102.การจัดการเȨ้อการเȨ้อหาว็บไซต์ระดับภาควิชาวิศวกรรมThai Name Server co.,ltd.การจัดการเนื้อหาในเว็บไซต์ ระดับภาควิชาวิศวกรรมต่างๆ
โดยคุณ วีระพันธ์ ศรีเมือง
Aug activityAmal PereraAptech Andheri West August Activity
Projeto pos doc valeria completoHeles SouzaEste documento apresenta um projeto de pesquisa que visa fomentar e capacitar em metodologias não convencionais para a gestão social, como o uso de técnicas artísticas para promover a participação cidadã em contextos de desigualdade. O projeto objetiva produzir um referencial teórico para orientar práticas participativas e avaliar formas de incluir técnicas artísticas nos processos participativos de políticas públicas.
Hips pres 21 aug 13alicewaltersmsmcThis document summarizes a college's efforts to implement High Impact Practices (HIPs) through a First Year Experience (FYE) program. It describes a proposed model for the FYE that was developed at an AAC&U Institute, which includes learning communities comprised of paired courses with shared students, faculty and staff. The goals are to increase retention, engagement and learning through integrating HIPs such as first-year seminars, common courses, writing, and linking academic and extracurricular activities. Feedback will be gathered on the model before potential adoption.
102.การจัดการเȨ้อการเȨ้อหาว็บไซต์ระดับภาควิชาวิศวกรรมThai Name Server co.,ltd.การจัดการเนื้อหาในเว็บไซต์ ระดับภาควิชาวิศวกรรมต่างๆ
โดยคุณ วีระพันธ์ ศรีเมือง
Aug activityAmal PereraAptech Andheri West August Activity
Projeto pos doc valeria completoHeles SouzaEste documento apresenta um projeto de pesquisa que visa fomentar e capacitar em metodologias não convencionais para a gestão social, como o uso de técnicas artísticas para promover a participação cidadã em contextos de desigualdade. O projeto objetiva produzir um referencial teórico para orientar práticas participativas e avaliar formas de incluir técnicas artísticas nos processos participativos de políticas públicas.
Hips pres 21 aug 13alicewaltersmsmcThis document summarizes a college's efforts to implement High Impact Practices (HIPs) through a First Year Experience (FYE) program. It describes a proposed model for the FYE that was developed at an AAC&U Institute, which includes learning communities comprised of paired courses with shared students, faculty and staff. The goals are to increase retention, engagement and learning through integrating HIPs such as first-year seminars, common courses, writing, and linking academic and extracurricular activities. Feedback will be gathered on the model before potential adoption.
dissertationforum.orgdissertationforThe document describes an online forum called Dissertation Forum that allows researchers to discuss issues and solutions related to research. The forum provides opportunities for interaction and networking with peers, allows users to share dissertation writing tips and engage in live chat discussions. It aims to help researchers by connecting them with others in similar situations across various fields of study.
History of computerhwan227This document summarizes the history of calculating machines and early computers. It describes how counting was originally done with fingers or stones, and how the abacus was invented in China as the first calculating machine. It then discusses the inventions of Napier's Bones by John Napier, Pascal's Arithmetician Machine by Blaise Pascal, Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine, and Herman Hollerith's Tabulating Machine, as important early steps in the development of calculating machines and computers.
Legal Salary Survey 2013/12 by Laurence SimonsLaurenseSimonsDuring 2012 Laurence Simons conducted a survey with clients and candidates focusing on remuneration, bonuses and recruitment trends. Over 3,700 legal and compliance professionals were surveyed across the globe from numerous industry sectors. The salary survey is based on the data received from the online survey, our global database of over 60,000 lawyers, as well as the expertise of our experienced consultants across the globe.
10 wisdom pills from The Next Web ConferencesAgustín SorianoThe document presents 10 "wisdom pills" or short pieces of strategic advice from the JWT Amsterdam Planning Department. Each pill is 1-3 sentences focusing on a different topic related to technology, marketing, or business strategy. For example, pill #1 discusses how companies like Duolingo and reCAPTCHA harness human power by translating texts or digitizing books. Pill #3 advises that the focus should be on user experiences rather than just product features. The final slides thank the audience and provide contact information for the presentation designers.
Pedagogia del Gioco e dell'AnimazioneElisabettaIncoQueste slide sono state realizzate per il corso per aspiranti animatori turistici. Le slide sono state realizzate dalla pedagogista Elisabetta Incollingo, Presidente dell'Associazione Culturale Sunshine. Sono state utilizzate fonti bibliografiche e una buona dose di esperienza personale. Hanno contribuito alla realizzazione dell'evento (Corso) anche altri soci dell'associazione, professionisti del campo dell'animazione e dello sport.
Su richiesta, le slide in inglese.
Future of advertising - Some thoughts from the present to predict the future ...Agustín SorianoI was asked to make this presentation for a conference and, despite the topic being really tricky, I've tried to place some bets about the future for agencies and brands. Don't take this really seriously because the future can't be guessed and there is only one prediction that is 100% sure...
Health Information Privacy & Security Management: Part 1 (May 13, 2019)Nawanan Theera-AmpornpuntPresented at the Medical Service Department, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in Bangkok, Thailand on May 13, 2019