ieee projects chennai
ieee projects 2016
ieee projects 2017
ieee projects
diplo cloud efficient and scalable management of r
dimensions for evaluating cloud resource orchestra
application level optimization of big data transfe
parallelism and concurrency
distributed data management service for vph applic
dispersing instant social video service across mul
delay optimized video traffic routing in software-
a tutorial on the internet of things from a hetero
a study on the lower tropospheric thermal inversio
a semi automatic approach of transforming applicat
delivering software with agility and quality in a
data plane and control architectures for 5 g trans
toward architectural and protocol level foundation
a parallel matrix based method for computing appro
k nearest neighbor classification over semanticall
dptsv a dynamic priority task scheduling strategy
online and non parametric drift detection methods
dynamic certification of cloud services trust
but verify
attribute based access control for multi-authority
d pcode privacy preserving frequent visual pattern
exploiting rateless codes in cloud storage systems
exploring data level error tolerance in high-perfo
field demonstration of multi domain software-defin
governance model for cloud computing in building i
www.ieee-projects-chennai.com ieee projects 2015-
ground based cloud detection using automatic graph
hardware virtualized flexible network for wireless
heterogeneous cloud framework for big data genome
hire some ii towards privacy-aware cross-cloud ser
dynamic collaboration between networked robots and
identity based distributed provable data possessio
downlink and uplink energy minimization through us
identity based encryption with outsourced revocati
innovative schemes for resource allocation in the
experimental demonstration of datacenter resources
experimental assessment of abno driven multicast c
energy efficient information and communication inf
energy efficient fault-tolerant data storage and p
energy efficient virtual network embedding for clo
ieee projects bangalore
+91-8144199666 email:ieeeprojectchennai@gmail.com
energy consumption comparison of interactive cloud
efficient hardware architecture of eta {t} pairin
enabling cloud storage auditing with key exposure
resisting skew accumulation for time-stepped appli
scalable transaction management with snapshot isol
secure power grid simulation on cloud
sel csp a framework to facilitate selection of clo
selecting optimum cloud availability zones by lear
service operator aware trust scheme for resource m
shared authority based privacy preserving authenti
smart sla cost sensitive management of virtualized
software defined networking for rsu clouds in supp
stealthy denial of service strategy in cloud compu
stochastic modeling and performance analysis of mi
stochastic modeling and quality evaluation of infr
system of systems for quality of-service observati
task scheduling with dynamic voltage and frequency
the unknown spatial quality of dense point clouds
time series pattern based effective noise generati
toward offering more useful data reliably to mobil
truthful greedy mechanisms for dynamic virtual mac
using ant colony system to consolidate v ms for gr
integrated demand side management game in smart en
just in-time code offloading for wearable computin
large scale 3 d point cloud compression using adap
linguistic descriptions for automatic generation o
minted multicast v irtual ne twork embedding in cl
modeling demand response capability by internet da
modeling heterogeneous virtual machines on iaa s d
mon paas an adaptive monitoring platformas a servi
net vm high performance and flexible networking us
new algorithms for secure outsourcing of large sca
on distributed knowledge bases for robotized small
on nonblocking multicast fat tree data center netw
optimal design of resilient virtual networks
panda public auditing for shared data with efficie
placing virtual machines to optimize cloud gaming
pri dyn enabling differentiated io services in clo
profiling based workload consolidation and migrati
provable multicopy dynamic data possession in clou
rapyuta a cloud robotics platform
using sdn technology to enable cost effective band
pps gen learning based presentation slides generat
privacy policy inference of user uploaded images o
probabilistic convex hull queries over uncertain d
probabilistic range query over uncertain moving ob
program transformations for asynchronous and batch
progressive duplicate detection
propagation of data fusion
query aware determinization of uncertain objects
racog and w racog two probabilistic oversampling t
real time semiparametric regression for distribute
relational collaborative topic regression for reco
resampling based ensemble methods for online class
reverse nearest neighbors in unsupervised distance
review selection using micro reviews
role discovery in networks
rrw—a robust and reversible watermarking techniq
rule based method for entity resolution
scalable constrained spectral clustering
scalable distributed processing of k nearest neigh
sparsity learning formulations for mining time var
the composite data model a unified approach for co
holistic measures for evaluating prediction models
imbalanced multiple noisy labeling
improved greedy algorithms for sparse approximatio
incorporating social role theory into topic models
joint search by social and spatial proximity
keyword search over probabilistic rdf graphs
