The document discusses the potential for STEM education to go beyond traditional silos and incorporate other disciplines through a "STEM+" approach. It provides examples of how dance and robotics could be combined to teach about heart development, and emphasizes interdisciplinarity, challenges, computational thinking, and redesigning learning spaces and experiences. The document advocates extending STEM to engage more inclusive, metaphorical, critical, creative and social/cultural dimensions of human activities.
Teachers today must prepare students for an uncertain future with challenges like climate change, terrorism, and advanced technology. Effective 21st century teachers employ constructivist and social constructivist techniques that engage students in hands-on, collaborative learning using real-world problems. They also model desired behaviors and guide students to find answers themselves rather than just receiving information. Above all, modern teachers must be flexible, adaptive, and ready to facilitate learning environments that evolve with changing technologies and student needs.
what is education Essay
Education Reflection Paper
Essay on The Future of Education
Inclusive Education Essay
Eassy on Education
Bell Hookss Education
Disadvantages Of Coeducation
Disadvantages Of Co-Education
Essay on Education: Causes & Effects
1) The document discusses the introduction of a national curriculum in Australia and the changes this will bring to the education system.
2) It notes concerns about increased teaching hours reducing time for other subjects and potentially overwhelming students.
3) However, it also points out advantages like allowing schools more flexibility in implementation and a smoother transition for students between states.
The Idea Of A Coherent Curriculum For Mathematics And Sciencenoblex1
Today we are awash in reports and recommendations, commissions and boards, standards and frameworks all striving to improve American education across the curriculum, and especially in science, mathematics, and technology. From those various sources, several common themes emerge: a belief in the importance of powerful ideas that provide all students with true scientific and mathematical literacy, ideas that enable them to use, not merely possess, knowledge; an emphasis on significant, ambitious content embedded in contexts that are meaningful to the students; and a recognition of the connections that permeate the disciplines and that link them one to another.
When it comes to mathematics and science, virtually no one contests the assertion that the fields are closely related. Statements like "mathematics is the language of science" and "science provides real-life applications of mathematics" have become educational cliches. Yet what we say and what we implement in our educational programs frequently bear little resemblance to one another.
Yet we have perpetuated an educational system in which mathematics and science are as separated from each other as they are from history, literature, the arts, or any other part of the curriculum. It is from this milieu that the cries for reform arise, cries that include a crescendo of voices calling for connection, integration, application, unification, alignment, and a litany of similar "innovations." The mathematics and the science education communities are, more often than not, closely allied in this quest for literacy, although they may express their goals in slightly different terms.
Throughout history, science and mathematics have long enjoyed a symbiotic relationship: mathematics provides the analytic tools and theoretical models upon which science depends while science brings forth interesting problems and applications that contribute to an understanding and appreciation of mathematics. The intrinsic relationship between mathematics and science needs to be made explicit in our educational programs, or we shall fail to achieve our goals in either field. Our challenge becomes one of shaping learning experiences that reflect the spirit and value of science and mathematics and that respect the subject matter of both science and mathematics while at the same time building a common core of understanding that strengthens students' knowledge, appreciation, and power to do science and mathematics.
To achieve the outcomes put forth in the current vision of educational reform will require an environment for learning science and mathematics that redefines our expectations for students and teachers, the ways in which we teach the subjects, and the means by which we evaluate success. It also requires that we clarify what it is that we mean by "integration."
This document discusses the philosophy of instructional technology and education. It advocates for a constructivist approach to teaching and learning, where students actively construct their own knowledge with guidance from the teacher. Technology can support this approach through tools like WebQuests that allow students to learn independently and collaboratively. The document also argues that instructional technology benefits 21st century learners and students with disabilities by accommodating different learning styles and paces. It supports inclusion in the classroom and differentiated instruction to meet varied student needs.
Arts Integration in Stem Education: A Path to Steampublication11
The integration of arts into STEM education, referred to as STEAM, has gained attention as an approach
to fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills in students. This paper examines the
historical context of STEM and arts education, emphasizing the benefits of incorporating artistic
processes into scientific disciplines. It discusses strategies for effective arts integration in STEM
curricula, including interdisciplinary approaches, project-based learning, and collaboration between
STEM and art educators. The paper also presents case studies of successful STEAM programs,
highlighting the potential for arts integration to enhance student engagement, creativity, and motivation.
