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Organization / Workplace
Fuzhou, Fujian
Bilingual Intern
i don't care what they say, i'm in love with you they try to pull me away but they don't know the truth my heart's crippled by the vein that i keep on closing.. whatta bleeding love. roaming number: 09498700057 須吼 </3 on my hOnor, i wiLL dO my bEst tO dO my dUty tO gOd anD tO my cOuntry thE rEpUbLic of the phiLippinEs and tO obey the scOut lAw, tO help peopLe at aLl timEs, tO kEep mY sElf phsicALLy stRong, mEntaLLy awake and mOrALLy straight.. trUStwOrthy LoyaL hELpfUL frienDLy cOurtEous kinD obEdient chEErfUL thrifthy brAVe cLean rEvereNt...... I AM WHO I AM!???