k means-based consensus clustering a unified view
learning balanced and unbalanced graphs via low ra
linq a framework for location aware indexing and q
lossless selection views under conditional domain
malware propagation in large scale networks
worker skill
and worker intention
multicategory crowdsourcing accounting for variabl
multi core processing of xml twig patterns
numa aware scalable and efficient in-memory aggreg
on evaluating the contribution of validation for q
on summarization and timeline generation for evolu
page a partition aware engine for parallel graph c
parsimonious topic models with salient word discov
polarity consistency checking for domain independe
topological transformation approaches to database
cloud and agent-based geospatial service chain a
cloud computing applications for smart grid a surv
cloud mobile 3 d display gaming user experience mo
cloud radio multistatic radar joint optimization o
cloud ran for mobile networks—a technology overv
cloud based grasp analysis and planning for tolera
cloud genius a hybrid decision support method for
cloud genius a hybrid decision support method for
collaborative task execution in mobile cloud compu
combining efficiency
and flexibility in resource information services
control cloud data access privilege and anonymity
coronet testbeds
and lessons learned
cost effective authentic and anonymous data sharin
cost effective resource provisioning for map reduc
cpu provisioning algorithms for service differenti
decentralized computation offloading game for mobi
defining the stack for service delivery models and
towards effective bug triage with software data re
tweet segmentation and its application to named en
serimi class based matching for instance matching
voronoi cell based clustering using a kernel suppo
a modeling approach for cloud infrastructure plann
a real time group auction system for efficient all
a recursive dialogue game for personalized compute
a scalable and reliable matching service for conte
a stochastic approach to analysis of energy aware
a survey of research on cloud robotics and automat
a time efficient approach for detecting errors in
a toolkit for modeling and simulation of real time
a tradeoff analysis of a cloud based robot navigat
an authenticated trust and reputation calculation
automated road information extraction from mobile
bandit framework for systematic learning in wirele
baseband processing units virtualization for cloud
bik bus biologically motivated 3 d keypoint based
bucket filling an asymptotically optimal video-on-
burse a bursty and self similar workload generator
cahr a contextually adaptive home based rehabilita
design support for performance aware dynamic appli
attenuation of systolic blood pressure and pulse t
automatic ki 67 counting using robust cell detecti
automatic ingestion monitor a novel wearable devic
automated removal of ekg artifact from eeg data us
automated quantitative analysis of capnogram shape
automated mosaicing of feature poor optical cohere
automated grouping of action potentials of human e
automated control of an adaptive bi hormonal
dual-sensor artificial pancreas and evaluation dur
augmented reality navigation with automatic marker
achieving effective cloud search services multi ke
an efficient and trustworthy resource sharing plat
an experimental analysis on cloud based mobile aug
application aware local-global source deduplicatio
applications portability and services interoperabi
automating cloud services life cycle through seman
and precision for secure cloud transactions
balancing performance
cloud assisted mobile-access of health data with p
cloud based execution to improve mobile applicatio
cloud based mobile multimedia recommendation syste
advancing our understanding of the glucose system
airway tree segmentation in serial block face cryo
amorphous regions of-interest projection method fo
an analysis of contrast agent flow patterns from s
an analytic tool for prediction of hemodynamic res
an armband wearable device for overnight and cuff
an eemd iva framework for concurrent multidimensio
an effective procedure for mnp enhanced breast can
an efficient finite element approach for modeling
an evaluating method for autonomic nerve activity
an implantable pressure sensing system with electr
an insertable nonlinear gradient coil for phase co
an integrated system for wireless capsule endoscop
an optical fiber based gating device for prospecti
an optimal decisional space for the classification
analysis of low dimensional radio-frequency impeda
analytic comparison between x ray fluorescence ct
application of describing function analysis to a m
assessing dynamic spectral causality by lagged ada
assessment of laparoscopic skills based on force a
atrial electrical activity detection using linear
automatic segmentation of a fetal echocardiogram u
incremental detection of inconsistencies in distri
information flow control for secure cloud computin
key aggregate cryptosystem for scalable data shari
lifelong personal health data and application soft
mtbac a mutual trust based access control model in
multi granularity memory mirroring via binary tran
nc cloud a network coding-based storage system in
on the knowledge soundness of a cooperative provab
pack prediction based cloud bandwidth and cost red
performance analysis of media cloud based multimed
price competition in an oligopoly market with mult