The conclusion calls for the development of a robust methodological framework to support STEAM
education at the elementary and secondary levels, ensuring that the fusion of arts and STEM disciplines
prepares students for a rapidly evolving, technology-driven world.
ArtsSciences Design-A-Thon Solving Complex Problems In Interdisciplinary TeamsJody Sullivan
This document describes a study that evaluated a one-day interdisciplinary project called the Robot Love Design-a-thon for preservice teachers. The project brought together preservice teachers from arts, sciences, and primary education to solve complex problems in interdisciplinary teams using a design process. Observations and student reports found that the condensed one-day format facilitated exchange of ideas and critical discussions on the socially engaged theme. Students also reported that working in interdisciplinary teams allowed them to benefit from each other's expertise, which emerged as an important learning outcome. The document provides background on how design-a-thons and interdisciplinary ArtsSciences education can help develop 21st century skills and prepare students for solving complex societal challenges.
Bringing home economics into the 21st century (autosaved)AwesomeAbbie78
The document proposes transforming a Home Economics classroom to better prepare students for the 21st century by integrating technology. It argues students are digital natives and technology can support teaching life skills like decision making, money management, and communication. A mobile computer lab and other technologies would allow demonstrating concepts clearly and showcasing student work. Assessments would include blogging and online projects to enhance learning through student-centered activities and research. The goal is challenging students and making learning a delight through meaningful applications of their education.
The document discusses the shift to 21st century learning, including a move from linear to networked learning, an emphasis on community and collaboration over individual achievement, and the need for schools and teachers to adapt to these changes. It notes that skills like creativity, innovation, and pattern recognition will be increasingly important for the future workforce. Statistics are provided on the growth of information and how quickly knowledge becomes outdated, emphasizing the need for lifelong learning. Effective technology integration depends on pedagogical approaches rather than the technology alone.
An Instructional Design Model For E-Learning In School EducationDarian Pruitt
This document proposes a learning object approach for e-learning in school education in South Africa. It suggests using learning objects, which are digital entities that can be reused and combined, to design pedagogically sound learning experiences. A learning object on its own provides decontextualized information; the focus should be on establishing relationships between learning objects and learner engagement. This approach is informed by theories of social constructivism and activity theory that emphasize learning as a social and collaborative process mediated by cultural tools. Well-designed learning objects combined with opportunities for interaction and participation can support learning when implemented through a learning management system.
Self-Efficacy, Scientific Reasoning, and Learning Achievement in the STEM Pro...Nader Ale Ebrahim
The main goal of education is to prepare students for future job opportunities and civic responsibilities, and this is one of the biggest challenges in the 21st century. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Project-Based Learning (PjBL) prepare students to master their new role as a global citizen with greater responsibilities. This systematic review analyzed 265 papers that are related to the STEM PjBL. The papers were collected from well-known databases such as Web of Science速 and SCOPUS by using the quality assessment and relevant criteria. This study inspected the top 48 distinguished papers by covering three dimensions, Search result, Subject, and Research methodology. STEM and PjBL come together, due to the natural overlap between the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and PjBL. The fully integrated STEM with PjBL can increase the effectiveness of teaching. Nonetheless, this inspection uncovered that previous research has not fully integrated STEM with PjBL. Thus, despite the wealth of existing research, there are still significant opportunities for future research on STEM PjBL in high schools to prepare students for 21st century challenges.
Reason, Reflect, Resolve: Thoughts About Learning SpacesLee Hoffmann
An exploration of 5 significant learning spaces: The Classroom and the School; Beyond the Classroom; The Electronic Learning Space; The Individual Learning Space; The Group Learning Space.
Article Summary and Reflections Group PresentationChelsea Marie
This document contains a discussion between Kate Gaustad, Chelsea McConnell, Pamela Mouchaham, and Rachel Blomeyer about key ideas from their readings on teaching science in elementary schools. They discuss the importance of inquiry-based learning, integration across subjects, inclusion of all students' needs, and using authentic assessments rather than standardized tests. The discussion also addresses the shortage of qualified science teachers and how to make science concepts stick with students over multiple lessons using hands-on activities. The bibliography cites research articles on STEM education, technology in science teaching, and the lack of science teachers.
