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Current Practice
                  Special Education
                  as Operationalized                          • Most of the practices of Special
                                                                Education are pegged on Western
                      by Asia’s
                     Grassroots                               • As the discipline itself is referenced to
                                                                have Western origins since the time of
                   Marie Grace A. Gomez, Ph.D.,
                                                                its founding father, Dr. Jean Itard, the
                       University of the Philippines            materials read are mostly of Western
                      Special Education Department
                                                              • The term, Special Education was
                                                                coined by Alexander Grahambell.

        Definition of SPED                                         Scope of SPED
Special Education is the type of                       • The scope of the field covers disabilities
 education specifically designed for                     such as mental retardation, learning
 learners with special needs who can                     disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders
 not profit maximally from regular                       and communication disorders, hearing
 education such that they require                        impairment, visual impairment, physical
 trained personnel, modifications in the                 disabilities on one end and giftedness,
 curricula, teaching methods,                            creativity and talent on the other end.
 instructional materials and adaptations                 (Hallahan and Kauffman, 2005).
 in facilities and equipment (RA 7277)

      This study provides an                                • This paper is on the grassroots
       epistemological explanation on                         operationalization of Special Education in
                                                              China, India, Thailand, South Korea, and
       how Special Education is                               Russia.
       operationalized in the Asian                         • It involves research participants who are
       context.                                               natives of these countries but are residing in
                                                              Metro Manila because they were receiving
                                                              graduate training.
                                                            • All of the participants are teachers but have
                                                              no Special Education backgrounds as the
                                                              grassroots perspective is being investigated
Country           Translation     Literal Meaning                             SPED in China
China         Té shū xue           Special Education
India         Sirapu Kalvi         Special Education                 • Té shū xue (Mandarin)
Thailand      Karn-suksa piset     Karn suksa-
                                                                     • usually associated with a disability such
                                   Piset - special                     as being deaf (lóng) or dumb (yă)
South Korea   Jang Ae In Kyo Yuk   Jang Ae-Handicap                  • can also be associated with having a
                                   Kyo Yuk -
                                                                       disease such as the case of Mental
Russia        None                 Education                           Retardation wherein the word disease
                                                                       (bìng) is added
                                                                     • Jing shén bìng or a mental processing
                                                                       disease (Mental Retardation)
                                                                     • It is noted that developmental disabilities
                                                                       are considered as diseases in the native

              SPED in India                                            SPED in Thailand
• Sirapu Kalvi                                                        Karn-suksa piset
• influenced by the British
                                                                      Students usually have physical
                                                                      and sensorial disabilities

                Korea                                                Teacher Qualification
                                                       Country       Regular Teacher               SPED Teacher
• Jang Ae In Kyo Yuk                                   China         Licensed teacher.             No license needed in the
• All Special Education schools cater                                Government gives teacher
                                                                     licensure examination.
                                                                                                   communities, the nuns and other
                                                                                                   religious groups administer
  to the handicap                                      India         License needed                services
                                                                                                   Licensed needed
                                                       Thailand      License needed
• Though there are schools for the
                                                       South Korea   License needed
  gifted in Korea, giftedness is not                   Russia        No license needed. The        No license needed. The
  considered under special education                                 examinations in the
                                                                     universities are sufficient
                                                                                                   examinations in the universities
                                                                                                   are sufficient
  among the grassroots                                 Mongolia      Registry of teachers          No position for Special Education
                                                                     needed                        teachers
Education Law of the
                                                 People's Republic of China
                                            • Article 10. The state shall help all minority
                                              nationality regions develop educational
                                              undertakings in light of the characteristics
  Programs and                                and requirements of different minority
                                              nationalities. The state shall support the
    Services                                  development of educational undertakings
                                              in remote border areas and poverty-
                                              stricken areas. The state shall support
                                              the development of educational
                                              undertakings for disabled people.

SPED Programs in China                               SPED Programs in India
• Volunteers go to the far communities             India's commitment to the spread of
  (to the Shan Xi or Mountain Nest) for
  those with cognitive delays.                       knowledge and freedom of thought
• Cerebral Palsy cases go to the National            among its citizens is reflected in its
  School for the Handicapped. Cases of               Constitution (India’s 1968 Policy on
  autism are hospitalized.                           Education).
• The teachers are usually regular
  teachers who have received special
• Those who are educating the deaf
  know Chinese Sign Language and
  those who are educating the blind know

 SPED Programs in India…                           SPED Programs in India…
                  (con’t)                                           (con’t)

