..well the name is juBbii but my friends and buddies call me joop$!..you may call me anything you like except for BI***and other painful words,,cause the next thing you'll know is that you'll end up in stiches,,,jks,,i ain't that mean...anyways i attend the most powerful school on island home of the mighty red MARLINS!! yup!!MARLIN$ PRIDE NEVAH DIE$!!..MARLiNAtEd(; WEARiNG EM' REd (&) WhitE COLORS With PRidE;)...:). i'LL bE SOON WALkiNG thEM' MARiSt AiSLES, ANd RULiNG thEEh thRONE..LMBAO ! *well that's all i can leave you with,,bt if you want to learn more about me,,add me as a friend and i am telling you that we'll be even close friend then ever!!HOLLA!!waiting for your friend requ