This document discusses smart schools and the implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) in education. It describes how smart schools aim to reinvent teaching and learning processes for the information age through integrated curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and resources supported by modern technology. Some key challenges to implementing smart schools include lack of infrastructure in rural areas, the need for ongoing teacher training, potential mismatches between smart learning and exams, and ensuring reliable electricity and technical support. Feedback indicated that many teachers and students may have difficulties adapting to increased computer use in smart school environments.
Unlocking Reform and Culturally Relevant Teaching of MathematicsLou Matthews
The purpose of this workshop is to explore the promise and practice of culturally relevant teaching of mathematics.
Expanded Success Initiative, NYDOE, Manhattan NY
August 13, 2015
Participants explore, discuss, and interact with central notions of mathematics, reform teaching, and culturally responsive approaches in the mathematics classroom.
An Experimental Study of Collaborative Instructional Strategy (CIS) for Teac...Dr.Nasir Ahmad
: Modern concept of education is based on students centered learning approaches
where collaborative instructional strategy is an emerging approach. It has been tested in
different subjects and its effectiveness has been proved. Therefore, this experimental study
investigated the effects of Collaborative Instructional Strategy (CIS) on mathematics
achievement of fifth grade students. The experiment was conducted at a Government school
in District Swat, Pakistan using pre-test post-test comparative group design on 64 students
in two groups (control and experimental). Mathematics Attainments Test (MAT) was
developed to measure students' academic achievement. Collaborative mathematics
instructional lesson plans (CMIL) were also developed to teach mathematics. The collected
data were analyzed though mean, standard deviation, pair sample t test and independent
sample t test. The results of the experiment showed that Collaborative Instructional Strategy
(CIS) has a significant positive effect on the academic achievement of Primary school
students in the subject of mathematics. It was recommended that Collaborative Instructional
Strategy (CIS) may be use to teach mathematics at primary level.
Curriculum Development, Ofsted Inspection Framework and all that jazzStephen Tierney
This document discusses curriculum development and different philosophies of education. It addresses seven key principles of curriculum design that operate in tension with each other, including being rigorous and vertically integrated. Curriculum can be viewed at three levels: the intended, implemented, and achieved levels. Curriculum development must start from teachers and involve them in the process. It should integrate in-service education and aim to foster teachers' professional growth and autonomy over time through a gradual and cumulative process.
This document discusses new models and trends in e-learning for teacher education and professional development. It identifies emerging international trends and developments from research. Modern technology has created opportunities for distance education and global teacher networks. However, teacher education must prepare educators to face changing technological contexts and model new pedagogies. Effective professional development takes into account how adults learn differently than children. It should encourage interaction and treat adult learners as self-directed. In the 21st century, teachers must be able to design optimal learning environments and respond to student needs through high standards, inquiry, continuous learning, and adaptability.
The Evolution of Modern Education: How Schools Are Adapting to the 21st Centurymansurali2343
The 21st century has ushered in an era of rapid technological advancement and globalization, dramatically reshaping various facets of society, including education.
The document presents the Pedagogical Model for Innovative STEM Learning and Teaching called Learn STEM. It was developed by nine partners from six European countries to improve STEM learning and teaching in secondary schools. Learn STEM focuses on making the learner the owner of their learning through a process-oriented, holistic, practical, and social approach. It aims to develop learners' STEM knowledge, skills, and competences through reflection and iterative improvement cycles. Teachers take on coaching and mentoring roles to facilitate learner-centered learning.
This document discusses different types of learning spaces, including the traditional classroom, spaces beyond the classroom like excursions, electronic learning spaces, individual learning spaces, and group learning spaces. It emphasizes that learning spaces need to consider student needs, be flexible, allow choice, and support different learning styles. Spaces beyond the classroom can provide authentic hands-on learning experiences when well-planned. Electronic learning spaces allow for collaboration, resource sharing, and extending learning online. Individual learning spaces develop student autonomy through goal-setting and various delivery methods. Group learning spaces are effective when teaching and learning goals are clear.
