BASE Storage の申し込みから、ownCloudのセットアップを行います。最後に、ownCloudの拡張ストレージに Amazon S3 や、さくら BASE Storage を認識させます。
Masahito Zembutsu Feb 19, 2013
第14回さくらの夕べ Lightning Talk
The vesper of SAKURA #14 LT at Shinjuku, Tokyo
※ 株式会社GIGでは毎月社内勉強会を実施しています
GIG inc.
Good is good.
We provide opportunities to the SEKAI by fusing technology and ideas.
Good is good. いいものはいい。GIGは、関わったユーザーやクライアントが前に進める“きっかけ”をつくりつづけます。
■ お問い合せ
BASE Storage の申し込みから、ownCloudのセットアップを行います。最後に、ownCloudの拡張ストレージに Amazon S3 や、さくら BASE Storage を認識させます。
Masahito Zembutsu Feb 19, 2013
第14回さくらの夕べ Lightning Talk
The vesper of SAKURA #14 LT at Shinjuku, Tokyo
※ 株式会社GIGでは毎月社内勉強会を実施しています
GIG inc.
Good is good.
We provide opportunities to the SEKAI by fusing technology and ideas.
Good is good. いいものはいい。GIGは、関わったユーザーやクライアントが前に進める“きっかけ”をつくりつづけます。
■ お問い合せ
Este documento es un PowerPoint que invita al usuario a enviarlo a un amigo o suscribirse para recibir más presentaciones gratis por correo electrónico. Ofrece enlaces para compartir el archivo o registrarse para futuras presentaciones.
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and ArchivesNed Potter
1) The document discusses how the University of York Library has used various user experience (UX) techniques like ethnographic observation and interviews to better understand user needs and behaviors.
2) Some changes implemented based on UX findings include installing hot water taps, changing hours, and adding blankets - aimed at improving the small details of user experience.
3) The presentation encourages other libraries, archives and museums to try incorporating UX techniques like behavioral mapping and cognitive interviews to inform design changes that enhance services for users.
The document discusses designing teams and processes to adapt to changing needs. It recommends structuring teams so members can work within their competencies and across projects fluidly with clear roles and expectations. The design process should support the team and their work, and be flexible enough to change with team, organization, and project needs. An effective team culture builds an environment where members feel free to be themselves, voice opinions, and feel supported.
An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit https://generalassemb.ly/instructors/seth-familian/4813
I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at http://familian1.com
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