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Anna ANKRI - Lorelei BOSSON
Matthieu PREDAL
The target
The target profile
The target habits
Women between 20 and 35 years
Urban and active
Students and young professional
Life lovers and curious
Fresh and natural
Like having fun with friends
Read girls magazines
Like luxury, Champagne, colour
Sensitive to fashion
Connected to multiple social
Insights: top words from the communication ladder
 Reduce the Provence and strong essences aspect
and rework the universe
Provence Quality Natural
Premium Strong perfumes
Insights : influences
 Young people work with recommendations when buying a cosmetic
product: Word-of-mouth
So who is influencing our target?
 42% of girls are influenced by their mother
-> 2rd among the influencers, after the ads
Use the influencers to sensitize the target
Search for
Decision to
Campaign objective
Competition strategy
36% of young girls buy Yves
Rocher or Sephora
Brand values
Authentic beauty Legacy
Unique recipe
LOccitane en Provence,
The true beauty is inherited
The media plan
Ecosystem : A 360属 campaign
In  store
TV commercial
Print Media
In-storeexperience # Refreshing
Store redesign
Make the store appearance more fresh : brighter colors, spot lights
on the product
Hiring a younger, knowledgeable vendors
Sales promotion
 Test samples : engage the customers
 QR codes : more product information and
demonstration videos
 Push a coupon, offer discount  to interact
with the brand and increase the shopping
In  store experience # The virtual window
Virtual mirrors : provide products advise
Educate the customer
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sft5ANEy17Y
In  store experience # Mother & Daughters campaign
A Mother & Daughters contest
One mother-daughter(s) picture
taken in the store = 1  for
womens literacy in Burkina Faso
Best picture votes
Winners : 500  of lOccitane
Mother & Daughters day
Every year in the store
Beauty activities, and
Products advise and discounts on
the products
A love brand - Loyalty program
Recycle and be rewarded card
in any LOccitane store. This card
will be stamped when returning
an empty product, and get a
product of your choice every 5
returned product
Mother and daughter(s) come to
lOccitane for the first time :
1 product bought = 1 free
Consumer generated
Drive to store
Peer recommendation
Key Word : Consumer generated content => Involvement & emotional
attachement to the Brand
Alignment with the Offline campaign => The Mother/Daughter campaign
Digital campaign
Online Advertising
The Website: towardsmore interactivity
Participez au concours
Demandez votre carte
The Website: more than an e-shop
 Replace the actual visuals with the
new ones
 Give more visibility to the social
medias Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest
A website more interactive with 2
new tabs
Ma consultation soin:
Define customer profile
Give some tips and advise
Concours: presenting the
Mother/Daughter constest
 Change the graphic/visuals/Esthetic
 Content rework => Advices for product use rather than product
 Impulse/focus on the consumer generated content =>
Mother/Daughter photo contest
Social networks : Interact with consumers
 Launch of the Mother/daughter beauty campaign
 Connected to Facebook => A way to involve the young target
 Connected to the website
Social networks : Interact with consumers
Consumer generated content
Viral & Buzz
Humanize the brand with pictures
Social networks : Youtube
Content generation & Channel management
 Focus more on the emotional side and avoid to talk about products
 Educate the new target on Product use: load demontrations & tips videos
Pure Advertising
 Its the 2nd search engine worldwide
 Cheap : 5c/view
 Very precise targeting
 Broader reach and higher ROI
The true beauty
is inherited
En Provence
Thank you for your attention !