The document proposes a model for e-education that involves extending teaching spaces and learning spaces through technology integration. [1] It defines different roles for teachers in instruction, training, initiation and induction and how learning spaces can be used for knowledge acquisition, application, and construction with dialogue and reflection. [2] The model is presented as a way to take advantage of technology's ability to make teaching and learning more flexible and accessible beyond the classroom. [3] It suggests e-education can support higher-order thinking skills and active, collaborative learning tailored to individual needs.
The document discusses how arts advocates can better frame their arguments to join education reform debates and shift school culture to promote creativity. It provides two case studies of international education programs, Learning Futures and Musical Futures, that focus on engaging pedagogy and fostering student interest to indirectly enable creativity. The document argues advocates should focus on student engagement over standardized test accountability and draw from creative learning outside of schools.
This chapter introduces the background and context of the study. It discusses how mathematics is an important subject for business students and the demands of modern technology. It also outlines challenges facing the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) Calauan Campus in teaching mathematics to its 545 students with limited facilities. The theoretical framework discusses factors that influence student mathematics performance such as the curriculum, faculty, student services, physical facilities, family education, values, and social relationships. The study aims to determine the relationship between these school and family factors and the mathematics performance of PUP Calauan students.
200_Topcu and Koculu_ECER 2021 Geneva (online)Asli Koculu
This document summarizes a study examining the effects of a STEM education course on pre-service science teachers' self-efficacy for STEM practices. The study involved 20 female pre-service teachers who completed a self-efficacy scale before and after a STEM course. Results of paired t-tests found a statistically significant increase in self-efficacy scores after the course, indicating the STEM education positively impacted teachers' beliefs in their ability to implement STEM practices. The researchers conclude that developing pre-service teachers' self-efficacy through STEM education experiences is important for effective STEM instruction.
EdTech SA 2017 Presentation Joanne VillisJoanne Villis
This document provides an overview of the Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies Scope and Sequence from Reception to Year 6. It introduces the presenter, Joanne Villis, as a Year 5 teacher and ICT coordinator who has experience presenting on topics related to smartboards, web design, and iPads. The main topics covered in the curriculum are then summarized as data, digital systems, algorithms, information systems, and safety/ethical use online. Examples and resources are provided for teaching each of these topics at different year levels.
How to teach digital technologies in the Primary yearsJoanne Villis
This presentation was based on a scope and sequence I created for Reception to Year 6 teachers in order to teach the Australian Digital Technologies curriculum.
ArtsSciences Design-A-Thon Solving Complex Problems In Interdisciplinary TeamsJody Sullivan
This document describes a study that evaluated a one-day interdisciplinary project called the Robot Love Design-a-thon for preservice teachers. The project brought together preservice teachers from arts, sciences, and primary education to solve complex problems in interdisciplinary teams using a design process. Observations and student reports found that the condensed one-day format facilitated exchange of ideas and critical discussions on the socially engaged theme. Students also reported that working in interdisciplinary teams allowed them to benefit from each other's expertise, which emerged as an important learning outcome. The document provides background on how design-a-thons and interdisciplinary ArtsSciences education can help develop 21st century skills and prepare students for solving complex societal challenges.
Bringing home economics into the 21st century (autosaved)AwesomeAbbie78
The document proposes transforming a Home Economics classroom to better prepare students for the 21st century by integrating technology. It argues students are digital natives and technology can support teaching life skills like decision making, money management, and communication. A mobile computer lab and other technologies would allow demonstrating concepts clearly and showcasing student work. Assessments would include blogging and online projects to enhance learning through student-centered activities and research. The goal is challenging students and making learning a delight through meaningful applications of their education.
The document discusses the shift to 21st century learning, including a move from linear to networked learning, an emphasis on community and collaboration over individual achievement, and the need for schools and teachers to adapt to these changes. It notes that skills like creativity, innovation, and pattern recognition will be increasingly important for the future workforce. Statistics are provided on the growth of information and how quickly knowledge becomes outdated, emphasizing the need for lifelong learning. Effective technology integration depends on pedagogical approaches rather than the technology alone.
An Instructional Design Model For E-Learning In School EducationDarian Pruitt
This document proposes a learning object approach for e-learning in school education in South Africa. It suggests using learning objects, which are digital entities that can be reused and combined, to design pedagogically sound learning experiences. A learning object on its own provides decontextualized information; the focus should be on establishing relationships between learning objects and learner engagement. This approach is informed by theories of social constructivism and activity theory that emphasize learning as a social and collaborative process mediated by cultural tools. Well-designed learning objects combined with opportunities for interaction and participation can support learning when implemented through a learning management system.
