a.k.a DJ Tony Louis / DJ TL
SoundCloud: http://soundcloud.com/djtl
弍亳舒仄 亟舒 仂弍亳舒仄, 仄舒亰 亟舒 仄舒亰!
The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything
Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. "Yes" is the answer.
亠 亠 于 仗亳仂亟舒舒 仄亳 亟舒 弍亳舒仄 仗亠仍亳于仂 仂仍仂仄从亳, 亟舒 亞亳 仍亠仗 亳 亟舒 弍亠亢亟舒于舒仄 亠弍亠 亳, 亠 弍亠仍亠亰亳亠 仂 仗亠仆仂仂 仆亠 仍亳舒.