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Zodiac signs!

   Year 2012 is about oppourtunities for you. The overall tempo of this year is change - be
    it in personal front or youre career. Professional success will be in the forefront. These
    developments however will take time, you have to wait patiently.

    The year rides high on the professional goals. It will also keep you very active, with sweet
    rewards to share.

    This is not to say that you will not face problems. The whole year in fact will be filled with
    hurdles, obstacles in your professional path. After September, when Saturn moves out of
    Libra, youre life will be less complicated.

    If you have been planning to undertake some special course in relation to work; then this
    is a good time. It will assist the stars, which are already moving you to a higher post.

    Your knowledge will lead you to the right direction in life. Your realist self will play a
    strong role making you respond to things with an even more practical thinking. From the
    first month of 2012, people under Aries horoscope enter the Jupiter cycle. This brings in
    a good amount of cash flow and some drastic change in career. This is also the time for
    you to relax and go for a vacation. Spend time with your near and dear ones as family and
    friends will bring in joy towards the mid of the year.

 Year 2012 is about good breaks for the Taurians. Although there may be
  some hurdles initially, your hard work will show remarkable results in both
  career and business front. It is a time in reap in the accolades.
  Monetarily there may be some ups and downs, as most money earned go in
  settling old dues. But by putting in your very best, results will pour in.
  Jupiters strong presence will keep you aggressive and antagonistic. It will
  also help you gain a perspective into what is important. Indulge in
  meaningful debates, deliberate on your career path with the people around
  Multi-tasking has always been your strength, use it to the maximum. It will
  reap successful business relations. But be prepared to work hard.

 Actions, projects, and activities are the highlights of Gemini
  Horoscope 2012. Sprightly and energetic as the twin souls are, they
  would sure love their calendar to be filled with exciting events. Not
  only that, with new assignments there would be new aspirations as
  well. Geminis have a zest for life.
  The year may draw on monotony during the months of July and
  August, but that is just a phase. You would soon turn the scenario to
  enthusiasm. Relationships would bloom with family, friends and
  loved ones. Its your adaptable nature that is going to make you sail
  through tough situations and bring satisfaction.
  If there be any friction this year in terms of work or otherwise, this
  is certainly not a time for compromises. Its time to make your
  opinions heard and take the correct stand.

 The planetary positions for Cancer horoscope 2012 speaks of
  change, especially with your associates. Children would demand
  greater independence. Near and dear ones would also undergo
  significant transformations. It can be in the form of one of your
  friends planning to launch a new project or a near one upset for an
  emotional downswing.
  All this will make your world be in a constant state of evolution.
  Cancerians are dreamy yet moody, and at times tends to get affected
  by in a pessimistic way during any uncalled for change.
  The best way to deal with it is to remain calm and treating the
  situation as just another phase. Good times are ahead only you need
  to have the eye for it!

 The position of the Saturn and Uranus for the Leo Horoscope 2012 highlights that
  all your plans for which you have been working for past two years would reach its
  Great opportunities would be there on your way. The position of the Sun too is
  favorable, which adds reinforces energy and zeal. This would enhance your vitality
  and make you more enthusiastic at work and other matters that concern your family
  and loved ones. You might be caught up planning some household events and
  playing the generous host.
  Leos have a tendency to erupt all too soon. This is helpful at times, but can also act
  otherwise. 2012 involves a great amount of family involvement, where you might
  have to put up with few relatives with whom you might get into disagreement. In
  such cases handle the situation by logically reasoning out than getting into
  combative arguments.
  According to Leo forecast 2012, health is something that you might have to take
  special care of. Especially for working women. There are chances of getting affected
  by allergies, abdominal aches, and other digestive problems that may prolong for a

 Virgo Horoscope 2012 forecasts that you have to be tough and
  emotionally steady this year! The year ahead has both the bouquets
  and brickbats. 2012 spells out some critical situations that might
  lead to painful outcome. This could be in the work front or in your
  family. It will be more in the form of abrupt happenings and set of
  May be a colleague would prove unworthy or a near one might fall
  ill. The respite here is doing what the situation best demands and let
  time pass! Expressing yourself is important to a dear friend or a
  senior family member.
  Circumstances would propel you to react impulsively. Though at
  times that could be the remedy but on most occasions you need to
  maintain calm and take care of your temper. Diverting your mind to
  work is a good respite as that would you strength and stability.