Self-Efficacy, Scientific Reasoning, and Learning Achievement in the STEM Pro...Nader Ale Ebrahim
The main goal of education is to prepare students for future job opportunities and civic responsibilities, and this is one of the biggest challenges in the 21st century. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Project-Based Learning (PjBL) prepare students to master their new role as a global citizen with greater responsibilities. This systematic review analyzed 265 papers that are related to the STEM PjBL. The papers were collected from well-known databases such as Web of Science速 and SCOPUS by using the quality assessment and relevant criteria. This study inspected the top 48 distinguished papers by covering three dimensions, Search result, Subject, and Research methodology. STEM and PjBL come together, due to the natural overlap between the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and PjBL. The fully integrated STEM with PjBL can increase the effectiveness of teaching. Nonetheless, this inspection uncovered that previous research has not fully integrated STEM with PjBL. Thus, despite the wealth of existing research, there are still significant opportunities for future research on STEM PjBL in high schools to prepare students for 21st century challenges.
Reason, Reflect, Resolve: Thoughts About Learning SpacesLee Hoffmann
An exploration of 5 significant learning spaces: The Classroom and the School; Beyond the Classroom; The Electronic Learning Space; The Individual Learning Space; The Group Learning Space.
Article Summary and Reflections Group PresentationChelsea Marie
This document contains a discussion between Kate Gaustad, Chelsea McConnell, Pamela Mouchaham, and Rachel Blomeyer about key ideas from their readings on teaching science in elementary schools. They discuss the importance of inquiry-based learning, integration across subjects, inclusion of all students' needs, and using authentic assessments rather than standardized tests. The discussion also addresses the shortage of qualified science teachers and how to make science concepts stick with students over multiple lessons using hands-on activities. The bibliography cites research articles on STEM education, technology in science teaching, and the lack of science teachers.
This document discusses smart schools and the implementation of information and communication technology (ICT) in education. It describes how smart schools aim to reinvent teaching and learning processes for the information age through integrated curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and resources supported by modern technology. Some key challenges to implementing smart schools include lack of infrastructure in rural areas, the need for ongoing teacher training, potential mismatches between smart learning and exams, and ensuring reliable electricity and technical support. Feedback indicated that many teachers and students may have difficulties adapting to increased computer use in smart school environments.
Unlocking Reform and Culturally Relevant Teaching of MathematicsLou Matthews
The purpose of this workshop is to explore the promise and practice of culturally relevant teaching of mathematics.
Expanded Success Initiative, NYDOE, Manhattan NY
August 13, 2015
Participants explore, discuss, and interact with central notions of mathematics, reform teaching, and culturally responsive approaches in the mathematics classroom.
An Experimental Study of Collaborative Instructional Strategy (CIS) for Teac...Dr.Nasir Ahmad
: Modern concept of education is based on students centered learning approaches
where collaborative instructional strategy is an emerging approach. It has been tested in
different subjects and its effectiveness has been proved. Therefore, this experimental study
investigated the effects of Collaborative Instructional Strategy (CIS) on mathematics
achievement of fifth grade students. The experiment was conducted at a Government school
in District Swat, Pakistan using pre-test post-test comparative group design on 64 students
in two groups (control and experimental). Mathematics Attainments Test (MAT) was
developed to measure students' academic achievement. Collaborative mathematics
instructional lesson plans (CMIL) were also developed to teach mathematics. The collected
data were analyzed though mean, standard deviation, pair sample t test and independent
sample t test. The results of the experiment showed that Collaborative Instructional Strategy
(CIS) has a significant positive effect on the academic achievement of Primary school
students in the subject of mathematics. It was recommended that Collaborative Instructional
Strategy (CIS) may be use to teach mathematics at primary level.
Curriculum Development, Ofsted Inspection Framework and all that jazzStephen Tierney
This document discusses curriculum development and different philosophies of education. It addresses seven key principles of curriculum design that operate in tension with each other, including being rigorous and vertically integrated. Curriculum can be viewed at three levels: the intended, implemented, and achieved levels. Curriculum development must start from teachers and involve them in the process. It should integrate in-service education and aim to foster teachers' professional growth and autonomy over time through a gradual and cumulative process.
