This document analyzes the energy and greenhouse gas savings from eliminating beef consumption from one's diet. It finds that if Jessica, who eats 4 ounces of beef per week, were to cut out beef, she would save 5 miles driven per week in emissions, 1,304 gallons of water usage per week, and 0.55 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per week. For the average American who eats 25.6 ounces of beef per week, eliminating beef would save 32 miles driven per week in emissions, 8,346 gallons of water usage per week, and 26.5 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per week. Cutting out beef has significant environmental benefits.
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Energy savings from elimination of beef consumption
1. Energy Savings from Elimination
of Beef Consumption
By: Miss Jessica L. Bills
3. ? I eat approximately 4 ounces of beef per week.
? However, the average American eats 25.6 ounces
of beef per week.
That¡¯s a big difference!
To compensate for these differences I
built two Excel spreadsheets analyzing:
? Miles that could be driven in a car
for comparative greenhouse gas
? Water Usage (in gallons)
? Carbon Dioxide Emissions (in
4. Weekly:
Energy Type
Current Average
Eliminating Beef
from Diet
Difference x 1
Difference x 10
Difference x 100
Difference x 1000
Ounces of Beef
Consumed 4 0 4 40 400 4000
Miles that could be
driven in a car for
greenhouse gas
emissions 5 0 5 50 500 5000
Water Usage (in
gallons) 1,304 0 1,304 13040 130400 1304000
Carbon Dioxide
Emissions (in
pounds) 0.55 0 0.55 5.5 55 550
Energy Type
Current Average
Eliminating Beef
from Diet
Difference x 1
Difference x 10
Difference x 100
Difference x 1000
Ounces of Beef
Consumed 208 0 208 2080 20800 208000
Miles that could be
driven in a car for
greenhouse gas
emissions 260 0 260 2600 26000 260000
Water Usage (in
gallons) 67,808 0 67,808 678080 6780800 67808000
Carbon Dioxide
Emissions (in
pounds) 28.6 0 28.6 286 2860 28600
Energy/ Emissions Savings by eliminating beef from Jessica¡¯s diet:
5. Weekly:
Energy Type
Current Average
Eliminating Beef
from Diet
Difference x 1
Difference x 10
Difference x 100
Difference x 1000
Ounces of Beef
Consumed 25.6 0 25.6 256 2560 25600
Miles that could be
driven in a car for
greenhouse gas
emissions 32 0 32 320 3200 32000
Water Usage (in
gallons) 8,346 0 8346 83460 834600 8346000
Carbon Dioxide
Emissions (in
pounds) 26.5 0 26.5 265 2650 26500
Energy Type
Current Average
Eliminating Beef
from Diet
Difference x 1
Difference x 10
Difference x 100
Difference x 1000
Ounces of Beef
Consumed 1,331 0 1331 13310 133100 1331000
Miles that could be
driven in a car for
greenhouse gas
emissions 1,664 0 1664 16640 166400 1664000
Water Usage (in
gallons) 433,992 0 433992 4339920 43399200 433992000
Carbon Dioxide
Emissions (in
pounds) 1,331.20 0 1,331.20 13312 133120 1331200
Energy/ Emissions Savings by eliminating beef from the average American diet:
6. Other Frightening Facts about Beef Consumption
Calories of fossil fuel used to make 1 calorie of protein for various foods:
8. Number of people whose caloric needs can be met on 2.5
acres of land for the following foods:
9. More thoughts to consider:
Pound for pound,
beef production
greenhouse gases
that contribute
more than 13 times
as much to global
warming as do the
gases emitted from
producing chicken.
For potatoes, the
multiplier is 57.
11. Producing half a
pound of
hamburger for
someone's lunch, a
patty of meat the
size of two decks
of cards, releases as
much greenhouse
gas into the
atmosphere as
driving a 3,000-
pound car nearly 10
12. WikiAnswers tells us
that Earth is 24,901
miles around at the
equator. If just 1000
average Americans
stopped eating beef
for one year we
would save the
equivalent amount
of emissions to
drive around the
equator 66.8 times!
There is some food
for thought.
13. In Conclusion:
When making dietary
choices to lower your
carbon footprint, keep
this in mind:
? Organic is good
? Locally grown
produce is better
? A vegan diet is best!