 Ruled by grace and charm, Librans always display a bright and
  vibrant outlook towards life. This is exactly what the Libra
  horoscope 2012 suggests. The year would start on a light note and
  would continue so for a while. The pressure in the workspace
  reduced, which in turn reduced your tensions and worries.
  There will be freedom of thoughts and expressions. You will have
  ample scopes to showcase your creativity and innovation at work.
  Personal life in terms of family and your relationship offers you
  support and guidance.
  You will end up spending maximum time with your loved ones this
  year and weave new bonds. There might momentary depressions
  caused due to health and conflicts with friends. It shall be solved
  with time. Overall the year starts and ends on a happy note.

 Its good news for the Scorpions who have been undergoing a period
  of regularity both in the personal life and family. Release of old
  ideas and involvement with new projects is the Scorpio
  Horoscope 2012. It could come to you in the form of new work
  opportunity, a visit to a pilgrimage, cultivating a new hobby and the
  The negative impacts of last year would wash away. New hopes and
  beginnings in terms of relationships and work would take their
  course. Your health would improve too, giving you the energy and
  zest to strive ahead with ambitious plans.
  This is also a year to be make new friends, but we advise that you
  choose them well. Scorpio Horoscope 2012 spells out an overall
  transformation in other fields as well.

 Sagittarians often known as the ambitious archers always exhibit a
  positive outlook towards life. Honorable, gentle and enthusiastic, people
  born under this zodiac naturally possess the gift of the gab and the ability to
  withstand any adverse situation with an optimistic attitude.
  Sagittarius horoscope 2012 promises to be an exciting with new beginnings
  and ventures coming up. Perhaps a change in location or a new job
  opportunity, scopes and opportunities would be in abundance.
  Family would be important this year and spending some quality time with
  them is imperative. A long family vacation towards the end the year would
  be perfect.
  That is not all. The archer also emerges victorious is areas of love, career
  and other fields. Let us read more on the Sagittarius 2012 forecast.

 The New Year is full of prospects and possibilities, so predicts the
  Capricorn Horoscope 2012. Your course of life this year attains a
  serenity life never had before. Not that you get all-silent and
  removed from life, but then the confusion and dilemma that existed
  would cease. Your inner self would be in agreement with the
  external environment.
  This apart the Capricorn 2012 predictions also suggests less mood
  swings and more of socializing. There would be new assignments to
  take on. It is also time for retrospection in a big way. This is the time
  when you can assess much of your career and personal decisions.
  There are chances that you will take keen interest in spirituality and
  other esoteric sciences. You will be eager to learn new things and
  would be able to adapt to new circumstances in life.

 Try to be less hesitant is the advice that zooms out bright from the
  Aquarius Horoscope 2012. Carefree yet focused, creative yet
  confused, at times the water bearer tends to be much of a
  This leads to unwanted inhibitions and hesitations. The Aquarius
  astrology update for 2012 would have circumstances where the only
  way out would be spontaneity. The troublesome affairs of last year
  ceases for good, but being hesitant to new ideas and people will only
  bring the same stagnation back.
  Your social life will improve manifolds as does your family life.
  Owing to a job change or a career move might take you to a new
  land amidst new people. Socializing is on the cards! As you meet
  new people, make friends you get the scope to learn about various

 The Pisces horoscope 2012 predicts of serenity throughout the
  year. This would be true about home, work, relationships as
  well as friendship. The pace, at which life is going to move,
  would deepen your perspectives. You will be able to see things
  clearly. There will be a gradual evolvement that you will be
  having. At times, you may feel extremely removed from life
  and all materialistic desires. That is just a phase. You would
  be back to the normal grind very soon. There will be a sense of
  freedom generated in you, which would be reflected in your
  thoughts, actions and behavior. The year also asks you take
  few major decisions that might change the course of your life.
  You have time with you, therefore there is no need to rush and

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Zodiac signs!

