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Organization / Workplace
Hi! I am Jayzabelle Legaspi but yOu can caLL mE Yza fOr shOrt. I am frOm sTa.maria uminGan, panGasinan. I was bOrn on nOvembEr 7,1999. Scorpio is my zOdiac sign. I am the daugHter of mR. jEffersOn C. Legaspi and mRs. mariE beLLe V. Legaspi. I am a studEnt of qUezOn mrmOriaL academY. mY reLigiOn is rOman cathoLic. mY favOritE coLor is bLack. mY LuckY numbEr is 7 and that is becaUse it is mY birtHdaY. mY spOrt is voLLeybaLL. i tHink the sOng "mY aLL" is mY favOritE sOng and this is sung bY my favOritE singEr mariah carEy. I LikE her becaUse of her bEautifuL sOngs and pOwerfuL vOicE. Y favPritE aubjEct is engLisH, becaUse i want tO becOme fLuenT in spEaking thE engLisH LanguagE an
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