This document summarizes 11 propositions that will be on the November 6, 2012 ballot in California. It describes what a vote for or against each proposition would mean in terms of policy changes and fiscal impacts. The propositions address issues like taxes, the state budget, criminal justice, redistricting, and regulations. Voters will decide these proposed amendments and laws in the upcoming election.
2. What is a Proposition?
Propositions, or ballot measures, are
constitutional amendments, bond
measures, and proposed changes in law
Put on ballot either by legislature...
...or by California voter initiative process
3. Initiative Process
People of California can propose laws,
constitutional amendments, or both
Adopted in 1911
regular laws require 504,760 signatures
amendments require 807,615 signatures
4. Initiative Steps
1. Write the text of law
2. Submit to Attorney General for title/
summary/鍖scal estimate (plus $200)
3. Circulate petitions and gather signatures
4. Turn in signatures, which are veri鍖ed
5. Rejected or goes on ballot
5. 11 Propositions
4 on taxes and budget
30, 31, 38, 39
3 on law enforcement
34, 35, 36
2 on politics
32, 40
2 on regulation
33, 37
30.Temporary Taxes to Fund Education.
Guaranteed Local Public Safety Funding.
31.State Budget. State and Local Government.
32.Political Contributions by Payroll
Deduction. Contributions to Candidates.
33.Auto Insurance Companies. Prices Based on
Drivers History of Insurance Coverage.
38.Tax to Fund Education and Early Childhood
39.Tax Treatment for Multistate Businesses.
Clean Energy and Energy Ef鍖ciency Funding.
40.Redistricting. State Senate Districts.
9. PROP 30
Jerry Browns Tax Increase
YES means: NO means:
4 year sales tax increase spending reductions,
and 7 year personal primarily to education
income tax increase on
$5.3 billion cut in K-12
high-income taxpayers
and community college
$150 CSU tuition
increase next semester
10. PROP 31
Two-Year Budget Cycle
YES means: NO means:
2-year budget cycle no change in legislative
or budgeting system
expenditures above $25
million must be offset
with revenue or cuts
Governor can
unilaterally cut budget
11. PROP 32
Paycheck Protection
YES means: NO means:
unions and corporations no change in existing
cannot use paycheck laws and practices
deductions for political EITHER WAY:
non-paycheck union/corporate
more campaign 鍖nance funds can be used politically via
restrictions: unions/corps independent expenditures
cant donate to candidates
12. PROP 33
Auto Insurance Persistency Discounts
YES means: NO means:
insurance companies can insurers cannot take
increase costs to drivers coverage lapses into
who have coverage lapse account for premiums,
nor offer discounts to
proportional discounts
drivers with prior
to drivers with prior
insurance coverage
13. PROP 34
End the Death Penalty
YES means: NO means:
no offender can be max sentence still would
sentenced to death by be death penalty
state law (retroactive)
those on death row stay
max sentence would be on death row
life without parole
no required grants to
$100 million in grants to local law enforcement
local law enforcement
14. PROP 35
Ban Human Traf鍖cking and Sex Slavery
YES means: NO means:
longer prison sentences existing penalties on
and larger 鍖nes for human traf鍖cking stay in
human traf鍖cking effect
sex traf鍖ckers register as
sex offenders
sex offenders must
disclose online accounts
15. PROP 36
Change Three-Strikes Law
YES means: NO means:
25-to-life sentencing on nothing changes:
third strike felony only offenders with 2 prior
if new felony is serious serious or violent felony
or violent convictions could receive
life sentence with any
allows for resentencing
new felony
same for some (e.g. for
murder/rape felons)
16. PROP 37
Label Genetically Engineered Food
YES means: NO means:
genetically engineered genetically engineered
food, raw or processed, food sold in California
must be labeled would not have labeling
cannot refer to that food
as natural
some exceptions
17. PROP 38
Molly Munger's Tax Increase
YES means: NO means:
increases income tax on does not change taxes
sliding scale starting at
$7,316 for 12 years
strict allocation of raised
revenue (mainly K-12)
CSUs still could be cut
$250 million, tuition up
18. PROP 39
Tax Increase for Multistate Business
YES means: NO means:
multistate businesses multistate businesses can
must base CA income continue to choose
tax liability on % of sales between two CA income
in California tax liability calculations &
creates Clean Energy Job select the more
Creation Fund: to support advantageous liability
energy ef鍖ciency projects &
expand alternative energy
19. PROP 40
Referendum on State Senate Districts
YES means: NO means:
approve and keep the California Supreme
state Senate districts Court appoints special
drawn by the Citizens masters (e.g. retired
Redistricting judges) to redraw state
Commission Senate districts
20. Election Dates
October 22: Last day to register
October 30: Last day to request absentee
November 6: Election day! 7am to 8pm.