privacy preserving multi-keyword ranked search ove
proactive workload management in hybrid cloud comp
quality of service provision in cloud based storag
quality of-service-aware scheduling in heterogeneo
scalable distributed service integrity attestation
security on distributed systems cloud security ver
trends and challenges in cloud datacenters
towards scalable traffic management in cloud data
towards differential query services in cost effici
a review on the state of-the-art privacy-preservin
a novel economic sharing model in a federation of
collaborative network security in multi tenant dat
compatibility aware cloud service composition unde
data similarity aware computation infrastructure f
decentralized access control with anonymous authen
designing an energy efficient cloud messaging serv
differentiating data collection for cloud environm
and independent access to encrypted cloud database
dr cloud multi-cloud based disaster recovery servi
dynamic heterogeneity aware resource provisioning
dynamic multiservice load balancing in cloud based
dynamic request redirection and elastic service sc
energy efficient link selection and transmission s
enhancing performance of cloud computing data cent
and revocable data access control for multi author
federation in cloud data management challenges and
harnessing renewable energy in cloud datacenters o
identity based remote data possession checking in
improving accessing efficiency of cloud storage us
3 d ultrasound-guided-robotic-needle-steering-in-b
combining multiobjective optimization and cluster
common copy number variation detection from multip
design and experimental evaluation of a 256 channe
design and optimization of an ultra wideband and c
design of a breath analysis system for diabetes sc
designing mr shim arrays with irregular coil geome
detecting diabetes mellitus and nonproliferative d
and geometry features
detection of life threatening arrhythmias using fe
developing a stereotypical drosophila brain atlas
development and evaluation of a prior to-impact fa
development of an implantable flexible probe for s
differentiating between psychogenic nonepileptic s
direct estimation of cardiac biventricular volumes
dissecting heart failure through the multiscale ap
dual electroretinogram nitric oxide carbon fiber m
effect of statistically derived fiber models on th
effects of tracer arrival time on the accuracy of
efficient source separation algorithms for acousti
electrical tissue property imaging at low frequenc
electromagnetic thermotherapy for deep organ ablat
v mbuddies coordinating live migration of multi ti
some research issues and challenges
wireless network virtualization a survey
whispers in the hyper space high-bandwidth and rel
beam position and energy monitoring in compact lin
behavioral characteristics of manual palpation to
bimodal bci using simultaneously nirs and eeg
biological channel modeling and implantable uwb an
and retrieving untethered microgrippers
biopsy using a magnetic capsule endoscope carrying
brain tumor segmentation based on local independen
brain–computer interfaces using sensorimotor rhy
breast cancer histopathology image analysis a revi
caenorhabditis elegans segmentation using texture
cardiac electrophysiological activation pattern es
catheter induced errors in pressure measurements i
characterization of radiofrequency ablation lesion
chemotherapy drug scheduling for the induction tre
clinically relevant cnt dispersions with exception
combining conformal deformation and cook–torranc
combining motor imagery with selective sensation t
a new dimensionless index for evaluating cell stif
a new head phantom with realistic shape and spatia
a non contact capacitive sensing system for recogn
a nonlinear generalization of spectral granger cau
a nonlinear mapping approach to stain normalizatio
a novel model for metabolic syndrome risk quantifi
a novel reduced order prioritized optimization met
a novel use of transfer function estimation for ea
a powered prosthetic intervention for bilateral tr
a reconstruction algorithm of magnetoacoustic tomo
a review of multitaper spectral analysis
a robust algorithm for thickness computation at lo
a self tuning adaptive controller for 3-d image-gu
a shocking past a walk through generations of defi
a speedy hybrid bci spelling approach combining p3
a submillimetric 3 dof force sensing instrument wi
a system and method for online high resolution map
a system for counting fetal and maternal red blood
a wavelet based electrogram onset delineator for a
abnormal dynamics of eeg oscillations in schizophr
accurate localization of in body medical implants
active adjoint modeling method in microwave induce
electromagnetic thermotherapy system with needle a
ener cage a smart experimental arena with scalable
enhanced low latency detection of motor intention
evaluation of conoscopic holography for estimating
evaluation of statistical inference on empirical r
examination of hand muscle activation and motor un
3 d ultrasound guided robotic needle steering in b
a brief history of tissue models for cardiac elect
a closed loop brain–computer interface triggerin
a constrained ica approach for real time cardiac a
a damper driven robotic endpoint manipulator for f
a direct method with structural priors for imaging
a dynamically optimized ssvep brain computer inter
a genetically informed
group f mri connectivity modeling approach applica
a head impact detection system using svm classific