Qualitative research # Methodology
Objective : Understand the target behavior
Construct a profile
 50 interviews : from 22 to 30 years old, mostly students
 2 parts of the interview :
 Cosmetic behavior in general : identify what they
purchase, why and how
 Focus on LOccitane purchases & brand image : what
they think about the brand, if they purchase, why
Qualitative research # Results (1/2)
 Usages & Habits
76% of girls from 20 to 30 buy in supermarkets
36% of girls from 20 to 30 buy in Yves Rocher & Sephora
 Importance to find a way to push them to the store
Promotion & advertising : 44 %
Mother, family : 42 %
Does not use Internet to find information about their
products : 76%
Qualitative research # Results (2/2)
 Brand awareness
95 % of these girls know the brand
 Brand purchases
40 % of them have already bought a product
50% of their purchasing were for a present for mother or elder
 Conversion rate
less than 10% of girls who have already been in a
lOccitane store bought at least one product
 Brand image
Quality products but old universe for them : 95% think that
LOccitane needs to be rejuvenate
2% of them remember a lOccitane ad VS 20 % for Yves
Rocher or Sephora
Communication Benchmark
Youtube channels :
 Yves Rocher :
 The Body Shop :
 LOccitane :

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Final prez DEF V3 (1)

  • 1. Anna ANKRI - Lorelei BOSSON Jenny DAI - H辿di GARGOURI Matthieu PREDAL
  • 4. The target habits Women between 20 and 35 years old Urban and active Students and young professional Life lovers and curious Fresh and natural Like having fun with friends Read girls magazines Like luxury, Champagne, colour Sensitive to fashion Connected to multiple social medias
  • 5. Insights: top words from the communication ladder Reduce the Provence and strong essences aspect and rework the universe Provence Quality Natural Premium Strong perfumes
  • 6. Insights : influences Young people work with recommendations when buying a cosmetic product: Word-of-mouth So who is influencing our target? 42% of girls are influenced by their mother -> 2rd among the influencers, after the ads Use the influencers to sensitize the target Recommen -dations Search for informations Decision to purchase
  • 9. Competition strategy 36% of young girls buy Yves Rocher or Sephora
  • 11. LOccitane en Provence, The true beauty is inherited
  • 13. Ecosystem : A 360属 campaign TV comercial In store experience Print Digital
  • 16. In-storeexperience # Refreshing Store redesign Make the store appearance more fresh : brighter colors, spot lights on the product Hiring a younger, knowledgeable vendors Sales promotion Test samples : engage the customers QR codes : more product information and demonstration videos Push a coupon, offer discount to interact with the brand and increase the shopping excitement
  • 17. In store experience # The virtual window Virtual mirrors : provide products advise Educate the customer Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sft5ANEy17Y
  • 18. In store experience # Mother & Daughters campaign A Mother & Daughters contest One mother-daughter(s) picture taken in the store = 1 for womens literacy in Burkina Faso Best picture votes Winners : 500 of lOccitane products Mother & Daughters day Every year in the store Beauty activities, and demonstrations Products advise and discounts on the products
  • 19. A love brand - Loyalty program Recycle and be rewarded card in any LOccitane store. This card will be stamped when returning an empty product, and get a product of your choice every 5 returned product Mother and daughter(s) come to lOccitane for the first time : 1 product bought = 1 free
  • 20. Photography Consumer generated content Community structuring Drive to store Peer recommendation Key Word : Consumer generated content => Involvement & emotional attachement to the Brand Alignment with the Offline campaign => The Mother/Daughter campaign Digital campaign Online Advertising
  • 21. The Website: towardsmore interactivity Participez au concours Demandez votre carte
  • 22. The Website: more than an e-shop Replace the actual visuals with the new ones Give more visibility to the social medias Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest A website more interactive with 2 new tabs Ma consultation soin: Define customer profile Give some tips and advise Concours: presenting the Mother/Daughter constest
  • 23. Change the graphic/visuals/Esthetic Content rework => Advices for product use rather than product advertising Impulse/focus on the consumer generated content => Mother/Daughter photo contest Social networks : Interact with consumers
  • 24. Launch of the Mother/daughter beauty campaign Connected to Facebook => A way to involve the young target Connected to the website Social networks : Interact with consumers Consumer generated content Viral & Buzz Humanize the brand with pictures
  • 25. Social networks : Youtube Content generation & Channel management Focus more on the emotional side and avoid to talk about products Educate the new target on Product use: load demontrations & tips videos Pure Advertising Its the 2nd search engine worldwide Cheap : 5c/view Very precise targeting Broader reach and higher ROI LOccitane The true beauty is inherited - LOccitane En Provence
  • 26. Thank you for your attention !
