This document provides 10 pick up lines and suggested comebacks that reject the pick up lines. The pick up lines include comments on a woman's beauty, implying the person wants her, and asking to go home together. The comebacks dismiss the pick up lines, telling the person to leave, making jokes about money or locations, or simply rejecting the pick up line with a brief response.
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4 pick up line comebacks
1. Pick Up Line Comebacks
10. I know how to please a woman.
...then please leave me alone.
9. You look like a dream.
...go back to sleep.
8. What's it like being the most beautiful girl in the bar?
...what's it like being the biggest liar in the world?
7. I can tell that you want me.
...yes, I want you to leave.
6. I'd go through anything for you.
...let's start with your bank account.
5. May I have the last dance?'ve just had it.
4. Your place or mine?
...both. You go to your place and I'll go to mine.
3. Your body is like a temple.
...sorry, there are no services today.
2. Is this seat empty?
...yes, and this one will be too if you sit down.
1. Haven't I seen you someplace before?
...yeah, that's why I don't go there anymore