a joint constraint model-based system for reconstr
a knowledge based modeling for plantar pressure im
a mathematical model of cellular metabolism during
a method to study precision grip control in viscoe
a microfluidically cryocooled spiral microcoil wit
a model for cancer tissue heterogeneity
advanced statistical matrices for texture characte
over flow multi site aware big data management for
optimizing purdue lin microphysics scheme for inte
optimizing cost for online social networks on geo
optimizing cloud based video crowdsensing
optimized algorithms for flexible length based aut
optimal fronthaul quantization for cloud radio pos
optimal coding and allocation for perfect secrecy
patch based semantic labeling of road scene using
multitenant transport networks with sdnnfv
network diversity a security metric for evaluating
multi depth-map raytracing for efficient large-sce
monitoring aquatic debris using smartphone based r
multi authority proxy re-encryption based on cpabe
monetary cost optimizations for hosting workflow a
mobile volume rendering past
present and future
on effective virtual networks interconnection
on data driven delay estimation for media cloud
network function virtualization state of-the-art a
microservices architecture enables dev ops migrati
meta sync coordinating storage across multiple fil
privacy preserving patient-centric clinical decisi
privacy protection for preventing data over collec
privacy preserving ranked multi keyword search for
privacy preserving deep computation model on cloud
pricing the cloud
real time energy management for cloud data centers
provider versus tenant pricing games for hybrid ob
protection of big data privacy
protecting your right verifiable attribute based k
power optimization with bler constraint for wirele
poris a scheduler for parallel soft real time appl
performance aware cloud resource allocation via fi
performance limitations of a text search applicati
performance analysis and optimal cooperative clust
pegasus in the cloud science automation through wo
price elasticity in the enterprise computing resou
prefetching based data dissemination in vehicular
predictive control for energy aware consolidation
predicting cross core performance interference on
packet cloud a cloudlet based open platform for in
online resource scheduling under concave pricing f
hybrid cloud economics
high tech child's play in the cloud be safe and aw
in network view synthesis for interactive multivie
io stack software defined object storage
internet of things and big data analytics for smar
incentive driven energy trading in the smart grid
industry 4.1 for wheel machining automation
improved salient feature based approach for automa
gwmep task manageras-a-service in apache cloud sta
guided image contrast enhancement based on retriev
gpu compute unified device architecture cuda -bas
geometric range search on encrypted spatial data
frame interpolation for cloud based mobile video s
forensic by-design framework for cyber-physical cl
high spectral wavelength agnostic multicarrier d r
heuristics for provisioning services to workflows
hash tree based trustworthiness verification mecha
hadoop performance modeling for job estimation and
fog computing dynamic load balancing mechanism bas
fluid net a flexible cloud based radio access netw
fine grained resource-aware virtual network functi
mean field games for resource sharing in cloud-bas
managing trust in the cloud state of the art and r
managing sensitive applications in the public clou
management framework for biosignals in biomedical
mobile network architecture evolution toward 5 g
minerva proactive disk scheduling for qo s in mult
multitenant cloud environments
milena a model for implementing distributed multip
migration towards cloud assisted live media stream
lightweight memory management for high performance
lightness a function virtualizable software define
learning internet of-things security hands-on
layer wise floorplan extraction for automatic urba
joint consolidation and service aware load balanci
it driven power grid demand response for datacente
management and orchestration challenges in network
managed infrastructure with ibm cloud open stack s
malware detection in cloud computing infrastructur
lod laundromat why the semantic web needs centrali
identity based proxy-oriented data uploading and r
automated diagnosis of epilepsy using key point-ba
adaptive dictionary reconstruction for compressed
accurate joint alignment of indocyanine green and
a workflow driven formal methods approach to the g
a wearable thermometry for core body temperature m
an ensemble of fine tuned convolutional neural net
an effective occipitomental view enhancement based
an automated approach for kidney segmentation in t
an algorithm for real time pulse waveform segmenta
self-calibrating elbow angles measurement using in
alignment free
age dependence of arterial pulse wave parameters e
a realistic framework for investigating decision m
a double partial least-squares model for the detec
a deep learning approach to on node sensor data an
a decision support system for tele monitoring copd
a convolutional neural network for automatic chara
and social sharing for pervasive healthcare
self reporting
a survey of mobile phone sensing
a penalized semialgebraic deflation ica algorithm
deepr a convolutional net for medical records
breast histopathological image retrieval based on