  • 2. Aries Year 2012 is about oppourtunities for you. The overall tempo of this year is change - be it in personal front or youre career. Professional success will be in the forefront. These developments however will take time, you have to wait patiently. The year rides high on the professional goals. It will also keep you very active, with sweet rewards to share. This is not to say that you will not face problems. The whole year in fact will be filled with hurdles, obstacles in your professional path. After September, when Saturn moves out of Libra, youre life will be less complicated. If you have been planning to undertake some special course in relation to work; then this is a good time. It will assist the stars, which are already moving you to a higher post. Your knowledge will lead you to the right direction in life. Your realist self will play a strong role making you respond to things with an even more practical thinking. From the first month of 2012, people under Aries horoscope enter the Jupiter cycle. This brings in a good amount of cash flow and some drastic change in career. This is also the time for you to relax and go for a vacation. Spend time with your near and dear ones as family and friends will bring in joy towards the mid of the year.
  • 3. Taurus Year 2012 is about good breaks for the Taurians. Although there may be some hurdles initially, your hard work will show remarkable results in both career and business front. It is a time in reap in the accolades. Monetarily there may be some ups and downs, as most money earned go in settling old dues. But by putting in your very best, results will pour in. Jupiters strong presence will keep you aggressive and antagonistic. It will also help you gain a perspective into what is important. Indulge in meaningful debates, deliberate on your career path with the people around you. Multi-tasking has always been your strength, use it to the maximum. It will reap successful business relations. But be prepared to work hard.
  • 4. Gemini Actions, projects, and activities are the highlights of Gemini Horoscope 2012. Sprightly and energetic as the twin souls are, they would sure love their calendar to be filled with exciting events. Not only that, with new assignments there would be new aspirations as well. Geminis have a zest for life. The year may draw on monotony during the months of July and August, but that is just a phase. You would soon turn the scenario to enthusiasm. Relationships would bloom with family, friends and loved ones. Its your adaptable nature that is going to make you sail through tough situations and bring satisfaction. If there be any friction this year in terms of work or otherwise, this is certainly not a time for compromises. Its time to make your opinions heard and take the correct stand.
  • 5. Cancer The planetary positions for Cancer horoscope 2012 speaks of change, especially with your associates. Children would demand greater independence. Near and dear ones would also undergo significant transformations. It can be in the form of one of your friends planning to launch a new project or a near one upset for an emotional downswing. All this will make your world be in a constant state of evolution. Cancerians are dreamy yet moody, and at times tends to get affected by in a pessimistic way during any uncalled for change. The best way to deal with it is to remain calm and treating the situation as just another phase. Good times are ahead only you need to have the eye for it!
  • 6. Leo The position of the Saturn and Uranus for the Leo Horoscope 2012 highlights that all your plans for which you have been working for past two years would reach its fruition. Great opportunities would be there on your way. The position of the Sun too is favorable, which adds reinforces energy and zeal. This would enhance your vitality and make you more enthusiastic at work and other matters that concern your family and loved ones. You might be caught up planning some household events and playing the generous host. Leos have a tendency to erupt all too soon. This is helpful at times, but can also act otherwise. 2012 involves a great amount of family involvement, where you might have to put up with few relatives with whom you might get into disagreement. In such cases handle the situation by logically reasoning out than getting into combative arguments. According to Leo forecast 2012, health is something that you might have to take special care of. Especially for working women. There are chances of getting affected by allergies, abdominal aches, and other digestive problems that may prolong for a while.
  • 7. Virgo Virgo Horoscope 2012 forecasts that you have to be tough and emotionally steady this year! The year ahead has both the bouquets and brickbats. 2012 spells out some critical situations that might lead to painful outcome. This could be in the work front or in your family. It will be more in the form of abrupt happenings and set of events. May be a colleague would prove unworthy or a near one might fall ill. The respite here is doing what the situation best demands and let time pass! Expressing yourself is important to a dear friend or a senior family member. Circumstances would propel you to react impulsively. Though at times that could be the remedy but on most occasions you need to maintain calm and take care of your temper. Diverting your mind to work is a good respite as that would you strength and stability.
