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City of Calgary
Assessments Business Unit
Calgary, one of Canadas fastest growing cities, has a population
of over 860,000. Located at the very edge of the high plains, where
they rise into the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Calgary covers
over 700 square kilometers.
The City of Calgary Assessment Business Unit establishes prop-
erty values to accurately calculate property taxes incorporating mill
rates. As Calgary grows, the task of the Assessments department
becomes more and more challenging.
The Challenge
The City of Calgary implemented an annual Market Assessment
for all property types in 1999, as required by the Government of
Alberta. As part of the annual reassessment process, the Citys
Assessment Business Unit had to update all records it had on Cal-
gary properties to ensure property taxes were fair and equitable.
The Assessment Busines Units method of performing a massive
customer survey in the past was very expensive and labor
intensive. The traditional approach did not facilitate the re-using of
tools, the flexibility of designing forms or rule-based data
validation, and capitalization of web technology.
Seward Consulting Ltd.
The estimated cost using the traditional approach is roughly $300,000
in one year. Compared to the cost of the electronic survey  , the cost sav-
ings is $200,000 and the time savings is 9 months.
Martin Wong
Project Manager
City of Calgary
Assessment Business Unit
The entire project cycle executed in less than four months with excellent
returns of quality data and investment in technology. The percentage of
new data gathered well justifies the project.
The Solution
The Assessment Business Unit found that Cardiff TELEform
OpenText LiveLink were the only combination of products that accu-
rately addressed their need to automate data entry and manage the
return document workflow.
Seward Consulting Ltd. utilized TELEform
Enterprise with e-Forms
Warehouse for LiveLink, AVT RightFax, and an array of Fujitsu pro-
duction scanners to provide a complete solution for the Assessment
Business Unit.
Using TELEform
, a survey for condominium owners was developed
to confirm the features of their homes. The pilot project consisted of
over 43,500 surveys. Homeowners completed the survey and returned
it by either mail or by fax.
The Results
The Assessment Business Unit realized substantial benefits immedi-
ately following the implementation of the TELEform
solution. After
receiving approximately 75% of the 43,500 home owners survey, the
department saved $200,000 and increased turn around time by 9
months. Martin Wong acknowledges, The tangible benefits will be the
additional revenues  generated from the collected data.
Since it is an automated tool, it is repeatable with little delta cost. The
saving per property will increase. states Wong.
Automated Data Collection
1103, 10080 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton AB Canada T5J 1V9
Tel (780) 448-0745 Fax (780) 425-0465
Martin Wong
Project Manager
City Of Calgary
Assessment Business Unit

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Calgary case study

  • 1. City of Calgary Assessments Business Unit Calgary, one of Canadas fastest growing cities, has a population of over 860,000. Located at the very edge of the high plains, where they rise into the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, Calgary covers over 700 square kilometers. The City of Calgary Assessment Business Unit establishes prop- erty values to accurately calculate property taxes incorporating mill rates. As Calgary grows, the task of the Assessments department becomes more and more challenging. The Challenge The City of Calgary implemented an annual Market Assessment for all property types in 1999, as required by the Government of Alberta. As part of the annual reassessment process, the Citys Assessment Business Unit had to update all records it had on Cal- gary properties to ensure property taxes were fair and equitable. The Assessment Busines Units method of performing a massive customer survey in the past was very expensive and labor intensive. The traditional approach did not facilitate the re-using of tools, the flexibility of designing forms or rule-based data validation, and capitalization of web technology. Government / Seward Consulting Ltd. The estimated cost using the traditional approach is roughly $300,000 in one year. Compared to the cost of the electronic survey , the cost sav- ings is $200,000 and the time savings is 9 months. Martin Wong Project Manager City of Calgary Assessment Business Unit
  • 2. The entire project cycle executed in less than four months with excellent returns of quality data and investment in technology. The percentage of new data gathered well justifies the project. The Solution The Assessment Business Unit found that Cardiff TELEform and OpenText LiveLink were the only combination of products that accu- rately addressed their need to automate data entry and manage the return document workflow. Seward Consulting Ltd. utilized TELEform Enterprise with e-Forms Warehouse for LiveLink, AVT RightFax, and an array of Fujitsu pro- duction scanners to provide a complete solution for the Assessment Business Unit. Using TELEform , a survey for condominium owners was developed to confirm the features of their homes. The pilot project consisted of over 43,500 surveys. Homeowners completed the survey and returned it by either mail or by fax. The Results The Assessment Business Unit realized substantial benefits immedi- ately following the implementation of the TELEform solution. After receiving approximately 75% of the 43,500 home owners survey, the department saved $200,000 and increased turn around time by 9 months. Martin Wong acknowledges, The tangible benefits will be the additional revenues generated from the collected data. Since it is an automated tool, it is repeatable with little delta cost. The saving per property will increase. states Wong. Automated Data Collection 1103, 10080 Jasper Avenue Edmonton AB Canada T5J 1V9 Tel (780) 448-0745 Fax (780) 425-0465 www.sewardconsulting.com Government Martin Wong Project Manager City Of Calgary Assessment Business Unit