This document discusses various topics around perception, time travel, social media, and reality. It notes that perception always comes between reality and ourselves, and maps are representations created by those who make them. Regarding time travel, it raises philosophical issues about replication versus replacement of oneself and determining which life is truly one's own. Social media is described as creating a room devoid of social context where people act without established relationships. Finally, it discusses concepts like heterotopia, simulacrum, and hyperreality in analyzing distorted perceptions of reality created by imitation and representations surpassing what is real.
18. Sidenote) Ce n'est pas rien
Map & Territory Relation
Perception always intercedes between reality and
What is on the paper map is a representation of the
retinal representation of the man who made the map
An infinite series of maps
The Diary of Tristam Shandy, supertasks, NP
66. B) The Biggest Party Ever
Predicaments within Social Armageddon
Who do you talk to?
Who do you follow?
How do you act in a room devoid of social context?
67. B) The Biggest Party Ever
Character limits enforce transitory snippets
Does not increase Social Capital
In six years, would any of it make sense?
81. C) Looking glass, darkly
"Welcome to the
Hollywood that never
was and always will be."
- Michael Eisner Disney Hollywood Studios Orlando - 1989
82. C) Looking glass, darkly
Capable of juxtaposing several spaces that are in
themselves incompatible. Like a zoo, or a mirror.
To dumb it down, absolutely real and unreal.
87. C) Looking glass, darkly
Simulacrum leads to
United States is heaven, history is a decoration,
Colonialism was fun and those other people are
cute, it would just be nice if they were more like us.
88. "We not only enjoy a
perfect imitation, we also
enjoy the conviction that
imitation has reached its
apex and afterwards reality
will always be inferior to
90. C) Zucking with You
Gilded Pastiche
Ifwe only wanted to be happy it would be easy; but
we want to be happier than other people, which is
almost always difficult, since we think them happier
than they are.
Opposite of the news, hence the Like button
Bullet-pointed, Disneyified lives
91. B2) Zucking with You
We will look back and actually believe and
internalize that all these events, and just these
events, happened?
93. D) A Resolve
Real thoughts, memories and ideas
Not trumped down to bullet lists of activities
We can be comfortable with being ourselves, whether
ideal or otherwise
Encourages and enables an open dialog for all of its
#46: blindly and selfishly have to rewrite history\n
#47: I had a dream the other night that I was at a party with everyone I have ever met\n
#48: This situation doesn’t seem like a particularly troublesome one especially if you have seen Sixteen Candles or Can’t Hardly Wait\n
#49: this ideal party presents many problems, problems that go way beyond which Daft Punk album to play...\nThe correct answer here is probably Alive 2007. However, Discovery is in close second. This is a conversation for a later time.\nTake a moment to picture yourself at this party\n
#50: Walking around the party you would see your uncle standing elbow to elbow with\n
#51: your best friend, who is dancing with the girl from blue bottle with the goatee\n
#58: This fact is particularly problematic for me, as that girl is a raging alcoholic. There is no doubt that this would cause a lot of tension with the fellow partygoers. However, this may just be the least of my concerns.\n
#59: And this whole thing goes on but it doesn’t get much better\n
#83: "the place that I occupy when I look at myself in the glass at once absolutely real and absolutely unreal"\n
#84: 1) see space in the mirror\n2) see myself in the mirror\n3) deduct that you are absent from your place\n4) As a virtual person in the mirror, I see myself in real space\nrecurse\n