Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Operations Manager / Copywriter
You can't stop the signal.
Right, let's see... where to start...
'your' = something belonging to you.
'you're' = you are.
'their' = something belonging to them.
'they're' = they are.
'Brought' = past tense of 'to bring'
'Bought' = past tense of 'to buy'
Fewer or Less?
Use fewer with objects that can be counted one-by-one.
Use less with qualities or quantities that cannot be individually counted.
Incorrect: There were less days below freezing last winter.
Correct: There were fewer days below freezing last winter.
(Days can be counted.)
Correct: I drank less water than she did.
(Water cannot be counted individually here.)
Users being followed by James Teale