Somos la Iglesia de Jesucristo, lavada por la sangre del Cordero. Anunciando las nuevas de Aquel que nos saco de las tinieblas a su Luz admirable. Y con ansias, esperando su venida.
We are the Church of Jesus Christ, washed by the blood of the Lamb. Preaching the good news of the One that took us out of darkness in to his admirable Light. And anxiously, awaiting His coming.
Servicios: Martes y Jueves 7:30pm
Domingos: Escuela Biblica 1:30pm
Servicio Adoracion 2:30pm
Services: Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30pm
Sundays Sunday School 1:30pm
Praise & Worship 2:30pm
Venga y adoremos juntos al Dios Todopodero