The 10 minute opening talk for the Rendering Performance panel at Edge NY, September 23rd 2013. This was just designed to give a brief overview of the topic before the Q&A portion of the panel.
9. Facebook arti鍖cially slowed down frame rate on iOS and
Android to 30 FPS, and engagement collapsed
- Shane O'Sullivan, Edge London 2013
Sunday, September 22, 13
10. Etsy tested pre-fetching JS on our search results page, which
caused jank as the JS 鍖nished downloading. All business
metrics we monitored got much worse.
- Me, right now
Sunday, September 22, 13
18. But Really...
requestAnimationFrame, not setTimeout
Consistent frame rate > high frame rate
Paint less (batch)
Consider translateZ hack
Sunday, September 22, 13
19. But Really...
requestAnimationFrame, not setTimeout
Consistent frame rate > high frame rate
Paint less (batch)
Consider translateZ hack
Optimize texture uploads to the GPU
Sunday, September 22, 13