This document discusses new models and trends in e-learning for teacher education and professional development. It identifies emerging international trends and developments from research. Modern technology has created opportunities for distance education and global teacher networks. However, teacher education must prepare educators to face changing technological contexts and model new pedagogies. Effective professional development takes into account how adults learn differently than children. It should encourage interaction and treat adult learners as self-directed. In the 21st century, teachers must be able to design optimal learning environments and respond to student needs through high standards, inquiry, continuous learning, and adaptability.
The Evolution of Modern Education: How Schools Are Adapting to the 21st Centurymansurali2343
The 21st century has ushered in an era of rapid technological advancement and globalization, dramatically reshaping various facets of society, including education.
The document presents the Pedagogical Model for Innovative STEM Learning and Teaching called Learn STEM. It was developed by nine partners from six European countries to improve STEM learning and teaching in secondary schools. Learn STEM focuses on making the learner the owner of their learning through a process-oriented, holistic, practical, and social approach. It aims to develop learners' STEM knowledge, skills, and competences through reflection and iterative improvement cycles. Teachers take on coaching and mentoring roles to facilitate learner-centered learning.
This document discusses different types of learning spaces, including the traditional classroom, spaces beyond the classroom like excursions, electronic learning spaces, individual learning spaces, and group learning spaces. It emphasizes that learning spaces need to consider student needs, be flexible, allow choice, and support different learning styles. Spaces beyond the classroom can provide authentic hands-on learning experiences when well-planned. Electronic learning spaces allow for collaboration, resource sharing, and extending learning online. Individual learning spaces develop student autonomy through goal-setting and various delivery methods. Group learning spaces are effective when teaching and learning goals are clear.
The document proposes a model for e-education that involves extending teaching spaces and learning spaces through technology integration. [1] It defines different roles for teachers in instruction, training, initiation and induction and how learning spaces can be used for knowledge acquisition, application, and construction with dialogue and reflection. [2] The model is presented as a way to take advantage of technology's ability to make teaching and learning more flexible and accessible beyond the classroom. [3] It suggests e-education can support higher-order thinking skills and active, collaborative learning tailored to individual needs.
The document discusses how arts advocates can better frame their arguments to join education reform debates and shift school culture to promote creativity. It provides two case studies of international education programs, Learning Futures and Musical Futures, that focus on engaging pedagogy and fostering student interest to indirectly enable creativity. The document argues advocates should focus on student engagement over standardized test accountability and draw from creative learning outside of schools.
This chapter introduces the background and context of the study. It discusses how mathematics is an important subject for business students and the demands of modern technology. It also outlines challenges facing the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) Calauan Campus in teaching mathematics to its 545 students with limited facilities. The theoretical framework discusses factors that influence student mathematics performance such as the curriculum, faculty, student services, physical facilities, family education, values, and social relationships. The study aims to determine the relationship between these school and family factors and the mathematics performance of PUP Calauan students.
200_Topcu and Koculu_ECER 2021 Geneva (online)Asli Koculu
This document summarizes a study examining the effects of a STEM education course on pre-service science teachers' self-efficacy for STEM practices. The study involved 20 female pre-service teachers who completed a self-efficacy scale before and after a STEM course. Results of paired t-tests found a statistically significant increase in self-efficacy scores after the course, indicating the STEM education positively impacted teachers' beliefs in their ability to implement STEM practices. The researchers conclude that developing pre-service teachers' self-efficacy through STEM education experiences is important for effective STEM instruction.
EdTech SA 2017 Presentation Joanne VillisJoanne Villis
This document provides an overview of the Australian Curriculum Digital Technologies Scope and Sequence from Reception to Year 6. It introduces the presenter, Joanne Villis, as a Year 5 teacher and ICT coordinator who has experience presenting on topics related to smartboards, web design, and iPads. The main topics covered in the curriculum are then summarized as data, digital systems, algorithms, information systems, and safety/ethical use online. Examples and resources are provided for teaching each of these topics at different year levels.
