the first deck in the Cloud series for a meeting called Cloud1. This presentation lays down the principles for the open source Cloud of Knowing project. Chris Arning presented a deck about the semantic web. There were 4 of us who went! It was an inauspicious start for a group which drew in some seriously bright people and got asked some fundamental questions. There was no budget, no confidentiality clause. Any presentation made was put on a webjam so anyone could see it. That's how the project began.
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More Related Content
Cloud1: the set up for the Cloud of Knowing project in 2009
5. Textual analysis on the web how good is it?
RSS feeds
Key words searches
Dodgy social media measurement techniques
Eg deduct neutral tweets and subtract negative
tweets from positive ones. Thats the score!!
6. Some questions about the originators
Who are they, where are they from and how did they
come to post this content?
What did they mean?
Which audience were they writing for?
What is the context?
Are they being paid?
Is this their genuine opinion or are they stooges
marketing constructs?
Who do they represent?
7. Themes to resolve
How to source and structure textual web
content (and other media forms as well)
How to validate it
What if we worked with other web users what
would we get them to do?
How do we sort and grade content?
How do we sort and grade web users?
8. Grab bag of issues
Sourcing RSS feeds
Hunting recruiting webusers to go taggin
Grading recruiting webusers to grade what
comes in
Profiling using scoring models as in direct
marketing profiles