Discrete Time Signal Processing Oppenhm book 2nd Tanzeel AhmadThis lengthy document discusses in great detail the complex geopolitical situation in a certain region of the world. It describes the long history of tensions and conflicts among various ethnic and religious groups competing for land and power. While negotiations have aimed for a lasting peace, mistrust and misunderstandings persist on many sides, making a simple or quick resolution unlikely. Cooperation will be needed from all involved to find a solution that satisfies basic human needs and rights for everyone.
Comprension 1Pilar GómezThe document discusses several topics including describing various activities. It notes that some activities were done and others planned. In conclusion, it reflects on events and next steps.
Fundamentos teoricos de la educación a distanciaeLearning 6AVPLa educación a distancia se basa en el acceso remoto a programas educativos a través de tecnologías como la informática y las telecomunicaciones. Permite que el aprendizaje sea flexible y auto dirigido sin necesidad de asistir físicamente a un lugar de estudios. Se caracteriza por la flexibilidad de horarios para el estudiante y el uso de tecnologías de la información y comunicación para formar redes de estudio e interacción, donde el maestro actúa como facilitador cediendo protagonismo al estudiante.
Impact of Contributory Pension Scheme on Workers’ Savings and Investment in N...iosrjceThis paper analyses the impact of Contributory Pension Scheme on employee savings and investment
in Nigeria using Anambra State public workers as a case study. The paper uses cross – sectional primary data
sourced through a structured questionnaire administered on 387 respondents (i.e. those that have been in
service for the period of 5 years and on grade level 8. This choice is based on the fact that they will save
money than those in grade levels less than 8. The empirical analysis reveals that majority of the respondents
prefers to save outside any pension scheme implying that they are participating because it is compulsory. Again,
most of the respondents are not aware of their employers’ own contribution to their contributory pension
scheme. The study therefore concludes among others that the Nigerian government should create more
awareness and enlightement campaign on the workers’ contributory pension scheme geared towards
José Pompeu de Vasconcelos NetoJOSÉ POMPEU DE VASCONCELOS NETOJosé Pompeu de Vasconcelos Neto apresenta-se em um documento curto. Ele fornece seu nome completo e o título "About me", indicando que o documento contém informações biográficas básicas sobre ele.
shan2016_ot_cvShan HassanShan P Hassan is seeking an IT administrator position and has 6 years of experience in managing servers, networks, and other IT infrastructure. He has extensive skills in areas such as server administration, network management, database administration, and security management. His career history includes roles as a technical consultant, server administrator, and network administrator.
1 pulsosJOHNNY JULIO DE LA ROSAEste documento proporciona información sobre la semiólogia del pulso. Define el pulso como la percepción de la onda de presión por los dedos del examinador al palpar una arteria. Explica dónde se puede tomar el pulso, y describe las características del pulso como la frecuencia, ritmo, volumen, velocidad y dicrotismo. Además, detalla alteraciones en estas características asociadas con diferentes condiciones médicas.
Pulsos arterialesdiana rojasEste documento describe las diferentes localizaciones para tomar el pulso en el cuerpo, incluyendo el pulso temporal, carotídeo, axilar, braquial, radial, cubital, femoral, tibial posterior, poplíteo, y pedial. Para cada tipo de pulso, se indica la arteria que explora y la ubicación anatómica específica para palparlo.
Fundamentos teoricos de la educación a distanciaeLearning 6AVPLa educación a distancia se basa en el acceso remoto a programas educativos a través de tecnologías como la informática y las telecomunicaciones. Permite que el aprendizaje sea flexible y auto dirigido sin necesidad de asistir físicamente a un lugar de estudios. Se caracteriza por la flexibilidad de horarios para el estudiante y el uso de tecnologías de la información y comunicación para formar redes de estudio e interacción, donde el maestro actúa como facilitador cediendo protagonismo al estudiante.
Impact of Contributory Pension Scheme on Workers’ Savings and Investment in N...iosrjceThis paper analyses the impact of Contributory Pension Scheme on employee savings and investment
in Nigeria using Anambra State public workers as a case study. The paper uses cross – sectional primary data
sourced through a structured questionnaire administered on 387 respondents (i.e. those that have been in
service for the period of 5 years and on grade level 8. This choice is based on the fact that they will save
money than those in grade levels less than 8. The empirical analysis reveals that majority of the respondents
prefers to save outside any pension scheme implying that they are participating because it is compulsory. Again,
most of the respondents are not aware of their employers’ own contribution to their contributory pension
scheme. The study therefore concludes among others that the Nigerian government should create more
awareness and enlightement campaign on the workers’ contributory pension scheme geared towards
José Pompeu de Vasconcelos NetoJOSÉ POMPEU DE VASCONCELOS NETOJosé Pompeu de Vasconcelos Neto apresenta-se em um documento curto. Ele fornece seu nome completo e o título "About me", indicando que o documento contém informações biográficas básicas sobre ele.
shan2016_ot_cvShan HassanShan P Hassan is seeking an IT administrator position and has 6 years of experience in managing servers, networks, and other IT infrastructure. He has extensive skills in areas such as server administration, network management, database administration, and security management. His career history includes roles as a technical consultant, server administrator, and network administrator.
1 pulsosJOHNNY JULIO DE LA ROSAEste documento proporciona información sobre la semiólogia del pulso. Define el pulso como la percepción de la onda de presión por los dedos del examinador al palpar una arteria. Explica dónde se puede tomar el pulso, y describe las características del pulso como la frecuencia, ritmo, volumen, velocidad y dicrotismo. Además, detalla alteraciones en estas características asociadas con diferentes condiciones médicas.
Pulsos arterialesdiana rojasEste documento describe las diferentes localizaciones para tomar el pulso en el cuerpo, incluyendo el pulso temporal, carotídeo, axilar, braquial, radial, cubital, femoral, tibial posterior, poplíteo, y pedial. Para cada tipo de pulso, se indica la arteria que explora y la ubicación anatómica específica para palparlo.
Fundamentos teoricos de la educación a distanciaeLearning 6AVP