2. Whats Public Media 2.0?
Provide content/context for publics to form
around shared issues without political or
corporate interference
Paradigm shifts:
- from broadcast to network
- from consumption to conversation
- from situated to ubiquitous
3. Two ways to thrive:
Create/curate original, relevant
Directly engage publics around
issuesboth online and off
4. Example: Public Radio Tuner
Example: Ushahidi on Al Jazeera
5. Shifting tools & platforms
rise of broadband
escalating mobile penetration
mashups and databases
multiplayer games
media in the cloud
APIs and visualizations
9. Collaboration is key
Public media 2.0 experiments are
breaking out of old zones
Hybrid projects are 鍖ourishing:
- Pro/am
- Nonpro鍖t/for-pro鍖t
- Multiplatform
- Online/of鍖ine
11. Pubmedia 2.0 Leadership
Whats needed at the national level?
1) Support for content
2) Coordination of participatory platforms
New roles for stations:
- Local hubs for public participation
- Conveners and collaborators
- Aggregators of quality content
- Nodes in the national network
12. Not just this: Or this
But robust, cross-zone content matched with a
national engagement platform
13. Takeaways:
The core function of public media
2.0 is to generate publics around
Broadcast is being replaced by
networked communication
This offers a strong opportunity for
public media outlets to adopt new
roles that meet old goals
14. CSMs next steps:
Examining and convening
conversations around policy for
public media 2.0
Researching impact measurements
for mission-driven media
15. NOTE: create visual that
demonstrates national network and
new collaborative roles for stations