boundary to-marker evidence-controlled segmentatio
beyond lesion based diabetic retinopathy a direct
automatic nuclei detection based on generalized la
classification of multiple finger motions during d
circular mixture modeling of color distribution fo
chinese sign language recognition based on an opti
limitation in act
chair rise peak power in daily life measured with
cardiorespiratory sleep stage detection using cond
canonical polyadic decomposition with auxiliary in
automated analysis and quantification of human mob
assessment of vascular health with photoplethysmog
assessing the accuracy of a wrist motion tracking
an open architecture to support social and health
automatic measurement of thalamic diameter in 2 d
automatic extraction of central tendon of rectus f
automatic detection and parameterization of manual
automatic detection and classification of colorect
automated diagnosis of glaucoma using empirical wa
service description in the nfv revolution trends
challenges and a way forward
semidynamic green resource management in downlink
secure optimization computation outsourcing in clo
secure cloud storage meets with secure network cod
standards for hybrid clouds
spatial related traffic sign inspection for invent
software defined hyper-cellular architecture for g
smoothed l p minimization for green cloud-ran wit
rfhoc a random forest approach to auto-tuning hado
resource and instance hour minimization for deadli
resource allocation with video traffic prediction
replication based load balancing
reliable and confidential cloud storage with effic
rebuttal to “comments on ‘control cloud data a
reasoning about mean time to failure in vehicular
scalable cloud–sensor architecture for the inter
scalable algorithms for nearest neighbor joins on
robust workload and energy management for sustaina
privacy preserving-outsourced association rule min
ibm bluemix mobile cloud services
and accelerometry
a novel chewing detection system based on ppg
a hierarchical classification and segmentation sch
a framework for mixed type multioutcome prediction
towards cost effective and green-aware data proces
time series anomaly detection for trustworthy serv
visual analysis of multiple route choices based on
velocity aware parallel encryption algorithm with
using social media to understand idiosyncratic lif
trustworthiness evaluation based routing protocol
towards max min fair resource allocation for strea
dev ops
deploying sdn and nfv at the speed of innovation t
and open source software projects
industry fora
demand aware network function placement
dynamic bin packing for on demand cloud resource a
dynamic and fault tolerant clustering for scientif
dual server public-key encryption with keyword sea
smart electricity meter data intelligence for futu
energy efficient spectrum sensing for cognitive ra
fungible orthogonal channel sets for multi user ex
incorporating self interference suppression for fu
modeling and analysis framework for multi interfac
nomographic functions efficient computation in clu
one step beyond myopic probing policy a heuristic
onion map a scalable geometric addressing and rout
optimal probabilistic initial and target channel s
packet scheduling for real time surveillance in mu
privacy preserving collaborative spectrum sensing
quantizer design for distributed glrt detection of
robust urban wireless localization synergy between
modeling and intelligent estimation
sequential compressed sensing with progressive sig
spectrum monitoring using energy ratio algorithm f
toward fair maximization of energy efficiency in m
a general geographical probabilistic factor model
updating and querying geospatial data
a hierarchical tensor based approach to compressin
a new dynamic rule activation method for extended
a query approach for influence maximization on spe
and power consumption of a cloud service
a hierarchical correlation model for evaluating re
a heuristic clustering based task deployment appro
a general communication cost optimization framewor
a game theoretical approach to defend against co r
a framework for truthful online auctions in cloud
a dynamic load balancing method of cloud center ba
a deep intelligence framework for online video pro
a cross layer design for a software-defined millim
a configuration independent score-based benchmark
a cloud service architecture for analyzing big mon
a cloud gaming system based on user level virtuali
a chemistry inspired workflow management system fo
a secure anti collusion data sharing scheme for dy
adaptive random access for cooperative spectrum se
an approach to sensor network throughput enhanceme
autonomous deployment for load balancing surfac
cognitive radio networks with heterogeneous users
distributed maximum likelihood classification of l
energy efficient collaborative spectrum sensing ba
customizable point of-interest queries in road net
data acquisition for probabilistic nearest neighbo
discovering data set nature through algorithmic cl
discovering urban functional zones using latent ac
discovering urban functional zones
efficient graph similarity search over large graph
efficient parallel processing of distance join que
efficient reverse top k boolean spatial keyword qu
emphasizing minority class in lda for feature subs
emr a scalable graph based ranking model for conte
enforcement of autonomous authorizations in collab
entity linking with a knowledge base issues
and solutions
e periodicity mining event periodicity from incomp