How to teach digital technologies in the Primary yearsJoanne Villis
This presentation was based on a scope and sequence I created for Reception to Year 6 teachers in order to teach the Australian Digital Technologies curriculum.
This document outlines an agenda for a presentation on digital technologies and game design programs for years 5-6 and 7-8. It includes an overview of Scratch and Gamestar Mechanic demonstrations, as well as introductions to coding concepts like algorithms, user interfaces, and programming. Assessment tasks are also discussed. The presentation covers topics like what makes a good game, copyright on assets, and secrets to student success in game design. It concludes with demonstrations of games created in Gamestar Mechanic.
1. Students design and program an online game using Scratch, explaining the algorithms and acquiring different types of data.
2. They explore coding concepts and create their own game over multiple levels that increases in complexity.
3. Data storage and uploading projects to an online Scratch account is covered, with assessments on game design documentation, programming, and file management.
Y5 Coding 2016 Digital Technologies ProgramJoanne Villis
The document provides information about a Year 5 unit of work focused on coding, gaming, and robotics over two school terms. It outlines learning goals related to computational thinking, algorithms, user interface design, and collaboration. It describes assessments where students will code games and acquire/validate different data types. The unit aims to explain digital systems and how algorithms address problems through visual programming with branching and loops.
This document summarizes a presentation about implementing SharePoint across an entire school. The presenter discusses how SharePoint can be used for file sharing, website creation, and embedding social media. It costs nothing as it is part of Office 365. The presenter then details her strategic plan to get teachers using SharePoint, which started with setting up learning spaces for her own class and one other teacher, then training other teachers and giving administrative privileges to proficient users. After one year, most primary classes and several secondary faculties were using SharePoint regularly.
Teaching Coding? Resources for teachers by Joanne VillisJoanne Villis
This slide share provides resource ideas for teaching coding. I have included online resources, apps (Android, iPad and Windows), software and hardware ideas in order to support your teaching. I have also recommended suitable year levels for both Primary and Secondary.
Social Media: Teaching ideas for Primary EducationJoanne Villis
The legal age for students to use many social media sites is 13 however many media sites are targeted at and being accessed by our primary students. So what should we do about it? Ban social media or educate? I believe that we need to educate students how to use social media safely and appropriately before they are even old enough to use it. These are my teaching ideas. Many of the ideas are videos. Why? Our students are living in a media rich environment, why not embrace their media culture?
Ideas for teaching Primary Drama at Christmas timeJoanne Villis
This slide share provides teachers with ideas for teaching drama using the Infancy Narratives (birth of Jesus). Lessons can be applied to non Catholic schools who can replace the scripture references with two different picture books. Drama activities are linked to the Australian Curriculum and involve script writing, reader theatre and acting.
Our online life: Ideas for teaching primary studentsJoanne Villis
This slide share provides ideas for teaching students about responsible use of the online world. It provides practical ideas and strategies for teachers.
This slide share has higher order thinking ways of teaching students to understand the relationship between the four number operations. This process have been a trial and error process for me, I have loved working with students along the way. Online and iPad resources have been provided.
Coding is part of the curriculum which is relatively new and often a part which teachers struggle with. I have created a presentation to show resources which you might use to teach Year 5-6 students. Tasks can be adapted or modified for other year levels.
Using Apps to animate superhero storiesJoanne Villis
This slideshare provides a series of lessons on how I used 2 iPad apps (Art Maker and Explain Everything) in order for students to create their own animated story. The theme which I used was superheroes and villains but you can apply the same techniques to any topic. Students were able to create their own characters and use them within the Explain Everything app in order to create a movie. For more resources visit:
Coding for Teachers and Kids Workshop PresentationJoanne Villis
Coding for kids and teachers. How to make this a shared process. This is a presentation which I delivered at a conference. Notes are very brief. The main focus of the session was for teachers to have hands on time tinkering (playing).
This is a presentation which I delivered at the Oz Tech 2014 Conference in Melbourne. It includes teaching ideas for the Australian Technologies Curriculum. My teaching ideas are based on the Maker Movement ( getting kids to tinker, engage in hands- on learning experiences). This presentation was followed with a second hands on workshop called coding for teachers and kids.