  • 8. Libra Ruled by grace and charm, Librans always display a bright and vibrant outlook towards life. This is exactly what the Libra horoscope 2012 suggests. The year would start on a light note and would continue so for a while. The pressure in the workspace reduced, which in turn reduced your tensions and worries. There will be freedom of thoughts and expressions. You will have ample scopes to showcase your creativity and innovation at work. Personal life in terms of family and your relationship offers you support and guidance. You will end up spending maximum time with your loved ones this year and weave new bonds. There might momentary depressions caused due to health and conflicts with friends. It shall be solved with time. Overall the year starts and ends on a happy note.
  • 9. Scorpio Its good news for the Scorpions who have been undergoing a period of regularity both in the personal life and family. Release of old ideas and involvement with new projects is the Scorpio Horoscope 2012. It could come to you in the form of new work opportunity, a visit to a pilgrimage, cultivating a new hobby and the like. The negative impacts of last year would wash away. New hopes and beginnings in terms of relationships and work would take their course. Your health would improve too, giving you the energy and zest to strive ahead with ambitious plans. This is also a year to be make new friends, but we advise that you choose them well. Scorpio Horoscope 2012 spells out an overall transformation in other fields as well.
  • 10. Sagittarius Sagittarians often known as the ambitious archers always exhibit a positive outlook towards life. Honorable, gentle and enthusiastic, people born under this zodiac naturally possess the gift of the gab and the ability to withstand any adverse situation with an optimistic attitude. Sagittarius horoscope 2012 promises to be an exciting with new beginnings and ventures coming up. Perhaps a change in location or a new job opportunity, scopes and opportunities would be in abundance. Family would be important this year and spending some quality time with them is imperative. A long family vacation towards the end the year would be perfect. That is not all. The archer also emerges victorious is areas of love, career and other fields. Let us read more on the Sagittarius 2012 forecast.
  • 11. Capricorn The New Year is full of prospects and possibilities, so predicts the Capricorn Horoscope 2012. Your course of life this year attains a serenity life never had before. Not that you get all-silent and removed from life, but then the confusion and dilemma that existed would cease. Your inner self would be in agreement with the external environment. This apart the Capricorn 2012 predictions also suggests less mood swings and more of socializing. There would be new assignments to take on. It is also time for retrospection in a big way. This is the time when you can assess much of your career and personal decisions. There are chances that you will take keen interest in spirituality and other esoteric sciences. You will be eager to learn new things and would be able to adapt to new circumstances in life.
  • 12. Aquarius Try to be less hesitant is the advice that zooms out bright from the Aquarius Horoscope 2012. Carefree yet focused, creative yet confused, at times the water bearer tends to be much of a procrastinator. This leads to unwanted inhibitions and hesitations. The Aquarius astrology update for 2012 would have circumstances where the only way out would be spontaneity. The troublesome affairs of last year ceases for good, but being hesitant to new ideas and people will only bring the same stagnation back. Your social life will improve manifolds as does your family life. Owing to a job change or a career move might take you to a new land amidst new people. Socializing is on the cards! As you meet new people, make friends you get the scope to learn about various aspects.
  • 13. Picses The Pisces horoscope 2012 predicts of serenity throughout the year. This would be true about home, work, relationships as well as friendship. The pace, at which life is going to move, would deepen your perspectives. You will be able to see things clearly. There will be a gradual evolvement that you will be having. At times, you may feel extremely removed from life and all materialistic desires. That is just a phase. You would be back to the normal grind very soon. There will be a sense of freedom generated in you, which would be reflected in your thoughts, actions and behavior. The year also asks you take few major decisions that might change the course of your life. You have time with you, therefore there is no need to rush and hesitate.