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Merge Purge:

How to Do It. Why You Should Do It. What You will Learn
                     by Doing It.
True or false?

1. Merge Purge is a do-it-yourself job.

 2. Merge Purge will prevent you from mailing the same
individual more than once.

 3. Lists with a high percentage of unique records will
generally outperform lists with low %.
Direct mail is a great acquisition tool

For a cross-functional organization like the American Red Cross,
direct mail is the best channel for stewardship and stakeholder
support, and for Memorial Sloane-Kettering. It's simply the most
cost-ef鍖cient method of acquiring new donors, Walker says.
Donors tend to be older. It's not because 30-something-year-olds
don't like to give, it's that they don't live at same address [for long]
and have less disposable income.

Melissa Hoffmann Jan 01, 2012 Direct Marketing News Direct-mail heavy
nonpro鍖ts apply an integrated approach
 biggest 鍖nding of all is that direct-mail giving
 still overwhelmingly brings in the majority of
             fundraising revenue.

  Blackbaud 2011 donorCentrics Internet and Multichannel
  Giving Benchmarking Report

  The2011 Target Analytics report covers 15.6 million donors
  and more than $1.16 billion.

  Forlarge direct-marketing organizations that participated,
  the majority of gifts still come in via direct mail.

What is merge purge?

Process of combining two or more lists or 鍖les,

simultaneously identifying and/or combining duplicates

and eliminating unwanted records such as deadbeats

and nixies.
How do you do it?

Use a service bureau-software is great but having
people who can dig into data is VERY helpful

List broker, production manager, service bureau,
database manager, account manager/direct mail
manager all need to work together
How long does it take?

Once all lists have arrived
3-5 business days
Includes CASS, NCOA, deceased, de-dupe, coding,
splits, etc
Order lists at least one week prior
Allow longer
Why you do it?

The purpose of the merge/purge is to provide a mailer with
the best possible list of names.
What Can You Learn?

Clean List or Not
Which outside lists overlap
Which lists have high match % to your house list
Which lists to cut
What can you earn?

Save on DMA pander matches, NCOA/CASS rejects, deceased,
prisons, intra dupes by NOT mailing them

Use m/p reports to support net names deals. Computer veri鍖cation

Maximize your ROI by mailing multis as many times as you can.
What goes into the m/p-Categories/Status of Lists

Test Lists             Continuations
    Brand new            5x Rule
    New to package
                          All available
    New select
                          Suppress Previous Usage

    Marginal result
    Different terms
    New package
Types of Lists


Donor List
Buyer List                           Compiled Lists
Subscription list                    Modeled Lists


                     Lapsed List
                     Non-donors, buyers,etc

Work with your service bureau
Tell them what兵s coming
Inform them of changes
Stay in touch-ideally have online access
Resolving quantity variance (+/-10%)
CASS-Blindly accept or review (i.e. apt bldgs)
Do you need 鍖nder #兵s?
NCOA-How far back do you go?
Prior to m/p- Instructions to service bureau

                        List priority
I.      Suppression

       a)   Current or active buyer/donor/subscriber
       b)   Best customers, major donor, VIP, board
            members,other channel/medium
       c)   Internal Do Not Mail, Deceased, Chronic Non-
            Responders, etc..

II.     Lapsed if you wish to mail
III.    Third party lists
IV.     Within the lists-rental versus exchange?
Instructions to s/b-other

Appending-Finder   #,congressional data, Ask string,
offer code, PURL's, CBSA, county,etc...

Splits,   package tests, multis

Coding-structure    (i.e.BG1FF121109)

Coding Structure


BG=Bishop Gassis Sudan Relief Fund
1=Prospect, 2 for House/Existing
FF=From the Field (Package Name)
09-Segment/List #
Do not blindly suppress lapsed records

Hard suppress actives

Separately code lapsed

Matches between lapsed 鍖le & outside lists indicate prime lapsed

Test mail the matches versus the non-matches

Hint-the matches will win
Prior to M/P-delivery status

List Name   Rcvd Qty.   Expected   Variance   %         Status

List A      5,001       5,000      +1         100.02%   OK to keep

List B      9,214       10,000     -786       92.14%    OK to keep

List C      8,292       10,000     -1,708     82.92%    Did correct file ship?

