Web services allow libraries to share data and resources outside of traditional applications. The document discusses how Montana State University Libraries created a simple API called "lofiAPI" using open source tools like PHP, MySQL, and XML to provide access to library data. It provides examples of other libraries that have created web services, the benefits of the single source, multiple endpoint model, and encourages attendees to experiment with building their own mashups and APIs.
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A "lofiAPI": Using open source applications and simple XML to build a library web service
1. A quot;lofiAPIquot;: Using open source
applications and simple XML to
build a library web service
Jason A. Clark
Head of Digital Access and Web Services
Montana State University Libraries
2. A quick look ahead
Discussion of the benefits of web services for
Demo and walkthrough of the code that makes it
4. Provide Web Services?
You have a service that benefits your users
best if they can get to their data from
outside the application
You want others to use your data store in
their applications
5. Demos and Downloads
Demo: A quot;lofiAPIquot; for Library Data
Download: A quot;lofiAPIquot; for Library Data
6. Available Web Services
Google App Engine http://code.google.
Amazon s3
Many more...
7. Web Services in Libraries
Plymouth State: Scriblio
Repository66: mash-up of OpenDOAR data with
Google Maps and repository growth charts from
ROAR, developed by Stuart Lewis of the University of
Aberystwyth, Wales
lofiAPI: MSU Libraries (ETD, RMT)
MSU Library Lifestream: RSS services (Twitter, del.
icio.us, last.fm, MSU Library Blog)
TERRApod Youtube admin
Google Booksearch
Samples from the crowd...
8. How to...
1. Database Engine
2. Scripting Language
1. Apache
2. MySQL
3. PHP
9. Why?
Single Source, Multiple Endpoints
1. Feed Readers
2. Google Sitemap
3. Remixed HTML
4. A9 OpenSearch
Allow for the Remix
1. Share data
2. Repurpose for new applications
3. Make library data part of info flow
10. Last thoughts...
This stuff is just beginning
Worldcat API
Digital Library Federation API recommendation
Library mashups are coming - there's just too much
good data out there
12. Getting Started
Play in the sandbox pick a service, study it
Yahoo Developer Central
Amazon Web Services Developer Connection http:
Google Code
13. Web Services - Sources
AllCDCovers.com http://www.allcdcovers.com/api
ISBNdb.com http://isbndb.com/docs/api/index.html
OpenDOAR http://www.opendoar.org/tools/api.html
arXiv.org http://export.arxiv.org/api_help/
* See ProgrammableWeb
14. Terms: API
What is an API?
An application programming interface (or API) is a way for
developers to access parts of a remote web site and
integrate it with their own site.
MSU Libraries Resources Example
15. Terms: Web Service
What is a Web Service?
Broader term
Public interface (API)
Provides access to data and/or procedures
On a remote/external system (usually)
Use structured data for data exchange (often XML)
16. Terms: Structured Data
Structured data = XML and JSON
Extensible Mark-up Language and Javascript Object
Flexible mark-up languages
Lightweight and easy to parse
Allow communication between disparate systems
17. Contact Information
Jason A. Clark
Head of Digital Access and Web Services
Montana State University Libraries