This document discusses creative Bible teaching methods. It focuses on using structured study and different teaching techniques to instruct others. The key aspects are finding engaging ways to teach Bible lessons and scripts, and evaluating how well the students comprehend and retain the materials.
First step in creative Bible teaching is to study
This involves an inductive Bible study
The bookworm was chosen as a reminder that when you stop learning you stop teaching (Hendricks).
Second step in creative Bible teaching model
After thinking through the passage, think through the students
How does this meet the students where they are?
Picture shown to focus in on student need.
Third step in creative Bible teaching model
Create a lesson plan/outline
Teach main point(s)
Picture shows effort and work that goes into a well built structure.
Fourth step in creative Bible teaching method
Apply teaching methods
This picture was chosen to remind that it is about teaching students, not lessons.
Final step in creative Bible teaching model
Often overlooked
After teaching, think through how it went
Get trusted co-teacher or even student input
Picture chosen to show evaluation is answering how it went.