List D      11,960      11,000     +960       108.7%    Continuation?

List E      0           25,000     -25,000    0%        SB check for file?
Getting from input to useable records-Their

List Name   Input    CASS      NCOA   DMA      Deceased   Intra   Useable
            Qty.     Rejects          Pander   Drops      Dupes   Records

List A      5,001    0         24     41       131        5       4,800

List B      9,214    0         19     175      171        16      8,833

List C      8,292    2         28     225      47         10      7,980

List D      11,960   75        35     113      105        124     11,508

List E      22,575   2         80     279      256        102     21,856

Total       57,042                                                54,977
Getting from useable to mailable records-Your

List Name   Mailable   In-House    Multis   NetNames   % Unique   % Unique
            Records    Suppression          Coded by              Rank
                       List                 List

List A      4,800      278         167      4,355      87%        2

List B      8,833      2,067       915      5,851      64%        6

List C      7,980      3,939       1,415    2,626      32%        13

List D      11,508     6,685       1,632    3,191      27%        14

List E      21,856     6,011       3,632    12,213     54%        8

Total       54,977     18,980      7,761    28,236     49.5%
Relationship Between Unique Percentage of
                  Records and Performance

List Name   Qty.     % Unique   % Unique           ROI     ROI Rank

List A      4,355    87%        2- (2nd Highest)   $0.26   14 (Lowest)

List B      5,851    64%        6                  $0.99   10

List C      2,626    32%        13                 $1.95   5

List D      3,191    27%        14-(Lowest)        $3.63   1 (Highest)

List E      12,213   54%        8                  $1.75   6


Multibuyer-duplicate record on two or more customer lists,
indicating that the person has made
purchases/donations/subscribers/compiled from multiple lists, also
called multiple buyer.

Multibuyers are likely to have a special propensity to

List costs for multis stays with original list鍖rst drop

If the prospect on List A is good (and of course they are because
why else would you and your broker have selected them) then a
prospect on List A & List B is better
Multis Detail

List Name          Totals        2x         3x               4x             5x             6+
                   aka 2x+

List A             146           125        15               3              1              2

List B             742           585        117              26             7              7

List C             841           553        176              78             22             6

List D             1,064         738        217              64             32             11

List E             2,708         2,011      527              126            38             3

Total              5,501         4,012      1,052            297            100            29

Why is this        4,012+1,052              3x+ Total        4x+ Total      5x+ Total
total not 7,761?   +297+100+2               (1,052+297+10    (297+100+29+   (100+29+
                   9+ (Rounds               0+29+(Rounds     (Rounds 7-9)   (Rounds 7-9)
                   7-9) 11=                 7-9) 11= 1,489   11= 437        11= 140
Final Mail Files

   Records coded to lists
   Records coded to multis
   Records coded to package splits
   Records coded to package tests
List Name             Qty.     Code          Mail Date

List A                4,355    BG1FF051201   05/15/12

List B                5,851    BG1FF051202   05/15/12

List C                2,626    BG1FF051203   05/15/12

List D                3,191    BG1FF051204   05/15/12

List E                12,213   BG1FF051205   05/15/12

List D 2xMultis +     1,064    BG1FF051206   06/05/12

List E 2xMultis +     2,708    BG1FF051207   06/05/12

Balance 2x Multis +   1,729    BG1FF051208   06/05/12

3xMultis +
                      1,052    BG1FF051209   06/26/12

White Mail                     BG1FF051299

Total                 34,789
M/P-what did we learn?