Fostering Creative and Critical Thinking using iPads in Primary MathematicsJoanne Villis
Apps to support creative and critical thinking in mathematics. This slide share offers ideas for fostering inquiry, generating ideas, reflecting and analysing. Explicit teaching of higher order thinking skills is required for our students and there are iPad apps to help support this process. This is my presentation for the SchoolstechOZ 2014 Conference
Fostering Critical and Creative Thinking Literacy Skills using iPads in Prima...Joanne Villis
This slide share is a copy of a presentation which I am presenting at the Oz Tech 2014 Conference at Firbank Grammar School during September. I have provided iPad apps to use with Primary school students in order to foster critical and creative literacy skills.
Solar Ovens: Y3/4 Design and Technologies Teaching UnitJoanne Villis
This unit looks at the role of people in the design of solar ovens for countries such as Africa. It provides lesson ideas for students to investigate the properties of materials before designing and making their own solar oven. For more lesson ideas visit:
Y5-6 Forces and Electricity Teaching Ideas J VillisJoanne Villis
This slide share provides lesson ideas for teachers in Year 5 and 6. Teaching ideas are linked to the Australian Technologies Curriculum. Ideas include brain boxes (simple circuits), Makey Makey, lemon circuits and squishy circuits. For additional resources visit:
Data lesson ideas for Y3/4 Australian CurriculumJoanne Villis
Ideas for teaching Primary (Year 3) data according to the new Australia Curriculum guidelines. What can you teach? How can you teach different data types, recording methods and file transfer?
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
Inventory Reporting in Odoo 17 - Odoo 17 Inventory AppCeline George
This slide will helps us to efficiently create detailed reports of different records defined in its modules, both analytical and quantitative, with Odoo 17 ERP.
Dr. Ansari Khurshid Ahmed- Factors affecting Validity of a Test.pptxKhurshid Ahmed Ansari
Validity is an important characteristic of a test. A test having low validity is of little use. Validity is the accuracy with which a test measures whatever it is supposed to measure. Validity can be low, moderate or high. There are many factors which affect the validity of a test. If these factors are controlled, then the validity of the test can be maintained to a high level. In the power point presentation, factors affecting validity are discussed with the help of concrete examples.
Odoo 18 Accounting Access Rights - Odoo 18 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on accounting access rights in odoo 18. To ensure data security and maintain confidentiality, Odoo provides a robust access rights system that allows administrators to control who can access and modify accounting data.
Research Publication & Ethics contains a chapter on Intellectual Honesty and Research Integrity.
Different case studies of intellectual dishonesty and integrity were discussed.
One Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the one click RFQ Cancellation in odoo 18. One-Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 is a feature that allows users to quickly and easily cancel Request for Quotations (RFQs) with a single click.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
How to Configure Proforma Invoice in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Admission Procedure and types in hospital pptxPoojaSen20
STEM? by J Villis
2. STEM education is an interdisciplinary approach to learning
where rigorous academic concepts are coupled with real-
world lessons as students apply science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics in contexts that make
connections between school, community, work, and the
global enterprise enabling the development of STEM literacy
and with it the ability to compete in the new
economy(2009, Tsupos, Kohler & Hallinen).
4. Whether it is STEM or STEAM, it doesnt really
matter. We just need to get on with it! What is
going to make a difference in STEM, is good
5. What can I take out? What is relevant? We need to take
risks. As educators, we know what the important parts are.
We need to shift the emphasis to practice not content, yes
content is important, but pedagogy more so. Lets move
towards integration.
The Australian Curriculum
is too full!
6. If we teach tody as we taught yesterday,
we rob our children of tomorrow
(John Dewey).
8. How can primary school teachers improve their
capacity of STEM?
If teachers base their work on the HPC model, they could choose a
few areas want to work on at a time. Teachers might choose to
build integrated units of work, and identify all parts of
STEM/STEAM. Interesting, werent we doing this years ago? to
Some degree, yes. However, the difference now is use the
language of STEM, and connections to real life experiences.
9. Simple way to begin to use the language of STEM:
Refer to students as mathematicians, engineers or scientists.
Instead of saying, Stop, look, listen girls, say, Stop, look, listen
mathematicians. Or, instead of asking students to sit on the mat,
invite all engineers to sit on the mat.
10. When we are talking about STEM,
we are basically talking about
great teaching!