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What Gurbani Says About Haumai?
We will look at the concept of Haumai in
Gurbani. The basic need is to first familiarize
oneself with ones Haumai (often translated as
Ego) and then work on getting rid of it to attain
realization, as Haumai is the only blocking
factor for Grace to occur and to be seen in ones
life. In the light of Gurbani, how can we get rid
of Haumai?
 What is Haumai
 What are harmful effects of Haumai
 How to Eliminate Haumai
 621 Times 爬項爬爰
 Mahankosh: {爬伍萎爰爬爬}. 爬爬項- 爬爬. 爬爰 爬爰爬萎 爬爬 爬爬鉦┻- 爬爬項萎┐爬.
爬爬爬爬爬鉦┬. 爰爰爬爰. "爬爬む┃爬 爬爰萎┐爬爬 爬項爬爰 爬爰萎─爬 爬項". (爬伍爬爬項┣爬)爛
 Others: 爬項萎爬鉦┛, 爬爬項萎爬鉦┛, 爬項 爬項, 爬爰爬 爬爰爬, 爬爰爬 爬朽園─爬 爬項┥爬, 爬爬爬爰 爬爬
爬爬 爰爬萎爬, 爬項┛ 爬朽爬迦 爬爬爬爰 爬爬 爬爬 爬爰爬爬, 爬朽─爰園┴爬 爬爰 爬迦┥爬迦┯爬,
爬朽園爬萎┥-爬爬, 爰爰爬爰爬萎爰, 爬項萎爬鉦┛ 爬朽┥爬迦/爬爰/爬爬朽園爛
 787 Times 爬項
 Mahankosh: 爬爬項. 爬爰. "爬爬む┯爰 爬爰爰爬萎 爬爬 爬項 爬朽┥爬爬萎". (爬朽┥爬 爬朽─ 爬爬
爰)爛 (2) {爬伍萎爰爬爬}. 爬項爬爰. 爬爬項萎┐爬. 爬爰爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┻.
 Others: 爬爬項萎爬鉦┛, 爬項萎爬鉦┛, 爬項爬, 爬爰爬, 爬項爬爰, 爬爬爬爰 爬項┯爬む 爬爬 爬爬鉦┌,
爬伍┃ 爬爬鉦┣爰爬 爬朽園爬萎-爬爬 爬爬 爬爰爬爬, 爬萎園━ 爬爬鉦┣爰爬 爬爰園─爬萎 爬項爬爬 爬爬 爬爰爬爬迦イ
爬爰爬爰爰 , 爰爰爬爰, 爬爰爬萎┥, 爬爬爬爰園┐爛 爬爰爬朽┥爬む┏爬鉦イ
 English Translation
 Ego, Pride (From most of available translations)
 Strong consciousness of "I and mine", and separation from God and from
others. Haumai leads to pride, possessiveness, jealousy, hatred., etc.
Haumai - Summary
 Haumai: Based on Gurbani essence and other latest
publishing's from spiritual studies Haumai is when
one distinguishes oneself from the One
 Gurbani Emphasizes
 Main obstacle between ones union with One and Only is
ones Haumai
 One should realize that there is Haumai and one should
work on eliminating it by various means 
 Maya does not let you realize this fact that there is Haumai.
It can only be realized by SatGurus Kirpa.
Haumai  From Gurbani
爬爰爬迦┸爬 爬項爬爰 爬伍爬萎┣爬 爬迦┸爬伍┥爬迦┛ 爛 爬項爬爰 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬爰爬爬鉦┣爬 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爰爬爰 爬逗 爬伍┥爬迦┛ 爛ムоゥ
O ignorant one, forget your egotistical intellect. Subdue your ego, and contemplate Him in your
mind; gather in the virtues of the Sublime, Virtuous God.
爬項 爬項 爬爰 爬爰 爬迦┸爬爬項 爬爰爬逗 爛 爬爰爬爬 爬爰爬爰 爬踸爰 爬項爬逗 爛
Eradicating egotism and individualism from within, and erasing duality, the mortal becomes one
with God.
爬項爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬爰爬項┌爰 爬爰爬爰 爬逗爰 爬爬鉦 爛ム┬爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┛爰 爬 爬爬萎 爬爬 爬爬 爬項┣爬 爬迦┸爬爬鉦 爛
爬爰爬 爬爰 爬伍━爬迦└ 爬爬萎爬鉦┸爰爬 爬逗┥ 爬爬 爬迦┸爬爬項 爬爬鉦 爛 爬逗┬爰 爬爬爰 爬項爬逗 爬爬爬逗┥ 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬逗┯爰 爬爬迦┬ 爬爬
爛 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┛爬爰 爬伍━爬爰 爬項 爬爰爬萎┏爰爬迦 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬鉦 爛ム爛
Through egotism, fascination with Maya has trapped them in duality. It cannot be killed, it does
not die, and it cannot be sold in a store.Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, it is burnt away,
and then it departs from within .The body and mind become pure, and the Naam, the Name of the
God, comes to dwell within the mind.O Nanak, the Shabad is the killer of Maya; the Gurmukh
obtains it. ||2||
Distinction From One - We see Anek instead of Ek
爬踸爰 爬踸爰 爬踸爰 爬項┣爬 爬爬迦┴ 爛 爬爰爬萎┬ 爬爰爬迦┛ 爬萎┣爬項 爬爬萎┃爰 爬迦━爬爬迦┴ 爛
爬爬迦┬爬 爬迦━爬伍┘爬鉦┛ 爬踸 爬逗 爬爬 爛ム踸爰 爬爬萎┥爬迦┸ 爬爬萎┥爬爬 爬爬 爛
爬爬 爬逗┬ 爬爰 爬逗┣爬 爬踸爰 爬爬萎┃爰 爬萎┥爬逗┥ 爛ム爰爬 爬爬萎┯爬鉦┣爬 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爬爰 爬爬鉦┸爬 爛ム爛ムо爛
The One God Himself is the One and Only.The Pervading God is totally permeating all.The
many expanses of the creation have all come from the One. Adoring the One, past sins are
removed.Mind and body within are imbued with the One God.By Guru's Grace, O Nanak,
the One is known. ||8||19||
爬踸爬 爬爬鉦爰 爬爰爰 爬爬 爬爰爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬項爬 爬爬項 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬萎 爛
爬爬伍┘爬鉦┸爬 爬爰 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬爬逗 爬爬 爬爬迦 爬爬迦 爬萎┥爬爰 爬伍┏爬鉦┬爬 爬萎
Out of the same clay, the elephant, the ant, and the many sorts of species are formed. In
stationary life forms, moving beings, worms, moths and within each and every heart, the
God is contained.
Distinction From One  We dont see Him acting
爬爬爰爬爰爬項 爬爬爰 爬伍┥爬迦爬 爬爬爰爬爰爬項 爬萎┣爬爬 爬爬鉦 爛ム└爰爬爰 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬伍┥爬爰爬 爬爬迦┛ 爬爬伍┌爰 爬迦┸爬爰 爬爬鉦 爛
He Himself created Himself; He Himself assumed His Name. Secondly, He fashioned the creation; seated within His
own the creation, He beholds it with delight.
爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬迦└爬伍 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬伍爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬 爬伍爬 爬伍┥爬萎 爛ム爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬鉦┸爬鉦┸爰 爬爬爬鉦┯爰 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬伍┛爬 爬爬爬鉦┛爰
爛ム爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬逗爬 爬爰爬萎┥爬 爬爬逗爬爬 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬伍┛爬 爬逗爬爬鉦┛爰 爛ム爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬鉦┌爬 爬爰爬爬 爬爰爬爰爬項┌爰 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬伍┛爬 爬迦┴爬爬萎
爛ム爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬迦爬爬伍 爬萎 爬爰 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爰爬 爬爬項┥爬 爛ム爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爰 爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬鉦┬爰
爬爬迦┃爬爬鉦┬爰 爛ム爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬爬爰 爬爬鉦┌爰 爬爰爬伍 爬逗┛爰 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬逗┛爬逗 爬爬鉦爰 爛ム┯爬 爬逗爬萎 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬逗爰 爬爬鉦┣爬爬萎 爬爬萎┸爬 爬爬鉦爰
爬爬鉦 爬爬鉦爰 爛ム┬爬鉦┬爬 爬項爬爬爰 爬爰 爬爬迦┛ 爬逗爬爰 爬逗┛爬逗 爬逗┥爬爰 爬逗┥爬爰 爛ム爛
All is in His Power, it is by His doing.
Everything is in Your Power, God; You are the all-powerful Creator. Your Name is the Holiest of the Holy. O Nanak,
through the Command of His Will, He beholds and pervades the creation;
jb audkrK krw krqwrw ] pRjw Drq qb dyh Apwrw ] jb AwkrK krq ho kbhUM ] qum mY imlq dyh Dr sBhUM
When He, the Creator, evolved Himself, His creation manifested itself in innumerable forms. When He dissolves the
creation, all the physical forms are merged back in Him
eyk mUriq Anyk drsn kIn rUp Anyk ] Kyl Kyl AKyl Kyln AMq ko iPir eyk ] 81]
You are One Entity, appearing as Many, creating innumerable forms. After playing the world-drama, when You will
stop the play, All will be the same Once again.81.
Still we have Haumai  Why?
 Our Existence itself is based on I am  this knowing is Haumai
 We have in us Ajoonee  we still think we are this body only- Haumai
 We have in us Nirbhau, NirVair, still live in fear  Haumai
 We are creation of Creator, we still think we are creators  Haumai
爬逗┬ 爬迦┴爬 爬爬 爬爬 爬項 爬伍 爬迦 爬逗┥爬伍┥ 爬迦┸爬迦 爬項爬爰 爬爰爬迦┸ 爬爬萎┥爬萎 爛
The soul-bride and the Husband God live together as one, but the hard wall of egotism has come between them
爬爬萎┴爬迦┸ 爬踸爰 爬迦┯爰 爬爬鉦┯爬迦┬ 爬伍爬爬 爬伍爬爬爰 爬爬爬 爬迦┃爬爬鉦┛爰 爛ム爬爬 爬萎┥爬 爬迦━爬爰爬萎┸ 爬爰爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬伍 爬爬迦┸ 爬爬
爬項┏爬鉦┛爰 爛ム爛
It is like the king, who falls asleep upon his throne, and dreams that he is a beggar. His kingdom is intact, but
separated from it, he suffers in sorrow. Such is my own condition. ||2||
爬爬 爬項┏ 爬項爬逗 爬逗━ 爬逗 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬爬 爬逗爬項 爬爰 爬爬鉦┨爰 爛 爬爬爬 爬爬爬 爬爰爬伍 爬逗┨爬迦┛ 爬爬 爬爬爬迦┸ 爬爬 爬爰爬逗┸ 爬爬 爬爬鉦爬項 ||
When I am in my ego, then You are not with me. Now that You are with me, there is no egotism within me.The wind
may raise up huge waves in the vast ocean, but they are just water in water. ||1||
爬伍┛爬爰 爬踸爰 爬爬爰 爬爰 爬伍爬爬爰 爬伍┃ 爬爬 爬爰爰爬爬逗 爬伍爬 爛 爬爬迦┨ 爬萎┣爬逗└爬鉦┯ 爬項┥爬 爬爰 爬爰 爬萎 爬伍┨爬爰 爬項爬 爬伍 爬項爬 爛ム爛ムоゥ
The One God is pervading the many forms; He enjoys Himself in all hearts. Says Ravi Daas, the God is nearer than
our own hands and feet. Whatever will be, will be. ||4||1||
Efforts to Rid Haumai
First accept and understand it Exists
爬爰 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬爬萎┃ 爬伍┃爰 爬迦爬爰 爬逗爬萎┥ 爛ム爬爰 爬迦┬爬萎爰爬 爬爬爰 爬伍┛爬爰爬 爬爰爬 爬爬萎┸ 爬迦━爬迦 爬伍爬爬爰 爬爰爬萎┥ 爛ムоゥ
I am nothing, God; everything is Yours.In this world, You are the absolute, formless God; in the
world hereafter, You are the related God of form. You play it both ways, O my God and Master.
爬逗爬爬 爬爬萎┣爬 爬 爬爰爬逗┨爰 爬爬鉦 爛 爬爬鉦┣爬逗爰 爬爬逗 爬爬逗 爬爬迦┨ 爬爬鉦┣爬逗爰 爬爰爬迦┛ 爬萎┣爬項 爬伍┛爬 爬爬鉦爬 爛ムоゥ
O people, O Siblings of Destiny, do not wander deluded by doubt.The Creation is in the Creator, and
the Creator is in the Creation, totally pervading and permeating all places.
946 (Sidhs)
爬迦爬逗 爬迦爬逗 爬迦━爬迦┸ 爬爬爰 爬爬爬爰 爬爰爬萎爬 爬迦爬逗 爬迦爬逗 爬爰爬迦 爬迦━爬爬迦┯ 爬爬鉦 爛
How, in what way, was the world formed, O man? And what disaster will end it?
爬項爬爰 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬爰 爬爬爬爰 爬爰爬萎爬 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬迦┸爬伍┣爬萎 爬爰爬爰 爬爬鉦 爛 爬爰爬萎┏爰爬迦 爬項爬逗 爬伍 爬迦爬爬爰 爬逗┸爰 爬爰爬爬鉦┛爰
爬項爬爰 爬伍━爬迦└ 爬爬逗┥爬 爛ム┸爬爰 爬爬爰 爬迦┬爬萎┏爬逗 爬迦┬爬萎┏爬 爬爬鉦┌爰 爬伍┥爬爰 爬萎┨爰 爬伍┏爬鉦 爛
In egotism, the world was formed, O man; forgetting the Naam, it suffers and dies.One who becomes
Gurmukh contemplates the essence of spiritual wisdom; through the Shabad, he burns away his
egotism.His body and mind become immaculate, through the Immaculate Bani of the Word. He
remains absorbed in Truth.
Efforts  but difficult
 Lifes basis and formation is based on haumai
 if you just understand what it is and accept it you are on the path
爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬爬 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬爬 爛ム┨爬 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爰 爬迦┏爬 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爰爬 爛
In ego they come, and in ego they go.In ego they are born, and in ego they die.
爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬迦└爬逗┥ 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬逗爬 爛 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬迦爬 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬爬 爛
In ego they give, and in ego they take.In ego they earn, and in ego they lose.
爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬伍┣爬爬爬萎 爬爰爬迦┸爬爬萎 爛ム┨爬 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬鉦┴ 爬爰爰 爬 爬逗爬爬鉦┛爰 爛
In ego they become truthful or false.In ego they reflect on virtue and sin.
爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬萎┣爬 爬伍爬萎┣爬 爬爬逗┸爬鉦┛爰 爛 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬項┯爰 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬萎爬逗 爛
In ego they go to heaven or hell.In ego they laugh, and in ego they weep.
爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬萎爬 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬逗爬逗 爛ム┨爬 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬迦爬爬伍 爬爰爬逗 爛
In ego they become dirty, and are washed clean. In ego they lose social status and class.
爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爰爬萎爰 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬迦┯爬爬爬 爛ム┏爰爬 爬爰爬爬迦┸ 爬爰 爬伍┥爬 爬 爬爬鉦┌爬 爛
In ego they are ignorant, and are wise. They do not know the value of salvation and liberation.
爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬鉦爬 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬鉦爬 爛ム┨爬爬爰 爬爬迦┛ 爬爬迦┛ 爬爰 爬 爬爬爬鉦爬 爛
In ego they love Maya, and in ego are kept in darkness by it. Living in ego,mortal beings are created.
爬項爬爰 爬爰爬爰 爬逗┥ 爬爬萎 爬伍爬爰 爛
When one understands ego, then the God's gate is known.
Efforts  but traps
 We do deeds but without realizing anything, without seeing reality. And
we get more and more trapped in Haumai.
爬項 爬項 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬爬鉦┌爰 爛 爬逗 爬逗 爬爰 爬 爬爬逗┥爬爰 爛
All the deeds done in egotism,are just chains around the neck.
爬爰爬萎 爬爰爬萎 爬逗┥爬萎 爛 爬爬項┥ 爬爰爬迦┛ 爬逗爬項┥爬萎 爛
Harboring self-conceit and self-interest is just like placing chains around
one's ankles.
爬爰爬萎┥ 爬逗爬萎┥ 爬爬鉦┬爬逗┥ 爬逗━ 爬項 爬逗 爬爰 爬逗┥ 爛 爬爰爬迦┛ 爬爬鉦爰 爬爬迦爬爬爬逗┥ 爬逗━ 爬爰爬爬爰 爬爰 爬逗┥ 爛ム爛
He is concerned with 'mine and yours', and so he is held in bondage. When
the Guru dispelled my ignorance, then the noose of death was cut away from
my neck. ||2||
See Haumai
爬項 爬爬爬 爬爬萎┌ 爬爰爬逗 爬爬項 爬爬鉦┛爰 爬爬鉦┴爬鉦┸爬爬 爛
O egotism, you are the root of birth and death and the cycle of reincarnation; you are
the very source of sin.
爬迦┏爬逗┛爰 爬逗爰 爬迦┸ 爬伍┸爬萎 爬迦└爬萎┸爰 爬迦┸ 爬爬迦┬爬 爬爬鉦┓爬 爬迦━爬伍┐爰爬萎┬爬 爛
You forsake friends, and hold tight to enemies. You spread out countless illusions of
爬爬逗 爬 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬 爬ム爰 爬 爬爰爬 爬爰爬 爬伍爬 爬爬項 爬爰爬爬爬 爛
You cause the living beings to come and go until they are exhausted. You lead them to
experience pain and pleasure.
爬爬萎┏ 爬爬爬鉦┬ 爬爬迦└爬爬 爬萎┏爬爰 爬爬項┥ 爬迦━爬爬 爬爬伍┥爬 爬萎爬爬爬 爛
You lead them to wander lost in the terrible wilderness of doubt; you lead them to
contract the most horrible, incurable diseases.
爬爰爬爰爰爰 爬爬鉦┛爬爬萎┨爬 爬爬萎┏爰爬伍┻爬 爬爬萎┥爬迦┸ 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬項┣爬 爬項┣爬 爬項┛爰 爛ム爰爛
The only Physician is the Supreme God, the Transcendent God. Nanak worships and
adores the God, Har, Har, Haray. ||49||
Once you start to see Haumai
爬爬鉦┛爰爬迦┨爬伍 爬逗 爬爬 爬項爬爰 爬迦━爬迦爬 爬迦爬迦┬ 爬項┣爬 爬爬萎┃ 爬迦┏爬逗┌ 爬 爬迦└爬逗爬 爛
爬爰爬 爬爰 爬爬 爬逗 爬逗 爬爰爬 爬爬迦┬ 爬項爬爰 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬迦┸爬爰爬逗爬 爛
爬爰爬項 爬爬鉦爬 爬逗 爬伍┃ 爬爬鉦┸爬爬 爬爬迦┬ 爬爬爬爰爬迦 爬爰爬迦┸ 爬伍爰爬逗爬 爛
爬爬 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爰爬萎┏爰爬迦 爬爬爬萎 爬爰爬 爬伍━爬爰 爬項爬爰 爬爰爬爰爬 爛ムоゥ
Eradicate the poison of egotism, O human being; it is holding you back from meeting your God. This
golden-colored body has been disfigured and ruined by egotism. Attachment to Maya is total
darkness; this foolish, self-willed manmukh is attached to it.O servant Nanak, the Gurmukh is saved;
through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he is released from egotism. ||1||
爬爬 爬爬迦┬ 爬爬爰爬爰 爬爬爬爰 爬逗┥爬萎 爛 爬逗━ 爬爬 爬爬 爬項 爬爰爬伍爬逗 爬爬鉦┛爰 爛
爬爬 爬爬迦┬ 爬爬萎┌爰爬項┥爬萎 爬爬爬鉦┸爬 爛ム┸爬 爬爬 爬爰 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬迦爬爰 爬逗┥爬逗┥ 爛ム爛
When he clings to 'my own, my own', then he is in deep trouble. But when he recognizes the Creator
God, then he is free of torment. ||3||
爬項爬爰 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬伍└爬 爬伍爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬爰爬項 爬爰爬爬鉦┸爬迦┌爬 爛ムоゥ
Subduing your ego, you shall find a lasting peace, and your emotional attachment to Maya will be
dispelled. ||1||
Eliminate Ego
SatSangat  in presence of One
爬伍┸爬伍 爬爬迦┸ 爬爰爬伍 爬爬鉦┌爰爬 爛 爬迦爬ム 爬踸爰 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬逗爬鉦┌爰爬 爛ム踸爰 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬項爬爬爰 爬項 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬伍┣爬逗爰爬迦┛ 爬爰爬
爬爰爬爬鉦 爬爰爬 爛
How is the Society of the Saints to be known?There, the Name of the One God is chanted.The One
Name is the God's Command; O Nanak, the True Guru has given me this understanding. ||5||
爬迦┏爬迦┸ 爬伍 爬 爬伍┃爬 爬爬爰 爬爬鉦爬爰爬 爬爬鉦 爬項┣爬 爬爰 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬迦┬爬逗┥爬伍 爛 爬迦┏爬爰 爬爰 爬逗爬萎┥ 爬爬迦爬爬爬逗┥ 爬爬鉦 爬爬爬
爬項爬逗 爬爬萎爬鉦┯爰
Joining the Society of the Saints, cleanse your mind, and dwell in the Name of the God.The darkness
of ignorance shall be dispelled, O Siblings of Destiny, and the lotus of your heart shall blossom forth.
爬逗┬爰 爬逗 爬爰 爬伍┸爬伍 爬爬迦┸ 爬迦爬逗 爬項┣爬 爬萎┯爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬迦┏爬迦┸ 爬爬 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬爬萎爬鉦┣爬 爛ム爛ム爛
Blessed, blessed is the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, where the God's Essence is obtained.
Meeting with His humble servant, O Nanak, the Light of the Naam shines forth. ||4||4||
爬爬 爬逗 爬萎┥爬爰 爬爬鉦┴爰 爬 爬爬鉦 爛 爬爬 爬逗 爬萎┥爬爰 爬爰爬逗 爬 爬爬鉦 爛ム└爬萎┣爬 爬迦┯爬爬爬 爬爬 爬爬 爬萎┨爬逗 爛ム┯爬鉦┸爬伍 爬迦
爬爬 爬爰爬伍 爬逗┣爬 爬項爬逗 爛ム爛
Our mothers and fathers cannot save us from them;friends and brothers cannot protect us from them -
they cannot be restrained by wealth or cleverness.Only through the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the
Holy, can those villains be brought under control. ||3||
Elimination of Ego - Naam
爬項爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬爰爬項┌爰 爬爰爬爰 爬逗爰 爬爬鉦 爛 爬爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┛爰 爬 爬爬萎 爬爬 爬爬 爬項┣爬 爬迦┸爬爬鉦 爛
爬爰爬 爬爰 爬伍━爬迦└ 爬爬萎爬鉦┸爰爬 爬逗┥ 爬爬 爬迦┸爬爬項 爬爬鉦 爛ム┸爬爰 爬爬爰 爬項爬逗 爬爬爬逗┥ 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬逗┯爰 爬爬迦┬ 爬爬 爛
爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┛爬爰 爬伍━爬爰 爬項 爬爰爬萎┏爰爬迦 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬鉦 爛ム爛
Through egotism, fascination with Maya has trapped them in duality.It cannot be killed,
it does not die, and it cannot be sold in a store.