1. Use a professional

2. Mail multis as many times as you've acquired them

 3. Look for new lists but beware the list with a high %
of unique names

                   Thank you for your time!
         James Lawrence james@lawrencedirect.com

Lawrence Direct Marketing Inc.                  Jim Lawrence

James Lawrence

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List Bazaar 2012 How and Why of Merge Purge

  • 1. Merge Purge: How to Do It. Why You Should Do It. What You will Learn by Doing It.
  • 2. True or false? 1. Merge Purge is a do-it-yourself job. 2. Merge Purge will prevent you from mailing the same individual more than once. 3. Lists with a high percentage of unique records will generally outperform lists with low %.
  • 3. Direct mail is a great acquisition tool For a cross-functional organization like the American Red Cross, direct mail is the best channel for stewardship and stakeholder support, and for Memorial Sloane-Kettering. It's simply the most cost-ef鍖cient method of acquiring new donors, Walker says. Donors tend to be older. It's not because 30-something-year-olds don't like to give, it's that they don't live at same address [for long] and have less disposable income. Melissa Hoffmann Jan 01, 2012 Direct Marketing News Direct-mail heavy nonpro鍖ts apply an integrated approach http://www.dmnews.com/direct-mail-heavy-nonpro鍖ts-apply-an-integrated- approach/article/220909/
  • 4. biggest 鍖nding of all is that direct-mail giving still overwhelmingly brings in the majority of fundraising revenue. Blackbaud 2011 donorCentrics Internet and Multichannel Giving Benchmarking Report The2011 Target Analytics report covers 15.6 million donors and more than $1.16 billion. Forlarge direct-marketing organizations that participated, the majority of gifts still come in via direct mail. http://www.fundraisingsuccessmag.com/article/direct-mail-still-rules-day- fundraising/1?e=tgolab%40mediaresearch.org#
  • 5. What is merge purge? Process of combining two or more lists or 鍖les, simultaneously identifying and/or combining duplicates and eliminating unwanted records such as deadbeats and nixies.
  • 6. How do you do it? Use a service bureau-software is great but having people who can dig into data is VERY helpful List broker, production manager, service bureau, database manager, account manager/direct mail manager all need to work together
  • 7. How long does it take? Once all lists have arrived 3-5 business days Includes CASS, NCOA, deceased, de-dupe, coding, splits, etc Order lists at least one week prior Allow longer
  • 8. Why you do it? The purpose of the merge/purge is to provide a mailer with the best possible list of names.
  • 9. What Can You Learn? Clean List or Not Which outside lists overlap Which lists have high match % to your house list Which lists to cut
  • 10. What can you earn? Save on DMA pander matches, NCOA/CASS rejects, deceased, prisons, intra dupes by NOT mailing them Use m/p reports to support net names deals. Computer veri鍖cation required. Maximize your ROI by mailing multis as many times as you can.
  • 11. What goes into the m/p-Categories/Status of Lists Test Lists Continuations Brand new 5x Rule New to package All available New select Suppress Previous Usage Re-Tests Marginal result Different terms New package
  • 12. Types of Lists Traditional Other Donor List Buyer List Compiled Lists Subscription list Modeled Lists House Lapsed List Non-donors, buyers,etc Suppression
  • 13. Instructions/Cooperation Work with your service bureau Tell them what兵s coming Inform them of changes Stay in touch-ideally have online access Resolving quantity variance (+/-10%) CASS-Blindly accept or review (i.e. apt bldgs) Do you need 鍖nder #兵s? NCOA-How far back do you go?
  • 14. Prior to m/p- Instructions to service bureau List priority I. Suppression a) Current or active buyer/donor/subscriber b) Best customers, major donor, VIP, board members,other channel/medium c) Internal Do Not Mail, Deceased, Chronic Non- Responders, etc.. II. Lapsed if you wish to mail III. Third party lists IV. Within the lists-rental versus exchange?
