2. • WOUAlert is an emergency alert notification
system designed by the National Notification
Network (3n) in 2008.
• WOUAlert allows WOU officials to deliver
emergency notices in both audible (voice
message) and text (e.g., text message, instant
message, email or fax) formats.
• Depending on each recipient’s preferences, these
messages can be delivered to his/her
cellular/digital telephone, office telephone, home
telephone, fax machine or email address.
3. Who Can Activate WOUAlert?
• The authority to activate the WOUAlert
system resides with the President of the
University and those designated by him.
• What kinds of messages will be sent?
– Messages can have different formats depending
on your device of choice. An example message is
publicized later in the power point.
4. When Should WOUAlert be Activated?
• The system will be activated in the event of an
emergency or urgent situation that
immediately threatens the life or safety of the
campus community.
• In addition to calling attention to the
issue/incident, the system can be used to
deliver information related to appropriate
emergency response procedures.
5. • Ten emergency information monitors (like the
one in the background of this slide) can be
found in various buildings across campus.
• The potential exists for these devices to
efficiently deliver emergency notifications to
hundreds (if not thousands) of
viewers/building occupants.
6. Where Can I find these Monitors?
Building Monitor Location
Werner University Center Inside main doors, ASWOU office info desk, downstairs
main lobby, Pacific Room lobby.
Rice Auditorium Main Lobby
Hamersly Library Main Lobby
APSC office Outside of admissions
Administration Main lobby
ITC UCS Office/Service Request Desk (Room #??)
7. Sample WOUAlert Message
• If you are in Werner Center, evacuate
immediately. If you are not in the Werner
Center, avoid this area. Visit www.wou.edu
and check e-mail for details.
• Source:
8. How will I know the message is from
• You will know the message is from WOUAlert
by the message sender:
– Text message: WOUAlert (Display number phone
#: 503-838-0073)
– Phone call caller ID: 503-838-0073
– E-mail: woualert@wou.edu
9. • As of May, 2010, 9,579 users (comprised of
students, faculty staff, and parents of WOU
students, among others) were registered to
receive alerts through this system.
10. A Special Thanks to WOU Public Safety
Director of Public Safety
Jay Carey
Assistant Director
Joe Hutchinson
Campus Public Safety Officer
Keith Carlton