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, it is burnt away, and then it departs from within
The body and mind become pure, and the Naam, the Name of the God, comes to dwell
within the mind.O Nanak, the Shabad is the killer of Maya; the Gurmukh obtains it. ||2||
爬爬項 爬爰爬迦┸ 爬爬項 爬伍爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬項┥ 爬爰爬萎 爬萎爬爰 爛
爬項┣爬 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬爬爬爬逗 爬爰爬迦┛ 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬爰爬爰 爬爬萎┌ 爬爬鉦┛爬 爬爰爬爰 爛ムоゥ
Intellectual egotism and great love for Maya are the most serious chronic diseases.
The God's Name is the medicine, which is potent to cure everything. The Guru has
given me the Naam, the Name of the God. ||1||
Elimination of Ego - Naam
爬迦爬迦┬ 爬爰爬爰 爬逗┣爬 爬爬爰爬爰 爬逗┛爰 爬爰爬 爬爬逗┌ 爬爬逗爬 爬伍 爬伍┥爬萎┥ 爛
爬爬 爬爬伍┬爬鉦┬ 爬逗┥爬 爬ム┥爬 爬爰 爬逗 爬迦爬 爬爬項 爬爰 爬逗 爬迦┸爬爬鉦┛爬 爛ムоゥ
She controls the three qualities and the four directions of the world.She destroys
sacrificial feasts, cleansing baths, penances and sacred places of pilgrimage; what is this
poor person to do? ||1||
爬爬萎┃ 爬爰 爬爬 爬爬項 爬逗 爬爰爬爰 爛
爬伍┥爬 爬爬萎┯爬鉦┣爬 爬項┣爬 爬項┣爬 爬項┣爬 爬爬鉦 爬迦━爬爰 爬迦━爬爬迦┸ 爬逗━ 爬項爬爰 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
I grasped God's Support and Protection, and then I was emancipated. By the Grace of the
Holy Saints, I sang the Praises of the God, Har, Har, Har, and my sins and afflictions
were taken away. ||1||Pause||
Live in Shukar;
爬伍 爬逗┨爰 爬萎┥爬 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬迦┬爬伍┸爬萎爬 爛 爬爬爬 爬爰爬爬 爬項┣爬 爬項┣爬 爬迦┸爬爬爬 爬爬爬迦└爬爰 爬伍爬迦爬萎┸爰 爬爬萎爬 爛ムоゥ
O Saints, salvation comes from the God's Name.While standing up and sitting down,
meditate on the God's Name. Night and day, do good deeds. ||1||Pause||
Elimination of Ego - Ardaas
爬爰 爬逗┥爬爰 爬爰爬爬鉦┌爰 爬逗爬項 爬爰爬萎 爬伍爬爬爰 爬爰 爬逗爬逗 爬爬爰 爬爬萎└爬鉦┣爬 爛 爬爰 爬項爬萎 爬ム┥爬 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬迦爬伍 爬爬迦┨ 爬爬萎
爬爰爬爰 爬逗 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爰爬爰 爬伍爬爰 爬逗爬 爬項 爬爬鉦┣爬 爛ム爛
You alone are my strength, and my Court, O my God and Master; unto You alone I pray. There is no
other place where I can offer my prayers; I can tell my pains and pleasures only to You. ||2||
爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爰 爬爬萎└爬鉦┣爬 爬項 爬伍 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬伍爬項爬逗┥ 爛 爬爬爰 爬爬爬 爬伍爬爰 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬伍━爬爰 爬爰爬逗┥ 爛ムоゥ
This is Nanak's prayer, that he may be adorned with the True Name.When self-conceit is eradicated,
and understanding is obtained, one meets the God, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||Pause||
爬爰爬萎 爬伍┣爬逗爰爬萎┥ 爬爰 爬逗爬 爬迦━爬爰 爬爬逗┛爰 爬 爬爰爬 爛 爬項┏ 爬爰爬萎 爬爰爬爬 爬伍┛爬爬鉦爬逗 爬爬迦┛ 爬迦爬萎┴爬 爬爰爬逗 爬項┣爬
爬伍爬 爛ムоゥ
Mere sa畊igur mai 畊uj畉 bin avar na koe. O my True Guru, without You I have no other at all.
I am foolish and ignorant; I seek Your Sanctuary. Please be Merciful and unite me with the God.
Learning to give your Self Appa out;
Leave it to Him, Can you do it in True Sense; Like Bhagat Namdev:
爬爰 爬爬 爬逗爰 爬 爬迦━爬伍┥爬迦┛ 爬逗 爬 爬迦━爬伍┥爬迦┛ 爛 爬逗 爬 爬迦━爬伍┥爬萎 爬萎┥爬爬爬 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛
爬爬逗┥爬逗 爬逗 爬爬項 爬爬萎┏爰 爬爰 爬項 爬爰爬 爬爬爬迦┛ 爬伍┃ 爬爰爬迦┴爬逗┥ 爛
爬伍爬爰 爬伍爬爰 爬爬迦┛ 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬爬爬鉦爬 爬爬項┥ 爬爬萎 爬爬鉦┴ 爬爰爬爰爬逗┥ 爛ムоゥ
爬爰爬 爬項爬 爬爬 爬爰爬爬迦┸ 爬爰爬項爬爰 爬爰爬爬迦┸ 爬 爬爬鉦┬爰 爬爰爬爬逗┥ 爛
爬 爬爰 爬逗爬 爬爰 爬爬 爬∇爬 爬爬項┸ 爬逗爬萎 爬爰爬 爬迦┴爬爰 爬爬逗 爬項爬爬逗┥ 爛ム爛
爬逗 爬爰 爬爬爬爬逗 爬迦爬萎┴爬鉦┸爰 爬爬項爬爬逗 爬項爬 爬爬迦┸爬爰爬 爬爬爬 爬爬爬鉦┛爬逗┥ 爛
爬爰爬迦┛ 爬爰爬 爬爰爬項爬萎┥ 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬爬 爬爰 爬逗爬爬 爬爬 爬迦┴爬爬逗┥爬萎┸爬 爛ム爛ム爛
Please do not forget me; please do not forget me, please do not forget me, O God. ||1||Pause||
The temple priests have doubts about this, and everyone is furious with me.Calling me low-caste and
untouchable, they beat me and drove me out; what should I do now, O Beloved Father God? ||1||
If You liberate me after I am dead, no one will know that I am liberated.These Pandits, these religious
scholars, call me low-born; when they say this, they tarnish Your honor as well. ||2||
You are called kind and compassionate; the power of Your Arm is absolutely unrivalled.The God
turned the temple around to face Naam Dayv; He turned His back on the Brahmins. ||3||2||
Haumai - Summary
 Haumai: Based on Gurbani essence and other latest
publishing's from spiritual studies Haumai is when
one distinguishes oneself from the One
 Gurbani Emphasizes
 Main obstacle between ones union with One and Only is
ones Haumai
 One should realize that there is Haumai and one should
work on eliminating it by various means 
 Maya does not let you realize this fact that there is Haumai.
It can only be realized by SatGurus Kirpa.

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Haumai - Gurbani Vichaar 3/1/15 (Chardi Kalaa Foundation)

  • 2. Abstract We will look at the concept of Haumai in Gurbani. The basic need is to first familiarize oneself with ones Haumai (often translated as Ego) and then work on getting rid of it to attain realization, as Haumai is the only blocking factor for Grace to occur and to be seen in ones life. In the light of Gurbani, how can we get rid of Haumai?
