The document summarizes how ClashMob, a large-scale social challenge in Infinity Blade 2, was used to increase player retention and engagement on social media platforms. ClashMob challenges required thousands of players to collectively complete in-game mini-games to earn rewards. Social interactions like liking Facebook posts and retweeting tweets about ClashMobs provided bonus rewards and increased the social impact of ClashMobs. Metrics showed ClashMobs significantly increased daily active users, Facebook engagement, page reach, and Twitter retweets.
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MIGS 2012 - ClashMobs
1. Infinity Blade 2 ClashMob:
Hacking the Social Graph
Joe Graf
November 14, 2012
2. About This Talk
ClashMob social impact
How ClashMob works
3. About Me
Worked at Epic Games over 9 years
Primarily focused on online features for our games and
Sr. Online Architect at Epic
5. About Infinity Blade 2
Franchise introduced in December 2010
Franchise has grossed > $30 million
Infinity Blade 2
15 Perfect Scores
More than 20 Game of the Year Awards
Simply put, you need this game
An iOS Masterpiece --Touch Arcade
6. About ClashMob
Large scale challenge requiring thousands to complete
Everyone that participates receives the reward
Bonuses given for social elements
Friends that play the game too
Like-ing a ClashMob post on the Infinity Blade page
Retweeting a ClashMob tweet
In Infinity Blade 2, comprised of mini-games
7. Goals for ClashMob
Increase our player retention
Give them a reason to come back again and again
Increase reach, awareness, and virality
Use social interactions to participate
Retweeting a ClashMob tweet
Like-ing the ClashMob post on the brand page
Recording your participation as a comment
8. ClashMob Social Impact
Measuring success
How many people used the feature?
How many used the social aspects?
Did the social interactions help?
9. Infinity Blade and Infinity Blade 2 DAU
ClashMob launches
3 Months
4 Months
5 Months
6 Months
11. Facebook Edge Rank
Determines whether a post appears in a users feed
Only 16% brand page posts are actually seen
Based upon 3 criteria
Affinity score: how interactive the fan has been with past content
Weight: based upon the type of interaction
share > comment > like
Time decay: how long ago the post occurred
ClashMob interactions increase edge rank and therefor increase
12. Facebook Engagement Index (FEI)
Uses the talking about counts as a percentage of
total likes for the page
Measures how engaged your customers are with
your brand on Facebook
Engagement increases the number of impressions
14. 7 Day FEI on June 7, 2012
Infinity Blade Halo Call of Duty Angry Birds Apple Microsoft Google Jaguar
23. Brand Page Post Setup
1. Create a Facebook App that does the posting
2. Create a brand page for your product
3. Login as an administrator of the brand page
4. Grant the app permission to post as you<app id>&
Example response
24. Facebook Brand Page Post
1. Query for accounts using our stored access
token to get the access token for the page
2. Post to brand page using returned access token
3. Periodically, read likes and comment counts to
update global participation state
26. Facebook Brand Page Post
2. Post to brand page<page id>/feed?method=post&
access_token=<page token>&
message=<message text>
Example JSON results
{ "id": "163584600328189_462261520460494" }
27. Facebook Brand Page Post
3. Monitor post activity
Example JSON results
"id": "163584600328189_462261520460494",
"message": "ClashMob: Destroy 27K Plated Sorok to win 10,000 Gold! Like this post to kill an extra Sorok!",
"type": "status",
"created_time": "2012-07-17T20:00:15+0000",
"likes": {
"data": [
{ "name": "Joe Graf", "id": "635667972" },
{ "name": "Chris Mielke", "id": "100000378321704" } ],
"count": 5344 },
"comments": { "count": 3600 }
28. Server to Twitter Integration
Click to edit Master text styles
Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level
29. Twitter Integration Setup
1. Sign into the account that will send Tweets
2. Create an application to send Tweets
3. Set the app permissions to read and write
4. Create an access token for the app
30. Twitter Integration Setup
Click to edit Master text styles
Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level
31. Server to Twitter Integration
1. Tweet ClashMob information as the account
2. Periodically, read the Tweet to get retweet
32. ClashMob Server Twitter Integration
1. Post tweet to account feed
status=<OAuth encoded tweet>
Example JSON results
{ "id": 203261300,
"name": "Infinity Blade",
"followers_count": 31248,
"created_at": "Fri Oct 15 22:05:09 +0000 2010",
"verified": true,
"statuses_count": 1054,
"lang": "en",
"status": {
"created_at": "Wed Jul 18 16:00:50 +0000 2012",
"id": 225621159272656900,
"text": "ClashMob: Deal as much ...! Retweet to do 2,500 DAMAGE now! #infinityblade",
"retweet_count": 953, } }
33. ClashMob Server Twitter Integration
2. Read a ClashMob tweet for retweet counts
Example JSON results
{ "created_at": "Wed Jul 11 21:50:58 +0000 2012",
"id": 223172555035508740,
"text": "ClashMob: Combine gems in the Gem Forge to create powerful, rare gems! #infinityblade",
"source": "<a href="" rel="nofollow">Infinity Blade II</a>",
"user": {
"id": 203261300,
"id_str": "203261300",
"name": "Infinity Blade",
"screen_name": "InfinityBlade",
"followers_count": 31248,
"listed_count": 463,
"created_at": "Fri Oct 15 22:05:09 +0000 2010",
"verified": true,
"lang": "en", },
"retweet_count": 984 }
39. ClashMob Step by Step
Get ClashMob List Google App
Return visible events Engine
Enroll in ClashMob
Push Notification of Start
Send Player Contribution
Return Global Progress
Push Notification of Completion
41. ClashMob Step by Step
Get ClashMob List Google App
Return visible events Engine
Enroll in ClashMob
Push Notification of Start
Send Player Contribution
Return Global Progress
Push Notification of Completion
Claim Reward
44. Facebook Like Support
To like a ClashMob post, the client issues a
web request with the posts ID
The ID is given to the client by our backend server
We use HTTP GET with method=post override
access_token=<users access token>
46. ClashMob Twitter Retweet Support
The Twitter API is RESTful so the game
retweets a ClashMob tweet by POSTing to an
URL with an ID
48. Facebook Comment Support
Commenting is similar to creating a post, but
to a specific post ID
access_token=<users access token>&
message=<URL encoded message>
49. My Mob
Pulled from Facebook &
Game Center on iOS
Bonuses for friends
Call to action
51. Summary
Weve discussed what ClashMob is
Weve seen that ClashMob has extended our brands reach
yielding impressions outside of our core community
Weve talked about how we integrate the game server with
social networks
Weve talked about how to integrate social networks into the
game client
52. Infinity Blade 2 ClashMob:
Hacking the Social Graph
Special thanks to:
Donald & Geremy Mustard Joe Graf
ChAIR Entertainment
Wes Hunt Epic Games, Inc.
Josh Markiewicz
Twitter: @EpicCog
Eric Newman
Ian Thomas Patent pending: 61/618,053 & 61/618,024
Sam Zamani