The document provides contact information for iCreate Solutions, a company that builds partnerships and offers media and technology services. It describes iCreate's strengths as being in people, technology, and service. The company has an experienced team with diverse skills committed to quick response. It maintains cutting-edge technology on an open-ended, future-proof system. ICreate has created brand names for its high-quality services tailored to individual needs. These strengths help fill clients' operational gaps and turn businesses around. Potential clients can contact iCreate at the provided phone numbers.
The document provides instructions for an activity where students will analyze graphs from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) related to climate change. Students will receive a graph, analyze it using provided questions about the axes, trends, and inferences that can be made. They will then present their analysis to the class. The document also lists references to source materials in the IPCC reports that contain the graphs.
Karolina Grodecka: Adaptowanie i publikowanie Otwartych Zasob¨®w Edukacyjnych....centrumcyfrowe
W zale?no?ci od licencji wybranej dla OZE przez autora ka?dy mo?e u?ywa?, kopiowa?, zmienia? i dystrybuowa? te zasoby. Pozwala to nauczycielom, autorom kurs¨®w i zaj?? unikn?? trudnego i czasoch?onnego przygotowywania zasob¨®w. Celem webinaru jest zdobycie umiej?tno?ci dostosowywania otwartych zasob¨®w edukacyjnych do w?asnego kontekstu i potrzeb wynikaj?cych ze specyfiki nauczanego przedmiotu.
W rezultacie webinaru uczestnicy b?d?:
-rozumieli r¨®?nic? mi?dzy wykorzystaniem OZE i zasob¨®w obj?tych tradycyjnym prawem autorskim,
-potrafili korzystywa? z OZE zgodnie z warunkami licencji,
-znali sposoby efektywnej lokalizacji otwartych tre?ci,
-znali serwisy do publikacji w?asnych materia?¨®w w sieci w otwarty spos¨®b.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), also known as corticotropin, is a polypeptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. It stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroids like cortisol in response to biological stress. ACTH acts through cell surface receptors on adrenal cortical cells, causing the synthesis and secretion of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and androgens. Primary hyperparathyroidism, caused by excess parathyroid hormone release from enlarged or abnormal parathyroid glands, is the most common cause of hypercalcemia, or too much calcium in the blood. Other potential causes include adrenal gland failure, prolonged bed rest
The document discusses microbial diseases of the digestive system. It begins by describing the structure and function of the digestive system, which includes the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, and intestines. It notes that the saliva contains millions of bacteria per milliliter, while the stomach and small intestine have few microorganisms due to acid. In contrast, the large intestine has over 100 billion bacteria per gram of feces. The document then discusses specific microbial diseases like dental caries caused by dental plaque, and periodontal disease which causes inflammation and deterioration of tooth structures.
Career exploration with career cruisingbarbarajm76
Career Cruising is an online career guidance tool that allows high school students to take interest and skills assessments to receive career matches, research occupations, build an education plan and resume, and search for colleges and vocational programs. It provides over 100 questions to assess interests and skills, matches students to top career suggestions, and allows exploration of careers with information on descriptions, education requirements, salaries and more. Students can store assessment results, bookmark careers and schools, and develop a customized resume and education plan through the portfolio tool.
The document provides instructions for an activity where students will analyze graphs from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) related to climate change. Students will receive a graph, analyze it using provided questions about the axes, trends, and inferences that can be made. They will then present their analysis to the class. The document also lists references to source graphs in IPCC reports.
This document summarizes a bachelor's thesis on conducting audits in banks. The thesis analyzes the procedures for conducting audits in banks and examines how audits are used and the differences between internal and external audits in a selected bank. It describes the goals and processes of internal and external audits, including planning, risk identification, audit team roles, information gathering, and documentation. Information security audits are also discussed as a mandatory part of internal audits for banks in the Czech Republic.
Social media platforms allow users to publicly display their interests and affiliations much like wearing a band t-shirt, with growing popularity they have become a new way for self expression akin to graffiti on rooftops of the past, while questioning why users participate in this new form of online communication and identity formation.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), also known as corticotropin, is a polypeptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. It stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroids like cortisol in response to biological stress. ACTH acts through cell surface receptors on adrenal cortical cells, causing the synthesis and secretion of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and androgens. Primary hyperparathyroidism, caused by excess parathyroid hormone release from enlarged or abnormal parathyroid glands, is the most common cause of hypercalcemia, or too much calcium in the blood. Other causes include adrenal gland failure, prolonged bed rest,
This chapter discusses strategies for activating and engaging students in secondary education, including using K-W-L charts, school site investigations, and creating an informal learning environment with video clips, guest speakers, displays, literature in science, case studies, and softwares. It focuses on techniques like video clips, guest speakers, displays, literature, and case studies to make learning more interactive and less formal. The chapter aims to engage students in their education through varied teaching methods and hands-on learning experiences.
Edelman Digital was tasked with deepening engagement with Slim Jim's existing Facebook fan base and expanding its presence on social media. To do so, Edelman hired the first ever community manager for ConAgra Foods and Slim Jim to engage authentically with fans online around topics like music, movies, gaming and sports. The community manager monitors conversations to gain insights and creates original video content weekly to drive deeper engagement. This immersive experience helped Slim Jim connect with its target audience of males aged 13-29 on a more personal level.
This document provides a summary of a sightseeing tour of London that visits many of the city's most famous landmarks over the course of a double-decker bus tour, including: Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery, Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace where the Changing of the Guard occurs daily, St. James's Park, the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, and concluding at Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum.