  • 3. Topics What is Haumai What are harmful effects of Haumai How to Eliminate Haumai
  • 4. Introduction 621 Times 爬項爬爰 Mahankosh: {爬伍萎爰爬爬}. 爬爬項- 爬爬. 爬爰 爬爰爬萎 爬爬 爬爬鉦┻- 爬爬項萎┐爬. 爬爬爬爬爬鉦┬. 爰爰爬爰. "爬爬む┃爬 爬爰萎┐爬爬 爬項爬爰 爬爰萎─爬 爬項". (爬伍爬爬項┣爬)爛 Others: 爬項萎爬鉦┛, 爬爬項萎爬鉦┛, 爬項 爬項, 爬爰爬 爬爰爬, 爬爰爬 爬朽園─爬 爬項┥爬, 爬爬爬爰 爬爬 爬爬 爰爬萎爬, 爬項┛ 爬朽爬迦 爬爬爬爰 爬爬 爬爬 爬爰爬爬, 爬朽─爰園┴爬 爬爰 爬迦┥爬迦┯爬, 爬朽園爬萎┥-爬爬, 爰爰爬爰爬萎爰, 爬項萎爬鉦┛ 爬朽┥爬迦/爬爰/爬爬朽園爛 787 Times 爬項 Mahankosh: 爬爬項. 爬爰. "爬爬む┯爰 爬爰爰爬萎 爬爬 爬項 爬朽┥爬爬萎". (爬朽┥爬 爬朽─ 爬爬 爰)爛 (2) {爬伍萎爰爬爬}. 爬項爬爰. 爬爬項萎┐爬. 爬爰爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┻. Others: 爬爬項萎爬鉦┛, 爬項萎爬鉦┛, 爬項爬, 爬爰爬, 爬項爬爰, 爬爬爬爰 爬項┯爬む 爬爬 爬爬鉦┌, 爬伍┃ 爬爬鉦┣爰爬 爬朽園爬萎-爬爬 爬爬 爬爰爬爬, 爬萎園━ 爬爬鉦┣爰爬 爬爰園─爬萎 爬項爬爬 爬爬 爬爰爬爬迦イ 爬爰爬爰爰 , 爰爰爬爰, 爬爰爬萎┥, 爬爬爬爰園┐爛 爬爰爬朽┥爬む┏爬鉦イ English Translation Ego, Pride (From most of available translations) Strong consciousness of "I and mine", and separation from God and from others. Haumai leads to pride, possessiveness, jealousy, hatred., etc.
  • 5. Haumai - Summary Haumai: Based on Gurbani essence and other latest publishing's from spiritual studies Haumai is when one distinguishes oneself from the One Gurbani Emphasizes Main obstacle between ones union with One and Only is ones Haumai One should realize that there is Haumai and one should work on eliminating it by various means Satsang Naam Ardaas Maya does not let you realize this fact that there is Haumai. It can only be realized by SatGurus Kirpa.
  • 6. Haumai From Gurbani 1168 爬爰爬迦┸爬 爬項爬爰 爬伍爬萎┣爬 爬迦┸爬伍┥爬迦┛ 爛 爬項爬爰 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬爰爬爬鉦┣爬 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爰爬爰 爬逗 爬伍┥爬迦┛ 爛ムоゥ O ignorant one, forget your egotistical intellect. Subdue your ego, and contemplate Him in your mind; gather in the virtues of the Sublime, Virtuous God. 943 爬項 爬項 爬爰 爬爰 爬迦┸爬爬項 爬爰爬逗 爛 爬爰爬爬 爬爰爬爰 爬踸爰 爬項爬逗 爛 Eradicating egotism and individualism from within, and erasing duality, the mortal becomes one with God. 853 爬項爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬爰爬項┌爰 爬爰爬爰 爬逗爰 爬爬鉦 爛ム┬爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┛爰 爬 爬爬萎 爬爬 爬爬 爬項┣爬 爬迦┸爬爬鉦 爛 爬爰爬 爬爰 爬伍━爬迦└ 爬爬萎爬鉦┸爰爬 爬逗┥ 爬爬 爬迦┸爬爬項 爬爬鉦 爛 爬逗┬爰 爬爬爰 爬項爬逗 爬爬爬逗┥ 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬逗┯爰 爬爬迦┬ 爬爬 爛 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┛爬爰 爬伍━爬爰 爬項 爬爰爬萎┏爰爬迦 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬鉦 爛ム爛 Through egotism, fascination with Maya has trapped them in duality. It cannot be killed, it does not die, and it cannot be sold in a store.Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, it is burnt away, and then it departs from within .The body and mind become pure, and the Naam, the Name of the God, comes to dwell within the mind.O Nanak, the Shabad is the killer of Maya; the Gurmukh obtains it. ||2||
  • 7. Distinction From One - We see Anek instead of Ek 289 爬踸爰 爬踸爰 爬踸爰 爬項┣爬 爬爬迦┴ 爛 爬爰爬萎┬ 爬爰爬迦┛ 爬萎┣爬項 爬爬萎┃爰 爬迦━爬爬迦┴ 爛 爬爬迦┬爬 爬迦━爬伍┘爬鉦┛ 爬踸 爬逗 爬爬 爛ム踸爰 爬爬萎┥爬迦┸ 爬爬萎┥爬爬 爬爬 爛 爬爬 爬逗┬ 爬爰 爬逗┣爬 爬踸爰 爬爬萎┃爰 爬萎┥爬逗┥ 爛ム爰爬 爬爬萎┯爬鉦┣爬 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爬爰 爬爬鉦┸爬 爛ム爛ムо爛 The One God Himself is the One and Only.The Pervading God is totally permeating all.The many expanses of the creation have all come from the One. Adoring the One, past sins are removed.Mind and body within are imbued with the One God.By Guru's Grace, O Nanak, the One is known. ||8||19|| 988 爬踸爬 爬爬鉦爰 爬爰爰 爬爬 爬爰爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬項爬 爬爬項 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬萎 爛 爬爬伍┘爬鉦┸爬 爬爰 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬爬逗 爬爬 爬爬迦 爬爬迦 爬萎┥爬爰 爬伍┏爬鉦┬爬 爬萎 Out of the same clay, the elephant, the ant, and the many sorts of species are formed. In stationary life forms, moving beings, worms, moths and within each and every heart, the God is contained.
  • 8. Distinction From One We dont see Him acting 463 爬爬爰爬爰爬項 爬爬爰 爬伍┥爬迦爬 爬爬爰爬爰爬項 爬萎┣爬爬 爬爬鉦 爛ム└爰爬爰 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬伍┥爬爰爬 爬爬迦┛ 爬爬伍┌爰 爬迦┸爬爰 爬爬鉦 爛 He Himself created Himself; He Himself assumed His Name. Secondly, He fashioned the creation; seated within His own the creation, He beholds it with delight. 464 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬迦└爬伍 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬伍爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬 爬伍爬 爬伍┥爬萎 爛ム爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬鉦┸爬鉦┸爰 爬爬爬鉦┯爰 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬伍┛爬 爬爬爬鉦┛爰 爛ム爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬逗爬 爬爰爬萎┥爬 爬爬逗爬爬 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬伍┛爬 爬逗爬爬鉦┛爰 爛ム爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬鉦┌爬 爬爰爬爬 爬爰爬爰爬項┌爰 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬伍┛爬 爬迦┴爬爬萎 爛ム爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬迦爬爬伍 爬萎 爬爰 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爰爬 爬爬項┥爬 爛ム爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爰 爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬鉦┬爰 爬爬迦┃爬爬鉦┬爰 爛ム爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬爬爬爰 爬爬鉦┌爰 爬爰爬伍 爬逗┛爰 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬逗┛爬逗 爬爬鉦爰 爛ム┯爬 爬逗爬萎 爬爰爬爬萎┣爬 爬逗爰 爬爬鉦┣爬爬萎 爬爬萎┸爬 爬爬鉦爰 爬爬鉦 爬爬鉦爰 爛ム┬爬鉦┬爬 爬項爬爬爰 爬爰 爬爬迦┛ 爬逗爬爰 爬逗┛爬逗 爬逗┥爬爰 爬逗┥爬爰 爛ム爛 All is in His Power, it is by His doing. Everything is in Your Power, God; You are the all-powerful Creator. Your Name is the Holiest of the Holy. O Nanak, through the Command of His Will, He beholds and pervades the creation; jb audkrK krw krqwrw ] pRjw Drq qb dyh Apwrw ] jb AwkrK krq ho kbhUM ] qum mY imlq dyh Dr sBhUM When He, the Creator, evolved Himself, His creation manifested itself in innumerable forms. When He dissolves the creation, all the physical forms are merged back in Him eyk mUriq Anyk drsn kIn rUp Anyk ] Kyl Kyl AKyl Kyln AMq ko iPir eyk ] 81] You are One Entity, appearing as Many, creating innumerable forms. After playing the world-drama, when You will stop the play, All will be the same Once again.81.