• Disability awareness programs                    • 5% of the population of a university
  conducted in villages                              must consist people with
• Work programs for people with                      disabilities based on merit; all of
  disabilities as there are degree                   the PWDs in universities receive
  programs in community based                        free tuition as this is the law
  rehabilitation                                   • PWDs can press charges for
• Rehabilitation Council of India                    discrimination, even in simple
  created benchmarks in the training                 cases such as calling them by the
  of professionals                                   disability they have
SPED Programs in
SPED Programs in Thailand
• Section 43 of the 1997 Constitution                       • Education for the deaf and the blind
  stipulates that all Thai citizens shall enjoy               are made available.
  their right to education which will be provided
  by the government to all citizens at least                • Education of those with other
  twelve years of basic education with quality                disabilities are by religious
  and free of charge.                                         organizations and missionaries
• The 1999 National Education Act reflect the               • Correspondence courses are taken by
  models of education administration and                      PWDs who cannot leave their
  management supporting the provision of                      communities.
  education for all in compliance with the
  goals, and this includes education of the
                                                            • Itinerant teachers go to the
  handicapped                                                 communities during Saturdays

   SPED Programs in South                                    Russia’s Program for Gifted
           Korea                                                      Students
 • All of the students with disabilities are sent           • Russia boasts of their programs for
   to school as the train system in Korea is                  the gifted
   very good. Even people living in the
   mountain areas can go to the city where                  • The literacy rate in Russia is
   there are schools because of accessibility.                currently 99.4%
 • PWDs are given free tuition and busses                   • There is great emphasis on
   bring the special children to school every                 science and technology in
                                                              education, Russian medical,
 • However, culturally speaking, the strong
   ones with no disabilities are valued by
                                                              mathematical, scientific, and space
   society. PWDs find it difficult to find jobs.              and aviation research is generally
   They usually have jobs involving crafts.                   of a high order

     Programs for the Gifted in
                                                    • Special Education among the Asian countries in the
 • free tuition fee                                   sample is primarily focused on disabilities.
 • stipend that is equivalent to a minimum          • Teachers are supposed to be licensed and recognized
                                                      by the government in most Asian countries.
   wage worker
                                                    • The deaf and the blind are the common recipients of
 • students are enrolled in boarding schools          Special Education.
   and they are given free board and lodging        • For countries having an inclusion program such as
 • Special schools for ballet, potential athletes     India, they have sign language interpreters and Braille
   go to the school for the Olympians                 readers available. In South Korea, all programs are
 • Specialized colleges such as school for oil        done in schools as buses take the people with
                                                      disabilities to their respective schools.
 • Rewards such as summer youth camps for
   students who perform well                        • Programs and services are dependent on the financial
                                                      capacity of the countries.
• A need to have more studies on how Special Education
  operates in Asian countries
• Epistemological researches can be further done to probe on
  its definition By knowing the definition of Special Education in
  a specific country, the parameters of the discipline; the
  clientele it will serve and the type of services offered.
• Standards in Asian countries regarding teacher qualification
  must be drafted clearly. There should also be a governing
  body that serves as an overseer to the practice of the
  discipline. An example of which is the Rehabilitation Council
  of India that oversees all Special Education programs.
• A need for disability awareness programs in most Asian
• A need to continuously develop programs and services

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Gomez. sped as operationalized by asia's grassroots[1]