Poverty is defined as not having enough money to meet basic needs like food, shelter and clothing. The document outlines several key causes of global poverty, including natural disasters that destroy infrastructure and livelihoods, war and civil unrest that kill wage earners and destroy farms, unfair trade practices that keep prices low for cash crops in developing nations, crippling national debt, and diseases like HIV/AIDS and malaria that reduce productivity and increase suffering. Addressing these root causes through development aid and debt relief is presented as a moral duty so that all people around the world can lead dignified lives.
This document summarizes a report on co-design workshops held to identify students' digital skills needs and design a digital creative toolkit for University of the Arts London (UAL). Over 100 students, staff, alumni and industry professionals participated. Key findings included identifying six elements needed for digital learning (defined knowledge, access to resources/learning/people, opportunities to apply skills) and recommending UAL provide gateway digital resources, peer networks, platforms for skills sharing, and connections across initiatives. The goal is to help students succeed in the digital creative economy through a collaboratively designed toolkit.
Jak uatrakcyjni? wyk?ad, prezentuj?c ciekawy film bez konieczno?ci jego samodzielnego nakr?cenia? Otwarte Zasoby Edukacyjne s? rozwi?zaniem. Celem trzeciego webinarium jest zdobycie umiej?tno?ci wyszukiwania oraz selekcji otwartych zasob¨®w online przydatnych dla nauczanego przedmiotu.
W rezultacie szkolenia uczestnicy b?d?:
-znali najpopularniejsze wyszukiwarki OZE,
-znali serwisy i repozytoria OZE na poziomie akadmickim,
-potrafili efektywnie wyszukiwa? r¨®?ne rodzaje OZE (grafika, wideo, audio, podr?czniki, animacje, etc.) za pomoc? narz?dzia online,
-potrafili wyszukiwa? OZE na potrzeby prowadzenia zaj?? i innych dzia?a¨½ akademickich.
This document summarizes a bachelor's thesis on conducting audits in banks. The thesis analyzes the procedures for conducting audits in banks and examines how audits are used and the differences between internal and external audits in a selected bank. It describes the goals and processes of internal and external audits, including planning, risk identification, audit team roles, information gathering, and documentation. Information security audits are also discussed as a mandatory part of internal audits for banks in the Czech Republic.
Social media platforms allow users to publicly display their interests and affiliations much like wearing a band t-shirt, with growing popularity they have become a new way for self expression akin to graffiti on rooftops of the past, while questioning why users participate in this new form of online communication and identity formation.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), also known as corticotropin, is a polypeptide hormone produced by the anterior pituitary gland. It stimulates the adrenal cortex to release corticosteroids like cortisol in response to biological stress. ACTH acts through cell surface receptors on adrenal cortical cells, causing the synthesis and secretion of glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and androgens. Primary hyperparathyroidism, caused by excess parathyroid hormone release from enlarged or abnormal parathyroid glands, is the most common cause of hypercalcemia, or too much calcium in the blood. Other causes include adrenal gland failure, prolonged bed rest,
This chapter discusses strategies for activating and engaging students in secondary education, including using K-W-L charts, school site investigations, and creating an informal learning environment with video clips, guest speakers, displays, literature in science, case studies, and softwares. It focuses on techniques like video clips, guest speakers, displays, literature, and case studies to make learning more interactive and less formal. The chapter aims to engage students in their education through varied teaching methods and hands-on learning experiences.
Edelman Digital was tasked with deepening engagement with Slim Jim's existing Facebook fan base and expanding its presence on social media. To do so, Edelman hired the first ever community manager for ConAgra Foods and Slim Jim to engage authentically with fans online around topics like music, movies, gaming and sports. The community manager monitors conversations to gain insights and creates original video content weekly to drive deeper engagement. This immersive experience helped Slim Jim connect with its target audience of males aged 13-29 on a more personal level.
This document provides a summary of a sightseeing tour of London that visits many of the city's most famous landmarks over the course of a double-decker bus tour, including: Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery, Piccadilly Circus, Buckingham Palace where the Changing of the Guard occurs daily, St. James's Park, the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, and concluding at Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum.
Poverty is defined as not having enough money to meet basic needs like food, shelter and clothing. The document outlines several key causes of global poverty, including natural disasters that destroy infrastructure and livelihoods, war and civil unrest that kill wage earners and destroy farms, unfair trade practices that keep prices low for cash crops in developing nations, crippling national debt, and diseases like HIV/AIDS and malaria that reduce productivity and increase suffering. Addressing these root causes through development aid and debt relief is presented as a moral duty so that all people around the world can lead dignified lives.
This document summarizes a report on co-design workshops held to identify students' digital skills needs and design a digital creative toolkit for University of the Arts London (UAL). Over 100 students, staff, alumni and industry professionals participated. Key findings included identifying six elements needed for digital learning (defined knowledge, access to resources/learning/people, opportunities to apply skills) and recommending UAL provide gateway digital resources, peer networks, platforms for skills sharing, and connections across initiatives. The goal is to help students succeed in the digital creative economy through a collaboratively designed toolkit.
Jak uatrakcyjni? wyk?ad, prezentuj?c ciekawy film bez konieczno?ci jego samodzielnego nakr?cenia? Otwarte Zasoby Edukacyjne s? rozwi?zaniem. Celem trzeciego webinarium jest zdobycie umiej?tno?ci wyszukiwania oraz selekcji otwartych zasob¨®w online przydatnych dla nauczanego przedmiotu.
W rezultacie szkolenia uczestnicy b?d?:
-znali najpopularniejsze wyszukiwarki OZE,
-znali serwisy i repozytoria OZE na poziomie akadmickim,
-potrafili efektywnie wyszukiwa? r¨®?ne rodzaje OZE (grafika, wideo, audio, podr?czniki, animacje, etc.) za pomoc? narz?dzia online,
-potrafili wyszukiwa? OZE na potrzeby prowadzenia zaj?? i innych dzia?a¨½ akademickich.