I am a kinesthetic learner who prefers learning by doing activities with my hands rather than listening to lectures. My strengths include being flexible, creative, spontaneous, and supportive. I gain energy from romance, risks, excitement, laughter, and good friends. My needs are for love, freedom, thrills, and affection. My values include adventure, love, humor, and freedom. My multiple intelligences include nature, self, music, and picture smarts in areas like hiking, camping, poetry, music memory, photography and collages.
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Learning styles
Learning styles
Multiple intelligence
3. I am a kinesthetic learner. I learn
from using my hands and doing
the activity rather then listening to
Kinesthetic a lecture per say.
Take in information by
- Touch
- Doing activity
- Practicing Hands on
4. Orange
Strengths Joys
- Flexible
- Gets things done -Romance
- Creative
- Spontaneous -Laughter
- Go with the flow -Good friends
-Supportiveness Needs Values
-Love -Adventure
-Freedom - Love
-Thrills -Humor
-Affection -Freedom
5. Nature Smarts
Multiple Intelligence
-Camping Self smarts
-Photography -Working independently
-Poetry Music smarts
-Creative writing -Remembering songs
-Thinking -Tapping and clapping
- Imagining -Listening to music
-Singing Picture smarts
-Making collages
Math smarts