  • 28. Qualitative research # Methodology Objective : Understand the target behavior Construct a profile 50 interviews : from 22 to 30 years old, mostly students 2 parts of the interview : Cosmetic behavior in general : identify what they purchase, why and how Focus on LOccitane purchases & brand image : what they think about the brand, if they purchase, why
  • 29. Qualitative research # Results (1/2) Usages & Habits 76% of girls from 20 to 30 buy in supermarkets 36% of girls from 20 to 30 buy in Yves Rocher & Sephora Importance to find a way to push them to the store Influencers Promotion & advertising : 44 % Mother, family : 42 % Does not use Internet to find information about their products : 76%
  • 30. Qualitative research # Results (2/2) Brand awareness 95 % of these girls know the brand Brand purchases 40 % of them have already bought a product 50% of their purchasing were for a present for mother or elder people Conversion rate less than 10% of girls who have already been in a lOccitane store bought at least one product Brand image Quality products but old universe for them : 95% think that LOccitane needs to be rejuvenate Advertising 2% of them remember a lOccitane ad VS 20 % for Yves Rocher or Sephora
  • 31. Communication Benchmark Youtube channels : Yves Rocher : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLbX0REoSdw&list=PL799A804CA37 F81FF&index=1 The Body Shop : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FToZiDjQEw&list=PL7837B7F6544985 43 LOccitane : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pAwhjItnjU&list=PLD20BEEA83DB30 71B&index=1

Editor's Notes

  • #4: Here is our typical target, and we our going to present you the target group values
  • #5: The target habits: They are young women between 20 and 35 years old. They are urban and active. In fact, they are student or young professional, and start to earn money. They are connected to multiple social medias, they use smartphones, watch TV and US series, and also read girls magazines: they represent the youth living in a four screens world. They are fresh and natural, like having fun with their friends, go shopping and listen to music with all the devices. They also like luxury, Champagne and colours. They are sensitive to fashion and feel the need to attract, but they are not superficial. They are life lovers and want authenticity: they search for quality and not quantity. They are Cartesians: everything must be on purpose.
  • #6: We asked these girls to say the top five words that define most lOccitane. So here they are: Provence, Quality, Natural, Premium and strong perfumes. We wanted to compare these words whith the target needs to see wich ones can be assets for our campaign strategy. 油 Provence: according to the questionnaire, 80% of young girls think Provence is not an asset for the brand, because lOccitane pushed too much on this caracteristic so we have to consider it for our campaign. Quality: As said in the target analyse, our target wants to find in a product the authenticity they build their lives and values on. Natural: is an asset too. Our target is a more and more environment friendly and natural product lover. They do not like chemical products, virtual or metallic product images. Premium: Young girls like the beauty of a product, and are sensitive to fashion. They want to recognize that in the product they buy. Strong perfumes: according to the questionnaire: the smell is the first purchasing criteria for a cosmetic product. However, 64% of young girls thought that lOccitane products have strong perfumes. So it is quite a disadvantage for the brand. 油 Result: For our campaign, we have to reduce the Provence aspect, and play on the essences in a more subtle way.
  • #7: According to our questionnaires, young people work with recommendations when buying a cosmetic product: word-of-mouth: They first hear recommendations, then search for information and then decide to purchase or not. In fact, 42% of girls said they are influenced by their mother, it means it is the 2nd answer after the advertising. 油 Result: Consider this influencer to sensitize the target.
  • #8: Humanize the brand to to create a completely new universe for the brand, in order to attract new customers by keeping its fundamental characteristics.