  • 9. Still we have Haumai Why? Our Existence itself is based on I am this knowing is Haumai We have in us Ajoonee we still think we are this body only- Haumai We have in us Nirbhau, NirVair, still live in fear Haumai We are creation of Creator, we still think we are creators Haumai 1263 爬逗┬ 爬迦┴爬 爬爬 爬爬 爬項 爬伍 爬迦 爬逗┥爬伍┥ 爬迦┸爬迦 爬項爬爰 爬爰爬迦┸ 爬爬萎┥爬萎 爛 The soul-bride and the Husband God live together as one, but the hard wall of egotism has come between them 爬爬萎┴爬迦┸ 爬踸爰 爬迦┯爰 爬爬鉦┯爬迦┬ 爬伍爬爬 爬伍爬爬爰 爬爬爬 爬迦┃爬爬鉦┛爰 爛ム爬爬 爬萎┥爬 爬迦━爬爰爬萎┸ 爬爰爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬伍 爬爬迦┸ 爬爬 爬項┏爬鉦┛爰 爛ム爛 It is like the king, who falls asleep upon his throne, and dreams that he is a beggar. His kingdom is intact, but separated from it, he suffers in sorrow. Such is my own condition. ||2|| 657 爬爬 爬項┏ 爬項爬逗 爬逗━ 爬逗 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬爬 爬逗爬項 爬爰 爬爬鉦┨爰 爛 爬爬爬 爬爬爬 爬爰爬伍 爬逗┨爬迦┛ 爬爬 爬爬爬迦┸ 爬爬 爬爰爬逗┸ 爬爬 爬爬鉦爬項 || When I am in my ego, then You are not with me. Now that You are with me, there is no egotism within me.The wind may raise up huge waves in the vast ocean, but they are just water in water. ||1|| 爬伍┛爬爰 爬踸爰 爬爬爰 爬爰 爬伍爬爬爰 爬伍┃ 爬爬 爬爰爰爬爬逗 爬伍爬 爛 爬爬迦┨ 爬萎┣爬逗└爬鉦┯ 爬項┥爬 爬爰 爬爰 爬萎 爬伍┨爬爰 爬項爬 爬伍 爬項爬 爛ム爛ムоゥ The One God is pervading the many forms; He enjoys Himself in all hearts. Says Ravi Daas, the God is nearer than our own hands and feet. Whatever will be, will be. ||4||1||
  • 10. Efforts to Rid Haumai First accept and understand it Exists 827 爬爰 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬爬萎┃ 爬伍┃爰 爬迦爬爰 爬逗爬萎┥ 爛ム爬爰 爬迦┬爬萎爰爬 爬爬爰 爬伍┛爬爰爬 爬爰爬 爬爬萎┸ 爬迦━爬迦 爬伍爬爬爰 爬爰爬萎┥ 爛ムоゥ I am nothing, God; everything is Yours.In this world, You are the absolute, formless God; in the world hereafter, You are the related God of form. You play it both ways, O my God and Master. 1350 爬逗爬爬 爬爬萎┣爬 爬 爬爰爬逗┨爰 爬爬鉦 爛 爬爬鉦┣爬逗爰 爬爬逗 爬爬逗 爬爬迦┨ 爬爬鉦┣爬逗爰 爬爰爬迦┛ 爬萎┣爬項 爬伍┛爬 爬爬鉦爬 爛ムоゥ O people, O Siblings of Destiny, do not wander deluded by doubt.The Creation is in the Creator, and the Creator is in the Creation, totally pervading and permeating all places. 946 (Sidhs) 爬迦爬逗 爬迦爬逗 爬迦━爬迦┸ 爬爬爰 爬爬爬爰 爬爰爬萎爬 爬迦爬逗 爬迦爬逗 爬爰爬迦 爬迦━爬爬迦┯ 爬爬鉦 爛 How, in what way, was the world formed, O man? And what disaster will end it? 爬項爬爰 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬爰 爬爬爬爰 爬爰爬萎爬 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬迦┸爬伍┣爬萎 爬爰爬爰 爬爬鉦 爛 爬爰爬萎┏爰爬迦 爬項爬逗 爬伍 爬迦爬爬爰 爬逗┸爰 爬爰爬爬鉦┛爰 爬項爬爰 爬伍━爬迦└ 爬爬逗┥爬 爛ム┸爬爰 爬爬爰 爬迦┬爬萎┏爬逗 爬迦┬爬萎┏爬 爬爬鉦┌爰 爬伍┥爬爰 爬萎┨爰 爬伍┏爬鉦 爛 In egotism, the world was formed, O man; forgetting the Naam, it suffers and dies.One who becomes Gurmukh contemplates the essence of spiritual wisdom; through the Shabad, he burns away his egotism.His body and mind become immaculate, through the Immaculate Bani of the Word. He remains absorbed in Truth.
  • 11. Efforts but difficult Lifes basis and formation is based on haumai if you just understand what it is and accept it you are on the path 466 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬爬 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬爬 爛ム┨爬 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爰 爬迦┏爬 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爰爬 爛 In ego they come, and in ego they go.In ego they are born, and in ego they die. 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬迦└爬逗┥ 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬逗爬 爛 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬迦爬 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬爬 爛 In ego they give, and in ego they take.In ego they earn, and in ego they lose. 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬伍┣爬爬爬萎 爬爰爬迦┸爬爬萎 爛ム┨爬 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬鉦┴ 爬爰爰 爬 爬逗爬爬鉦┛爰 爛 In ego they become truthful or false.In ego they reflect on virtue and sin. 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬萎┣爬 爬伍爬萎┣爬 爬爬逗┸爬鉦┛爰 爛 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬項┯爰 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬萎爬逗 爛 In ego they go to heaven or hell.In ego they laugh, and in ego they weep. 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬萎爬 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬逗爬逗 爛ム┨爬 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬迦爬爬伍 爬爰爬逗 爛 In ego they become dirty, and are washed clean. In ego they lose social status and class. 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爰爬萎爰 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬迦┯爬爬爬 爛ム┏爰爬 爬爰爬爬迦┸ 爬爰 爬伍┥爬 爬 爬爬鉦┌爬 爛 In ego they are ignorant, and are wise. They do not know the value of salvation and liberation. 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬鉦爬 爬項 爬迦┸爬迦 爬爬鉦爬 爛ム┨爬爬爰 爬爬迦┛ 爬爬迦┛ 爬爰 爬 爬爬爬鉦爬 爛 In ego they love Maya, and in ego are kept in darkness by it. Living in ego,mortal beings are created. 爬項爬爰 爬爰爬爰 爬逗┥ 爬爬萎 爬伍爬爰 爛 When one understands ego, then the God's gate is known.