e tree an efficient indexing structure for ensembl
exploring topical lead lag across corpora
expert finding for question answering via graph re
extending association rule summarization technique
graph based learning via auto-grouped sparse regul
hoc tracker tracking the evolution of hierarchical
a reconstruction error based framework for multi l
a set of complexity measures designed for applying
active learning for ranking through expected loss
active learning through adaptive heterogeneous ens
adaptive anomaly detection with kernel eigenspace
aggregate estimation in hidden databases with chec
an air index for spatial query processing in road
an effective gpu based approach to probabilistic q
an iterative map reduce based frequent subgraph mi
an lsh based blocking approach with a homomorphic
are data sets like documents evaluating similarity
authentication of moving top k spatial keyword que
backward path growth for efficient mobile sequenti
best keyword cover search
bridging the vocabulary gap between health seekers
checking chase termination cyclicity analysis and
co extracting opinion targets and opinion words fr
confidence interval for measure of algorithm perfo
composing data services with uncertain semantics
context based diversification for keyword queries
enabling a smart city application ecosystem requir
distributed online scheduling and routing of multi
dynamic resource partitioning for heterogeneous mu
dynamic operations of cloud radio access networks
dynamic nested clustering for parallel phy layer p
developing dependable and secure cloud application
design and evaluation of a metropolitan air pollut
distributed in memory processing of all k nearest
core failure mitigation in integer sum of-product
coral a cloud backed frugal file system
coping with heterogeneous video contributors and v
cooperative application execution in mobile cloud
dac mobi data-assisted communications of mobile im
cost effective survivable virtual optical network
cost aware service placement and load dispatching
comments on “public integrity auditing for dynam
common pitfalls of benchmarking big data systems
comments on “control cloud data access privilege
collaborative recognition of queuing behavior on m
co gps energy efficient gps sensing with cloud off
cloudifying the 3 gpp ip multimedia subsystem for
fd4 c automatic fault diagnosis framework for web
fair network bandwidth allocation in iaa s datacen
fog computing may help to save energy in cloud com
facor flexible access control with outsourceable r
extending amdahls law for the cloud computing era
experimental evidence on decision making in availa
fog computing the cloud io t-ioe middleware paradi
ensemble a tool for performance modeling of applic
energy efficient workload placement in enterprise
energy efficient virtual base station formation in
energy management as-a-service over fog computing
energy efficient mobile cloud computing powered by
energy efficiency and blocking reduction for tidal
evolutionary multi objective workflow scheduling i
eplq efficient privacy preserving location-based q
eco aware online power management and load schedul
efficient entertainment services provision over a
emerging hybrid cloud patterns
efficient r tree based indexing scheme for server-
elastic power aware resource provisioning of heter
elastic resource utilization framework for high ca
cast effective and efficient user interaction for
ca co an efficient cauchy coding approach for clou
burstiness aware resource reservation for server c
building the ibm containers cloud service
asymptotic expansions for heavy tailed data
analysis of classical encryption techniques in clo
anchor assisted and vote-based trustworthiness ass
automated system change discovery and management i
automation and orchestration framework for large s
attribute based data sharing scheme revisited in c
adaptive receding horizon offloading strategy unde
an ultra low-latency guaranteed-rate internet for
an online mechanism for resource allocation and pr
an integrated cloud based smart home management sy
an indoor location aware system for an io t-based
amts adaptive multi objective task scheduling stra
a secure and dynamic multi keyword ranked search s
a routing mechanism for cloud outsourcing of medic
a platform as a service billing model for cloud co
a novel pipeline approach for efficient big data b
cross language learning from bots and users to det
cloud centric multi-level authentication as a serv
conjunctive keyword search with designated tester
conditional identity based broadcast proxy re-encr
composition of resource service chain for cloud ma
cd store toward reliable
and cost efficient cloud storage via convergent di
circuit ciphertext policy attribute-based hybrid e
cawsac cost aware workload scheduling and admissio
cda generation and integration for health informat
cloud armor supporting reputation based trust mana
cloud performance modeling with benchmark evaluati
distributed data
cloud k svd a collaborative dictionary learning al
cloud computing for earth surface deformation anal
building scalable
multi tenant cloud services on ibm bluemix
browse journals magazines ieee transactions on in
bringing desktop applications to the web
both sides now thinking about cloud security
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cav simbase a database for large scale comparison
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