  • #11: Cr辿er un lien entre la marque et le jeune : ce lien cest la m竪re ! Pitch: Legacy (the beauty is a family true story), authentic beauty (of Provences women + of products: secret recipe & ingredient included, not anymore needed as the center of the communication campaign: customer are educated enough to that fact now we need to humanize the brand), Provence (in background).
  • #12: Mother and daughter + true explanation: We think that the best testimony of what young women are inside is the values transmitted by their mother. They build their style of life on this set of values they have known during their childhood and they keep learning through their 20s. When you take off the clothes, the professional life, the social behavior, whats left? Your true and authentic inner identity. Between 20 and 35, until your parents arent dead, you are the daughter of somebody, chasing achievements and new projects to buil your identity. But everything is based strong roots. This not focused on the past, on the old tradition, but in the contrary on the future, on the legacy, on the understanding of who you are deep inside. Knowing this, you can act naturally, without all the superficial make up. The true means several things here: It is a moment of real life. It happens every day that mother and daughter cook together. (this secret is big enough to think that its a true moment of heritage, love and sharing) Then the feeling is real. Indeed, they laugh, they are having fun, it is a sincere and ing辿nu joy, like innocent children. We touch here essential emotions of life. (its a truly and sincere good feeling) In the TV commercial true means also the true story of the love emerging between the two young actors (it is a true love story)
  • #15: Moments of everyday life between mother and daughter + product oriented + Provence (Graphics of the poster to touch them: Natural colors. The mother and daughter cooking in the kitchen and the cream product is put in relief--> shining maybe? (its out of the scene because a cream has no reason to be in the kitchen^^) And the final slogan is "the best ingredient/recipe of a true story" For each product we adapt the theme to the essences used for this particular product. We integrate here the main criteria that found in the questionnaires: the ingredients that makes produce the awesome smell (sensoriality). LOccitane must make punctual ads: ex: product recommended for New Years Eve in a fashion/girly magazine Humanize the brand: the pictures with faces on the pictures with Provence in the background
  • #16: Moments of everyday life between mother and daughter + product oriented + Provence (Graphics of the poster to touch them: Natural colors. The mother and daughter cooking in the kitchen and the cream product is put in relief--> shining maybe? (its out of the scene because a cream has no reason to be in the kitchen^^) And the final slogan is "the best ingredient/recipe of a true story" For each product we adapt the theme to the essences used for this particular product. We integrate here the main criteria that found in the questionnaires: the ingredients that makes produce the awesome smell (sensoriality). LOccitane must make punctual ads: ex: product recommended for New Years Eve in a fashion/girly magazine Humanize the brand: the pictures with faces on the pictures with Provence in the background
  • #17: Customers can try the product in-store. There is a test sample of every products that engage customers to try the products. Make the store appearance more fresher and bigger through using more brighter colors on the wall and putting more spot light to emphasis the products. Hiring a younger, knowledgeable vendors, which the consumers can easily approach for help.
  • #18: Virtual mirrors in the store that will identifiy your facial features through in real time and will provide products advise based on your skin type. According to your choices in the ranges of skincare, bath, face Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sft5ANEy17Y
  • #19: When the mother brings her daughter to a LOccitane to buy a LOccitane product, they will get a discount. They will also receive a family card to spare for free products. Moreover, a poloroid picture will be made to remind them about this moment. In addition, LOccitane hold a miss mother-daughter contest to find an inspiring mother with her daughter relationship to use in their online campaign in Facebook to emphasis the importance of this relationship. Their fans can vote for their favorite mother and daughter
  • #24: 262K like for the Facebook page => good performance Most (around 他 of people that are actively liking the posts are above 35 years old) => Old current consumers Communicate more on the emotional side rather than the commercial one + create mecanisms of interaction with the consumers Impulse more the consumer generated content (see below the connection and interaction with the other social medias)
  • #25: Very useful tool for consumer generated content, especially photos. Here we can see that the pinterest account of lOccitane is well done, very pictural and very graphic, used mainly for brand identity declination and for product exposition.