  • 12. Efforts but traps We do deeds but without realizing anything, without seeing reality. And we get more and more trapped in Haumai. 1004 爬項 爬項 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬爬鉦┌爰 爛 爬逗 爬逗 爬爰 爬 爬爬逗┥爬爰 爛 All the deeds done in egotism,are just chains around the neck. 爬爰爬萎 爬爰爬萎 爬逗┥爬萎 爛 爬爬項┥ 爬爰爬迦┛ 爬逗爬項┥爬萎 爛 Harboring self-conceit and self-interest is just like placing chains around one's ankles. 400 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬逗爬萎┥ 爬爬鉦┬爬逗┥ 爬逗━ 爬項 爬逗 爬爰 爬逗┥ 爛 爬爰爬迦┛ 爬爬鉦爰 爬爬迦爬爬爬逗┥ 爬逗━ 爬爰爬爬爰 爬爰 爬逗┥ 爛ム爛 He is concerned with 'mine and yours', and so he is held in bondage. When the Guru dispelled my ignorance, then the noose of death was cut away from my neck. ||2||
  • 13. See Haumai 1358 爬項 爬爬爬 爬爬萎┌ 爬爰爬逗 爬爬項 爬爬鉦┛爰 爬爬鉦┴爬鉦┸爬爬 爛 O egotism, you are the root of birth and death and the cycle of reincarnation; you are the very source of sin. 爬迦┏爬逗┛爰 爬逗爰 爬迦┸ 爬伍┸爬萎 爬迦└爬萎┸爰 爬迦┸ 爬爬迦┬爬 爬爬鉦┓爬 爬迦━爬伍┐爰爬萎┬爬 爛 You forsake friends, and hold tight to enemies. You spread out countless illusions of Maya. 爬爬逗 爬 爬爬鉦┸爰 爬 爬ム爰 爬 爬爰爬 爬爰爬 爬伍爬 爬爬項 爬爰爬爬爬 爛 You cause the living beings to come and go until they are exhausted. You lead them to experience pain and pleasure. 爬爬萎┏ 爬爬爬鉦┬ 爬爬迦└爬爬 爬萎┏爬爰 爬爬項┥ 爬迦━爬爬 爬爬伍┥爬 爬萎爬爬爬 爛 You lead them to wander lost in the terrible wilderness of doubt; you lead them to contract the most horrible, incurable diseases. 爬爰爬爰爰爰 爬爬鉦┛爬爬萎┨爬 爬爬萎┏爰爬伍┻爬 爬爬萎┥爬迦┸ 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬項┣爬 爬項┣爬 爬項┛爰 爛ム爰爛 The only Physician is the Supreme God, the Transcendent God. Nanak worships and adores the God, Har, Har, Haray. ||49||
  • 14. Once you start to see Haumai 776 爬爬鉦┛爰爬迦┨爬伍 爬逗 爬爬 爬項爬爰 爬迦━爬迦爬 爬迦爬迦┬ 爬項┣爬 爬爬萎┃ 爬迦┏爬逗┌ 爬 爬迦└爬逗爬 爛 爬爰爬 爬爰 爬爬 爬逗 爬逗 爬爰爬 爬爬迦┬ 爬項爬爰 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬迦┸爬爰爬逗爬 爛 爬爰爬項 爬爬鉦爬 爬逗 爬伍┃ 爬爬鉦┸爬爬 爬爬迦┬ 爬爬爬爰爬迦 爬爰爬迦┸ 爬伍爰爬逗爬 爛 爬爬 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爰爬萎┏爰爬迦 爬爬爬萎 爬爰爬 爬伍━爬爰 爬項爬爰 爬爰爬爰爬 爛ムоゥ Eradicate the poison of egotism, O human being; it is holding you back from meeting your God. This golden-colored body has been disfigured and ruined by egotism. Attachment to Maya is total darkness; this foolish, self-willed manmukh is attached to it.O servant Nanak, the Gurmukh is saved; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he is released from egotism. ||1|| 235 爬爬 爬爬迦┬ 爬爬爰爬爰 爬爬爬爰 爬逗┥爬萎 爛 爬逗━ 爬爬 爬爬 爬項 爬爰爬伍爬逗 爬爬鉦┛爰 爛 爬爬 爬爬迦┬ 爬爬萎┌爰爬項┥爬萎 爬爬爬鉦┸爬 爛ム┸爬 爬爬 爬爰 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬迦爬爰 爬逗┥爬逗┥ 爛ム爛 When he clings to 'my own, my own', then he is in deep trouble. But when he recognizes the Creator God, then he is free of torment. ||3|| 爬項爬爰 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬伍└爬 爬伍爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬爰爬項 爬爰爬爬鉦┸爬迦┌爬 爛ムоゥ Subduing your ego, you shall find a lasting peace, and your emotional attachment to Maya will be dispelled. ||1||
  • 16. SatSangat in presence of One 72 爬伍┸爬伍 爬爬迦┸ 爬爰爬伍 爬爬鉦┌爰爬 爛 爬迦爬ム 爬踸爰 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬逗爬鉦┌爰爬 爛ム踸爰 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬項爬爬爰 爬項 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬伍┣爬逗爰爬迦┛ 爬爰爬 爬爰爬爬鉦 爬爰爬 爛 How is the Society of the Saints to be known?There, the Name of the One God is chanted.The One Name is the God's Command; O Nanak, the True Guru has given me this understanding. ||5|| 639 爬迦┏爬迦┸ 爬伍 爬 爬伍┃爬 爬爬爰 爬爬鉦爬爰爬 爬爬鉦 爬項┣爬 爬爰 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬迦┬爬逗┥爬伍 爛 爬迦┏爬爰 爬爰 爬逗爬萎┥ 爬爬迦爬爬爬逗┥ 爬爬鉦 爬爬爬 爬項爬逗 爬爬萎爬鉦┯爰 Joining the Society of the Saints, cleanse your mind, and dwell in the Name of the God.The darkness of ignorance shall be dispelled, O Siblings of Destiny, and the lotus of your heart shall blossom forth. 10 爬逗┬爰 爬逗 爬爰 爬伍┸爬伍 爬爬迦┸ 爬迦爬逗 爬項┣爬 爬萎┯爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬迦┏爬迦┸ 爬爬 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬爬萎爬鉦┣爬 爛ム爛ム爛 Blessed, blessed is the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation, where the God's Essence is obtained. Meeting with His humble servant, O Nanak, the Light of the Naam shines forth. ||4||4|| 182 爬爬 爬逗 爬萎┥爬爰 爬爬鉦┴爰 爬 爬爬鉦 爛 爬爬 爬逗 爬萎┥爬爰 爬爰爬逗 爬 爬爬鉦 爛ム└爬萎┣爬 爬迦┯爬爬爬 爬爬 爬爬 爬萎┨爬逗 爛ム┯爬鉦┸爬伍 爬迦 爬爬 爬爰爬伍 爬逗┣爬 爬項爬逗 爛ム爛 Our mothers and fathers cannot save us from them;friends and brothers cannot protect us from them - they cannot be restrained by wealth or cleverness.Only through the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, can those villains be brought under control. ||3||
