Host: Ethical Society (Northern Virginia Chapter)
Discussion Presenter & Coordinator: Randy Best
Participants: Anaswa & Dave, Jeff, Joe, Jammie, Jeff, Betty, Hank, Bob, Brad,
Julian, Avi
What is Wisdom? (A brief summary of open discussion)
Randy: Folk Tradition Western Culture: “Reason Prevailing”
Leonrdo Da Vinci: “Wisdom is daughter of Experience”
Socrates: The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
Group Interaction:
Joe: Wisdom is “Value Based”.
Wisdom— you have asked the right questions (?)
Betty: “Wisdom is a Process”
Bob: “Wisdom is Restraint”
Dave: Should we aspire to “Objective wisdom”
Group Discussion: Can wisdom be objective or is it always subjective based on
perspective of person or collective.
Avi: Which is more important to pursue: Knowledge or Wisdom?
Group Discussion: What is scientific wisdom vs. scientific knowledge?
Joe: Science is always hypothesis driven. Thus knowledge change in light of more
knowledge and wisdom as time passes.
Northern Virginia Ethical
Meetup (Vienna, VA)
Key Presenter: Randy Best
Recorded by: Avi Dey