This document provides an overview of Portuguese pronunciation rules:
1. Words ending in a single vowel (a, e, o) or those same vowels followed by s, m, or ns stress the second-to-last syllable.
2. Words ending in consonants (except m or s), words ending in i or u, or those endings followed by s, m, or ns stress the last syllable.
3. Words ending in diphthongs (two vowels together) or diphthongs followed by s stress the last syllable.
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Li??o n?1
1. Li??o n?1 (Lesson1)
1- Alfabeto (Alphabet)
B ¨C b¨º
C ¨C c¨º
D ¨C d¨º
F ¨C ¨¦fe
G ¨C g¨º
H ¨C ag¨¢
J ¨C jota
L ¨C ¨¦le
M ¨C ¨¦me
N ¨C ¨¦ne
P ¨C p¨º
Q ¨C qu¨º
R ¨C ¨¦rre
S ¨C ¨¦sse
T ¨C t¨º
V ¨C v¨º
X ¨C xis
Z ¨C z¨º
K, W, Y ¨C (kapa, duplo v¨º, i grego)
Used only in internationally known symbols/abbreviations and
when a foreign word is adopted.
2. Dicas(hints)
. N?o h¨¢ nenhum ph?, s¨® f?s.
. ?nicas letras repetidas: rr, ss,(c?).
. As letras do alfabeto s?o masculinas.
Ex: o ¨¦fe mai¨²sculo (the capital f)
o x min¨²sculo (the small x).
2- Express?es comuns
Thank you
How do you say_________?
How do you spell_________?
(it is implied if you do not fill in the blank)
I don¡¯t understand
Would you mind saying that again?
Say that again
Slower, please.
Very Good.
Obrigado(a); Como ¨¦ que se escreve_____?; O qu¨º?; Por favor;
Repete; Muito bem; Como ¨¦ que se diz_______?; N?o; Sim; N?o
percebo; Importa-se de repetir?; Mais devagar, se faz o favor.
3. 3- Cumprimentos (greetings)
Bom dia
Boa tarde
Boa noite
At¨¦ ¨¤ pr¨®xima
At¨¦ j¨¢
At¨¦ logo
Good Bye; Good day; See you next time; Hello; Good afternoon;
See you later; Good Night; See you soon.
4- Artigo definido (g¨¦nero) (definite article ¨C gender)
There are two genders in Portuguese: masculine and feminine.
These words themselves frequently indicate their gender; words
ending in ¨Ca are generally female, those ending in ¨Co or ¨Cu
generally male. Other endings are not as explicit. The gender of
some words is straightforward, but of many others is more
. o homem ¨C the man (masc)
. o telefone ¨C the telephone (masc)
The definite article (the in english) will agree in gender with its
noun. For this reason, it is helpful to think of each noun as a unit
with its corresponding definite article.
. a ¨C feminine singular
. o ¨C masculine singular
Many adjectives will also have fem. And masc. forms. The gender
of the adjective must match that of the noun.
. a caneta barata
. a mulher bonita
. o telefone barato
. o homem bonito
4. Li??o n?2 (Lesson 2)
Stress the second-to-last syllable for:
Words ending in the single vowels a,e,or o.
Words ending in the single vowels a,e, or o, followed by
s,m,or ns.
Stress the last syllable for:
Words ending in consonants (except m or s).
Words ending in the single vowels i or u.
Words ending in i or u followed by s,m,or ns.
Words ending in dipthongs (two vowels together)
Words ending in dipthongs followed by s.