  • 17. Elimination of Ego - Naam 853 爬項爬爰 爬爬鉦爬 爬爰爬項┌爰 爬爰爬爰 爬逗爰 爬爬鉦 爛 爬爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┛爰 爬 爬爬萎 爬爬 爬爬 爬項┣爬 爬迦┸爬爬鉦 爛 爬爰爬 爬爰 爬伍━爬迦└ 爬爬萎爬鉦┸爰爬 爬逗┥ 爬爬 爬迦┸爬爬項 爬爬鉦 爛ム┸爬爰 爬爬爰 爬項爬逗 爬爬爬逗┥ 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬逗┯爰 爬爬迦┬ 爬爬 爛 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬 爬爬鉦┛爬爰 爬伍━爬爰 爬項 爬爰爬萎┏爰爬迦 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬鉦 爛ム爛 Through egotism, fascination with Maya has trapped them in duality.It cannot be killed, it does not die, and it cannot be sold in a store. Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, it is burnt away, and then it departs from within The body and mind become pure, and the Naam, the Name of the God, comes to dwell within the mind.O Nanak, the Shabad is the killer of Maya; the Gurmukh obtains it. ||2|| 502 爬爬項 爬爰爬迦┸ 爬爬項 爬伍爬 爬爬鉦爬 爬爬項┥ 爬爰爬萎 爬萎爬爰 爛 爬項┣爬 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬爬爬爬逗 爬爰爬迦┛ 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬爰爬爰 爬爬萎┌ 爬爬鉦┛爬 爬爰爬爰 爛ムоゥ Intellectual egotism and great love for Maya are the most serious chronic diseases. The God's Name is the medicine, which is potent to cure everything. The Guru has given me the Naam, the Name of the God. ||1||
  • 18. Elimination of Ego - Naam 673 爬迦爬迦┬ 爬爰爬爰 爬逗┣爬 爬爬爰爬爰 爬逗┛爰 爬爰爬 爬爬逗┌ 爬爬逗爬 爬伍 爬伍┥爬萎┥ 爛 爬爬 爬爬伍┬爬鉦┬ 爬逗┥爬 爬ム┥爬 爬爰 爬逗 爬迦爬 爬爬項 爬爰 爬逗 爬迦┸爬爬鉦┛爬 爛ムоゥ She controls the three qualities and the four directions of the world.She destroys sacrificial feasts, cleansing baths, penances and sacred places of pilgrimage; what is this poor person to do? ||1|| 爬爬萎┃ 爬爰 爬爬 爬爬項 爬逗 爬爰爬爰 爛 爬伍┥爬 爬爬萎┯爬鉦┣爬 爬項┣爬 爬項┣爬 爬項┣爬 爬爬鉦 爬迦━爬爰 爬迦━爬爬迦┸ 爬逗━ 爬項爬爰 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛 I grasped God's Support and Protection, and then I was emancipated. By the Grace of the Holy Saints, I sang the Praises of the God, Har, Har, Har, and my sins and afflictions were taken away. ||1||Pause|| Live in Shukar; 爬伍 爬逗┨爰 爬萎┥爬 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬迦┬爬伍┸爬萎爬 爛 爬爬爬 爬爰爬爬 爬項┣爬 爬項┣爬 爬迦┸爬爬爬 爬爬爬迦└爬爰 爬伍爬迦爬萎┸爰 爬爬萎爬 爛ムоゥ O Saints, salvation comes from the God's Name.While standing up and sitting down, meditate on the God's Name. Night and day, do good deeds. ||1||Pause||
  • 19. Elimination of Ego - Ardaas 735 爬爰 爬逗┥爬爰 爬爰爬爬鉦┌爰 爬逗爬項 爬爰爬萎 爬伍爬爬爰 爬爰 爬逗爬逗 爬爬爰 爬爬萎└爬鉦┣爬 爛 爬爰 爬項爬萎 爬ム┥爬 爬爬鉦┨爰 爬迦爬伍 爬爬迦┨ 爬爬萎 爬爰爬爰 爬逗 爬爰爬萎┥ 爬爰爬爰 爬伍爬爰 爬逗爬 爬項 爬爬鉦┣爬 爛ム爛 You alone are my strength, and my Court, O my God and Master; unto You alone I pray. There is no other place where I can offer my prayers; I can tell my pains and pleasures only to You. ||2|| 421 爬爬鉦┬爬 爬爰 爬爬萎└爬鉦┣爬 爬項 爬伍 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬伍爬項爬逗┥ 爛 爬爬爰 爬爬爬 爬伍爬爰 爬爬 爬爰爬 爬伍━爬爰 爬爰爬逗┥ 爛ムоゥ This is Nanak's prayer, that he may be adorned with the True Name.When self-conceit is eradicated, and understanding is obtained, one meets the God, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||1||Pause|| 39 爬爰爬萎 爬伍┣爬逗爰爬萎┥ 爬爰 爬逗爬 爬迦━爬爰 爬爬逗┛爰 爬 爬爰爬 爛 爬項┏ 爬爰爬萎 爬爰爬爬 爬伍┛爬爬鉦爬逗 爬爬迦┛ 爬迦爬萎┴爬 爬爰爬逗 爬項┣爬 爬伍爬 爛ムоゥ Mere sa畊igur mai 畊uj畉 bin avar na koe. O my True Guru, without You I have no other at all. I am foolish and ignorant; I seek Your Sanctuary. Please be Merciful and unite me with the God.
  • 20. Ardaas Learning to give your Self Appa out; Leave it to Him, Can you do it in True Sense; Like Bhagat Namdev: 1292 爬爰 爬爬 爬逗爰 爬 爬迦━爬伍┥爬迦┛ 爬逗 爬 爬迦━爬伍┥爬迦┛ 爛 爬逗 爬 爬迦━爬伍┥爬萎 爬萎┥爬爬爬 爛ムоゥ 爬萎┨爬鉦 爛 爬爬逗┥爬逗 爬逗 爬爬項 爬爬萎┏爰 爬爰 爬項 爬爰爬 爬爬爬迦┛ 爬伍┃ 爬爰爬迦┴爬逗┥ 爛 爬伍爬爰 爬伍爬爰 爬爬迦┛ 爬爬鉦┣爬 爬爬爬鉦爬 爬爬項┥ 爬爬萎 爬爬鉦┴ 爬爰爬爰爬逗┥ 爛ムоゥ 爬爰爬 爬項爬 爬爬 爬爰爬爬迦┸ 爬爰爬項爬爰 爬爰爬爬迦┸ 爬 爬爬鉦┬爰 爬爰爬爬逗┥ 爛 爬 爬爰 爬逗爬 爬爰 爬爬 爬∇爬 爬爬項┸ 爬逗爬萎 爬爰爬 爬迦┴爬爰 爬爬逗 爬項爬爬逗┥ 爛ム爛 爬逗 爬爰 爬爬爬爬逗 爬迦爬萎┴爬鉦┸爰 爬爬項爬爬逗 爬項爬 爬爬迦┸爬爰爬 爬爬爬 爬爬爬鉦┛爬逗┥ 爛 爬爰爬迦┛ 爬爰爬 爬爰爬項爬萎┥ 爬爬鉦┏爰 爬爬 爬爰 爬逗爬爬 爬爬 爬迦┴爬爬逗┥爬萎┸爬 爛ム爛ム爛 Please do not forget me; please do not forget me, please do not forget me, O God. ||1||Pause|| The temple priests have doubts about this, and everyone is furious with me.Calling me low-caste and untouchable, they beat me and drove me out; what should I do now, O Beloved Father God? ||1|| If You liberate me after I am dead, no one will know that I am liberated.These Pandits, these religious scholars, call me low-born; when they say this, they tarnish Your honor as well. ||2|| You are called kind and compassionate; the power of Your Arm is absolutely unrivalled.The God turned the temple around to face Naam Dayv; He turned His back on the Brahmins. ||3||2||
  • 21. Haumai - Summary Haumai: Based on Gurbani essence and other latest publishing's from spiritual studies Haumai is when one distinguishes oneself from the One Gurbani Emphasizes Main obstacle between ones union with One and Only is ones Haumai One should realize that there is Haumai and one should work on eliminating it by various means Satsang Naam Ardaas Maya does not let you realize this fact that there is Haumai. It can only be realized by SatGurus Kirpa.