  • 15. Instructions to s/b-other Appending-Finder #,congressional data, Ask string, offer code, PURL's, CBSA, county,etc... Splits, package tests, multis Coding-structure (i.e.BG1FF121109) Seeds-Yours
  • 16. Coding Structure BG1FF121109 BG=Bishop Gassis Sudan Relief Fund 1=Prospect, 2 for House/Existing FF=From the Field (Package Name) 12-December 11-2011 09-Segment/List #
  • 17. Do not blindly suppress lapsed records Hard suppress actives Separately code lapsed Matches between lapsed 鍖le & outside lists indicate prime lapsed prospects Test mail the matches versus the non-matches Hint-the matches will win
  • 18. Prior to M/P-delivery status List Name Rcvd Qty. Expected Variance % Status Qty. List A 5,001 5,000 +1 100.02% OK to keep List B 9,214 10,000 -786 92.14% OK to keep List C 8,292 10,000 -1,708 82.92% Did correct file ship? List D 11,960 11,000 +960 108.7% Continuation? List E 0 25,000 -25,000 0% SB check for file?
  • 19. Getting from input to useable records-Their problems List Name Input CASS NCOA DMA Deceased Intra Useable Qty. Rejects Pander Drops Dupes Records List A 5,001 0 24 41 131 5 4,800 List B 9,214 0 19 175 171 16 8,833 List C 8,292 2 28 225 47 10 7,980 List D 11,960 75 35 113 105 124 11,508 List E 22,575 2 80 279 256 102 21,856 Total 57,042 54,977
  • 20. Getting from useable to mailable records-Your problems List Name Mailable In-House Multis NetNames % Unique % Unique Records Suppression Coded by Rank List List List A 4,800 278 167 4,355 87% 2 List B 8,833 2,067 915 5,851 64% 6 List C 7,980 3,939 1,415 2,626 32% 13 List D 11,508 6,685 1,632 3,191 27% 14 List E 21,856 6,011 3,632 12,213 54% 8 Total 54,977 18,980 7,761 28,236 49.5%
  • 21. Relationship Between Unique Percentage of Records and Performance List Name Qty. % Unique % Unique ROI ROI Rank Rank List A 4,355 87% 2- (2nd Highest) $0.26 14 (Lowest) List B 5,851 64% 6 $0.99 10 List C 2,626 32% 13 $1.95 5 List D 3,191 27% 14-(Lowest) $3.63 1 (Highest) List E 12,213 54% 8 $1.75 6
  • 23. Multis Multibuyer-duplicate record on two or more customer lists, indicating that the person has made purchases/donations/subscribers/compiled from multiple lists, also called multiple buyer. Multibuyers are likely to have a special propensity to buy/donate/subscribe/engage-in-modeled-behavior List costs for multis stays with original list鍖rst drop If the prospect on List A is good (and of course they are because why else would you and your broker have selected them) then a prospect on List A & List B is better
  • 24. Multis Detail List Name Totals 2x 3x 4x 5x 6+ aka 2x+ List A 146 125 15 3 1 2 List B 742 585 117 26 7 7 List C 841 553 176 78 22 6 List D 1,064 738 217 64 32 11 List E 2,708 2,011 527 126 38 3 Total 5,501 4,012 1,052 297 100 29 Why is this 4,012+1,052 3x+ Total 4x+ Total 5x+ Total total not 7,761? +297+100+2 (1,052+297+10 (297+100+29+ (100+29+ 9+ (Rounds 0+29+(Rounds (Rounds 7-9) (Rounds 7-9) 7-9) 11= 7-9) 11= 1,489 11= 437 11= 140 5,501
  • 25. Final Mail Files Records coded to lists Records coded to multis Records coded to package splits Records coded to package tests
  • 26. List Name Qty. Code Mail Date List A 4,355 BG1FF051201 05/15/12 List B 5,851 BG1FF051202 05/15/12 List C 2,626 BG1FF051203 05/15/12 List D 3,191 BG1FF051204 05/15/12 List E 12,213 BG1FF051205 05/15/12 List D 2xMultis + 1,064 BG1FF051206 06/05/12 List E 2xMultis + 2,708 BG1FF051207 06/05/12 Balance 2x Multis + 1,729 BG1FF051208 06/05/12 3xMultis + 1,052 BG1FF051209 06/26/12 White Mail BG1FF051299 Total 34,789
  • 27. M/P-what did we learn? 1. Use a professional 2. Mail multis as many times as you've acquired them 3. Look for new lists but beware the list with a high % of unique names
  • 28. Q&A Thank you for your time! James Lawrence james@lawrencedirect.com www.lawrencedirect.com 540-349-9278 Lawrence Direct Marketing Inc. Jim Lawrence James Lawrence @LawDirectMktng