The document discusses various ways to express dates in English including:
1) Writing out dates as "October first, twenty twelve" or using numeric formats like "1/10/12" or "10/1/12".
2) Expressing years as "eighteen hundred and seven" or "two thousand and one".
3) Referring to decades as being "in the 1950's" or "in the late 1970's". Centuries can be referred to as the "20th century" or "21st century".
4) The abbreviations AD, BC, CE and BCE are used to denote dates in the common era or before the common era.
2. Dates
1st October 2012 / 1 October 2012
the first of October twenty twelve
(two thousand and twelve)
Everyday English by Inka Vilén 2012
3. Dates
October 1, 2012
October the first, twenty twelve
I was born on the 1st of October.
Everyday English by Inka Vilén 2012
4. Date 1.10.2012
1/10/12 (Bri)
10/1/12 (Am)
Everyday English by Inka Vilén 2012
5. Years
1807 eighteen hundred and seven
eighteen oh seven
2001 two thousand and one
twenty oh one
2010 two thousand and ten
twenty ten
Everyday English by Inka Vilén 2012
7. Decades
in 1950's
in the early 1960's
in the late 1970's (70s)
in the middle of the 1980's
in the mid-1980's
in the last two decades
in his fourties
Everyday English by Inka Vilén 2012
8. Centuries
1900-luku 20th century
2000-luku 21st century
Everyday English by Inka Vilén 2012
9. AD vs. BC
AD Anno Domini
BC Before Christ
CE common era
BCE before common era
Everyday English by Inka Vilén 2012