Site preparation work will soon begin for the new Comox Valley Hospital, including construction fencing, clearing land, and planting over 1,000 trees. Community information meetings provided updates on the project and addressed concerns from the neighboring Queneesh Elementary School. Initial site preparation for the new Campbell River Hospital, scheduled to begin in March, will include building a temporary parking lot and deconstructing part of the existing facility. Progress is being made on multiple fronts for the two new hospitals, including awarding site preparation contracts, consulting with user groups, and planning for business engagement events.
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NIHP Newsletter, Volume 1-1
1. Project update
describing Chief Project
picture or Officer Tom
graphic. Sparrow, left,
upcoming site
work for the
new Comox
Valley Hospital
at a
January 30 at
Comox Valley site preparation work to begin shortly
With site preparation work soon to be Site preparation work will include the area will remain open until
underway on the new Comox Valley construction fencing, clearing and some hospital construction, which is
Hospital site, members of the North landscaping of the 13.5-acre property. scheduled to begin in spring 2014.
Island Hospitals Project team hosted Trees will be harvested to make way for The NIHP team has established a
two community-based information construction of the $334 million, 153- School Advisory Committee including
meetings the last week of January in bed, state-of-the-art hospital. representatives from Queneesh
Courtenay. An extensive landscaping effort will see Elementary School administration,
The information meetings took place at more than 1,000 trees planted on the the schools Parent Advisory Council
Queneesh Elementary School on hospital site including Douglas fir, Sitka (PAC) and School District 71 to
January 30th next to the new spruce, Western Red cedar, hemlock, address concerns including the
hospital site and at the Florence pine and Dogwood. safety of students and staff during
Filberg Centre on January 31st. Pedestrian routes and playing fields in construction.
Campbell River Hospital public info meeting coming
The next quarterly community
information meeting will be held in
Campbell River this month to provide an
update on the project and the site
preparation work which will be
commencing soon.
The meeting takes place from 7-9 p.m.,
Thursday, February 21 , at the Maritime
Heritage Centre. Key VIHA project staff
will be on hand to provide information
and answer questions.
Campbell River Hospital site preparation
work is expected to begin as early as
March 2013 for the new $266 million,
Continued on page 2
Volume 1, Issue 1
2. VIHAs Project
Manager Ray
Hunt, of
Planning and
discusses site
work with
contractors at
the Campbell
River Hospital
From page 1 eliminated during construction. A establishment of a project
95-bed hospital. Construction of the section of the Sunshine Wellness management office and
new hospital will take place on the Centre will be deconstructed to deconstruction of the Community
same property, south of the existing make way for a new ambulance Care Building on Birch Street.
facility. Initial site preparation work entrance. This will bring changes to The site preparation work is slated for
will include construction of a traffic flow at the main hospital completion by the end of November.
nd st
temporary parking lot to replace entrance on 2 Avenue. Additional Come out to our February 21
existing spaces that will be work will include fencing, meeting to learn more.
Progress continuing on multiple fronts
The hospital's
Building two new state-of-the-art their respective working planning is
hospitals totaling $600 million is an relationships in anticipation of progressing very well.
extremely complex process filled with the huge amount of interaction
a multitude of activities and timelines. that will be required for complex There have been
Some of the most recent milestones construction projects of this some challenges but I
and upcoming events include: size.
The latest version of the Planning is underway for
continue to see
Functional Program which business-to-business meetings significant
explains in detail how health between project proponents and improvement as we
care programs will be delivered members of the local business
in the new hospitals has been communities. The events are move forward. We are
forwarded to the provincial expected to take place in both incorporating
government for review. communities in late spring/early
Consultations with user groups summer.
will continue during the next The Vancouver Island Health design and innovation
month. Authority Board of Directors in all areas of health
Leighton Contracting (2009) Ltd. received a presentation from
of Courtenay was awarded the VIHA President and CEO care delivery.
contract for site preparation Howard Waldner on the status
work at the new Comox Valley of the Project at its public
Hospital site. General Meeting in Courtenay
- Dr. Jeff Beselt,
Caption describing picture or graphic.
Members of the North Island on January 31st. Campbell River
Hospitals Project Team held And thats just scratching the surface! Chief of Medical
meetings with staff from the City To learn more please visit the North
of Courtenay and the City of Island Hospitals Project page at Staff
Campbell River to coordinate
Volume 1, Issue 1
Page 2