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Organization / Workplace
Calaca, Batangas
=aBout mE=-
i Know sOme pEople jUdge me the way i talK aNd d way i mOved BUt iTs Ok,, i CaNt Please eVeryBodY tO lIke aS i wanT aNd tHe most ImpOrtaNt "I KNOW IM NOT PERFECT"
dEsCribNg mHy seLf iF dIffiCulT fOr mHe bUt irr it gOes
♥i guess we Can sTart bY saYing iM an extRaordinaRY giRl tHat is saTisfIed wiTh My life ♥
♥I love a man although he alridy hurt me♥
♥i can easily ContEnted for what i HAve♥
♥Im lOviNg to live,, wHile iM livIng tO love♥
♥iM sTill a lIttLe dReaMer♥
♥i Love meetIng nEw fwEnds♥
♥bUt i kNow hOw tO kiP a LoyaL nD tRuE fWendShip tIll The lasT♥
♥iM vEry OptImistIc♥
♥i tRy nOt tO caRE wHat peOple tHink aNd say abOut Me s
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