2. Pharmacology - pharmacodynamics Analgesia from opioid varies greatly between individuals d/t the difference in morphology and physiology of opioid sys. Ex) c/sec adequate analgesia PCA morphine 蟲 study 0.6 ~ 5.2 mg/hr 襦 variation 3 receptor : mu , kappa , delta Widely distributed in the brain, spinal cord, pph norciceptors pre and postsynaptic sites of ascending pain transmission sys in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, the brain stem, thalamus, the cortex also found in the midbrain periaqueductal gray, the nucleus raphe magnus, rostal ventral medulla
3. Pharmacology - pharmacodynamics Opioid receptor activated by exogenous opiates or endogenous peptide 3 major groups of endogenous opioid peptide Endorphin Mu receptor : mechanical, chemical, thermal norciception at spinal level Dynorphin Kappa receptor : spinally mediated thermal norciception and chemical visceral pain Enkephalin Delta receptors : mechanical norciceptions and inflammatory pain
6. Opioid agonists Mu receptor activation analgesia (desired effect) constipation (side effect) Research : 螳螳 3 螳讌 receptor 襯 郁規 (mu, kappa, delta) Knockout mice(lacking mu receptor) 襯 伎 : morphine 譯殊企 analgesia, respiratory depression, constipation, physical dependence, reward behavior 螳 讌 central role Mu receptor
7. Opioid Agonist-Antagonist Analgesics one opioid receptor binding- agonist activity Binding another opioid receptor producing no or low receptor activity Butorphanol, nalbuphine, pentazocine agonist at kappa receptor and antagonit at mu receptor Chronic use, physical dependence 蟆 withdrawl symptom 豐讌
22. Oxycodone Morphin semisynthetic congener SAO, IR preparations (single agent or compounded with AAP or aspirin) SR fomulation(oxycontin) SR oxycodone no ceiling dose, minimal side effect, absence or minimal active metabolite, easy titration, rapid onset of action, short half life, long duration of action, predictable pharmacokinetics Oxycodone prodrug 朱 hepatic metabolism(via cytochrome P450 2D6 enzyme) 2 螳讌襦 . oxymorphine :mu-opioid agonist property 襯 螳 active metabolite noroxycodone : inactive metaboliote SSRI, TCAs, neuroleptics 覲旧譴 譯殊
24. Methadone レ Low cost high bioavailability with absorption and activity within 30 min multiple receptor affinity lack of known metabolite that produce neurotoxicity Unpredictable bioavailability, high interindividual variability Liphophilic 2 isomer D-isomer : NMDA receptor antagonize, 5-hydroxytryptamine, norepi. Reuptake inhibit L-isomer : opioid receptor agonist Mu receptor morphin 覲企 lower affinity side effect Greater affinity than morphine for delta-opioid receptor - opioid-induced tolerance and dependence 襯 desensitization
25. Fentanyl Perioperative and postop pain management IV, epideral, intrathecal 襦 Predominantly mu-opioid agonist property Morphine 覲企 faster onset, 75~125 覦 potent Transdermal and transmucosal application 螳 Transdermal fentanyl (Duragesic Patch) Chronic or cancer patient 襷 磯襦 蟠螻 Postop pain Mx. 20% hypoventilation 覦 覲願 Therapeutic serum level 蟾讌 1~30 螳 ( 蠏 13 螳 ) 蟇碁Μ覩襦 蟾讌 SAO, IV PCA 豌覦 . GI tract 讌讌 企朱 oral opioid 覲企 constipation 蟆 覦 oral medication 覿螳ロ transdermal rate absorption, skin temp, fat stores, muscle bulk 螳語姶襦 dose titration 企れ m/c side effect : erythema , itching, pustule formation Oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate rapid onset(5~10 min), short duration of action Impaired swallow or GI tract breakthrough pain 蠍 譬
26. Sufentanil (sufenta) Fentanyl thiamyl analogue 譯朱 operative setting iv or neuraxial analgesics 襦 譯朱 CYP3A4 isoezyme hepatic metabolism Fentanyl 覲企 greater analgesic potency, shorter half-life, rapid onset , shorter duration of effect Dose related skeletal m. rigidity 覦 螳
27. Alfentanil (alfenta) iv or neuraxial analgesics 襦 Short elimination half life, rapid onset of analgesia, short duration of effect Repeated dose continuous infusion 朱 企 accumulation Ideal in operative setting
28. Remifentanil (ultiva) Most potent mu-opioid receptor agonist Adm. IV for induction and maintenance of anesthesia Larger volume of distribution more rapid distribution and metabolism shorter elimination half life(3~10min) more rapid analgesic onset(1min) shorter duration of effect(5~10min) Liver 讌 螻 tissue and plasma esterase degradation renal excretion renal or hepatic insufficiency ル讌 Continuous infusion 朱 accumulation effect . Brisk clearance and lack of accumulation operative setting レ企 . But Infusion 譴讌覃 rapid loss of analgesia