This document contains questions about the Cubism art movement based on readings about Cubism. It asks students to identify characteristics of Cubism works, Analytic Cubism, and Synthetic Cubism. It also asks students to explain why artists adopted the Cubist style and to analyze how specific elements of art and principles of design were used in Cubist works. Images of Cubist artworks are to be pasted in with labels providing title, artist, date, and medium.
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Cubism arthistoryassignment
Date(s): _______________________________________
Essential questions based on the Cubism readings
1. What are some ways you can identify works from the Cubism art movement?
2. Describe characteristics of Analytical Cubism.
3. Describe characteristics of Synthetic Cubism.
4. Why did artists choose to create works in this style?
5. This reading identifies many Elements of Art & Principles of Design from Cubism. Please
choose 2 and describe how they are used in the artwork you read about.
In this area, paste 2-3 color printed images of artwork from the Cubism readings.
Under each label the the work with title, artist, date and medium.
Name: _________________________________________________________________ Score: _________________
9. Focus questions based on the Cubism readings
1. Post-Impressionist Paul Cezanne and artists from the Expressionism movement helped
shape the beginnings of Cubism. What similarities and differences are evident between them
and the work of artists in the Cubism movement?
2. What is one thing you read about Cubism that was interesting or thought-provoking? How
could you apply this to your own work?
In this area, paste 2-3 color printed images of artwork from the Cubism readings.
Under each label the the work with title, artist, date and medium.
10. Artist Study
In this area, paste TWO color printed imaged for EACH OF THE ARTISTS ABOVE.
Under each label the the work with title, artist, date and medium.
Subject Matter
(What did they paint?)
(How did they paint?)