  • 1. Current Practice Special Education as Operationalized • Most of the practices of Special Education are pegged on Western by Asia’s Standards. Grassroots • As the discipline itself is referenced to have Western origins since the time of Marie Grace A. Gomez, Ph.D., its founding father, Dr. Jean Itard, the RGC University of the Philippines materials read are mostly of Western Special Education Department thought. • The term, Special Education was coined by Alexander Grahambell. Definition of SPED Scope of SPED Special Education is the type of • The scope of the field covers disabilities education specifically designed for such as mental retardation, learning learners with special needs who can disabilities, emotional/behavioral disorders not profit maximally from regular and communication disorders, hearing education such that they require impairment, visual impairment, physical trained personnel, modifications in the disabilities on one end and giftedness, curricula, teaching methods, creativity and talent on the other end. instructional materials and adaptations (Hallahan and Kauffman, 2005). in facilities and equipment (RA 7277) This study provides an • This paper is on the grassroots epistemological explanation on operationalization of Special Education in China, India, Thailand, South Korea, and how Special Education is Russia. operationalized in the Asian • It involves research participants who are context. natives of these countries but are residing in Metro Manila because they were receiving graduate training. • All of the participants are teachers but have no Special Education backgrounds as the grassroots perspective is being investigated on.
  • 2. Country Translation Literal Meaning SPED in China China Té shÅ« xue Special Education India Sirapu Kalvi Special Education • Té shÅ« xue (Mandarin) Thailand Karn-suksa piset Karn suksa- education • usually associated with a disability such Piset - special as being deaf (lóng) or dumb (yă) South Korea Jang Ae In Kyo Yuk Jang Ae-Handicap • can also be associated with having a In-Person Kyo Yuk - disease such as the case of Mental Russia None Education Retardation wherein the word disease (bìng) is added • Jing shén bìng or a mental processing disease (Mental Retardation) • It is noted that developmental disabilities are considered as diseases in the native language SPED in India SPED in Thailand • Sirapu Kalvi Karn-suksa piset • influenced by the British Students usually have physical and sensorial disabilities Korea Teacher Qualification Country Regular Teacher SPED Teacher • Jang Ae In Kyo Yuk China Licensed teacher. No license needed in the • All Special Education schools cater Government gives teacher licensure examination. communities, the nuns and other religious groups administer to the handicap India License needed services Licensed needed Thailand License needed • Though there are schools for the South Korea License needed gifted in Korea, giftedness is not Russia No license needed. The No license needed. The considered under special education examinations in the universities are sufficient examinations in the universities are sufficient among the grassroots Mongolia Registry of teachers No position for Special Education needed teachers
  • 3. Education Law of the People's Republic of China • Article 10. The state shall help all minority nationality regions develop educational undertakings in light of the characteristics Programs and and requirements of different minority nationalities. The state shall support the Services development of educational undertakings in remote border areas and poverty- stricken areas. The state shall support the development of educational undertakings for disabled people. SPED Programs in China SPED Programs in India • Volunteers go to the far communities India's commitment to the spread of (to the Shan Xi or Mountain Nest) for those with cognitive delays. knowledge and freedom of thought • Cerebral Palsy cases go to the National among its citizens is reflected in its School for the Handicapped. Cases of Constitution (India’s 1968 Policy on autism are hospitalized. Education). • The teachers are usually regular teachers who have received special training. • Those who are educating the deaf know Chinese Sign Language and those who are educating the blind know Braille. SPED Programs in India… SPED Programs in India… (con’t) (con’t) • Disability awareness programs • 5% of the population of a university conducted in villages must consist people with • Work programs for people with disabilities based on merit; all of disabilities as there are degree the PWDs in universities receive programs in community based free tuition as this is the law rehabilitation • PWDs can press charges for • Rehabilitation Council of India discrimination, even in simple created benchmarks in the training cases such as calling them by the of professionals disability they have
  • 4. SPED Programs in SPED Programs in Thailand Thailand…(con’t) • Section 43 of the 1997 Constitution • Education for the deaf and the blind stipulates that all Thai citizens shall enjoy are made available. their right to education which will be provided by the government to all citizens at least • Education of those with other twelve years of basic education with quality disabilities are by religious and free of charge. organizations and missionaries • The 1999 National Education Act reflect the • Correspondence courses are taken by models of education administration and PWDs who cannot leave their management supporting the provision of communities. education for all in compliance with the goals, and this includes education of the • Itinerant teachers go to the handicapped communities during Saturdays SPED Programs in South Russia’s Program for Gifted Korea Students • All of the students with disabilities are sent • Russia boasts of their programs for to school as the train system in Korea is the gifted very good. Even people living in the mountain areas can go to the city where • The literacy rate in Russia is there are schools because of accessibility. currently 99.4% • PWDs are given free tuition and busses • There is great emphasis on bring the special children to school every science and technology in day. education, Russian medical, • However, culturally speaking, the strong ones with no disabilities are valued by mathematical, scientific, and space society. PWDs find it difficult to find jobs. and aviation research is generally They usually have jobs involving crafts. of a high order (http://www.russianenic.ru/english/index.html,n.d.). Programs for the Gifted in Conclusions Russia • Special Education among the Asian countries in the • free tuition fee sample is primarily focused on disabilities. • stipend that is equivalent to a minimum • Teachers are supposed to be licensed and recognized by the government in most Asian countries. wage worker • The deaf and the blind are the common recipients of • students are enrolled in boarding schools Special Education. and they are given free board and lodging • For countries having an inclusion program such as • Special schools for ballet, potential athletes India, they have sign language interpreters and Braille go to the school for the Olympians readers available. In South Korea, all programs are • Specialized colleges such as school for oil done in schools as buses take the people with disabilities to their respective schools. • Rewards such as summer youth camps for students who perform well • Programs and services are dependent on the financial capacity of the countries.
  • 5. Recommendations • A need to have more studies on how Special Education operates in Asian countries • Epistemological researches can be further done to probe on its definition By knowing the definition of Special Education in a specific country, the parameters of the discipline; the clientele it will serve and the type of services offered. • Standards in Asian countries regarding teacher qualification must be drafted clearly. There should also be a governing body that serves as an overseer to the practice of the discipline. An example of which is the Rehabilitation Council of India that oversees all Special Education programs. • A need for disability awareness programs in most Asian countries • A need to continuously develop programs and services