This document discusses the possibility of the next major tech company coming from Latin America. It argues that there is no structural reason why a company like Google could not originate from Latin America, given the right conditions. The document outlines some common excuses given for why Latin American tech startups cannot succeed, such as small markets, lack of mentors, difficult business regulations, and lack of capital or technical infrastructure. However, it argues that with the right skills and idea, capital and resources will follow, and that emerging technologies allow companies to access global markets and work remotely regardless of location or background.
6. Two Guys and a Computer (or not even)
This is what lies at the core
Google Yahoo!
Facebook Twitter wireframe
7. What Did it Take to Build Google?
Food $1,000
A roof over Sergey and Larrys head $1,500
Access to the Univ. computers and Internet connection $0
The PageRank Algorithm PRICELESS!
8. PageRank Algorithm = A Better Idea
PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + ... +
PR(A) is the PageRank of page A,
PR(Ti) is the PageRank of pages Ti which link to page A,
C(Ti) is the number of outbound links on page Ti and
d is a damping factor which can be set between 0 and 1.
9. BTW, its not really priceless...
Market Cap
10. There is no Structural Reason Why Those Two Guys With a
Computer Cannot Come From LatAm
Software Aerospace
(little capital requirement to (high capital requirement to
acquire skills) acquire skills)
Farming Mining
Examples of Industries by Capital and Skilled Labor Requirements
11. Music is a Good Example of an Industry with High Skill
Requirements that are Cheap to Acquire
Shakira,Shakira He didnt even
had to translate
his songs
Examples of LatAm skills developed locally and distributed globally
20. Excuse #4
The are no local Venture Capital
firms to finance my project
21. Capital is Mobile - Give it a Reason to Move
If You Build It - and it rocks- , They Will Come
private equity investments in computer software in Brazil totaled
$342 million in 2009
22. Excuse #5
I am a runaway success,my traffic
is booming but I dont have the
money to pay for the servers
23. Learn to Differentiate Between a Good Problem and a Bad
Good Problem Bad Problem
24. Excuse #6
I am a minority. From where I
am, no one wants to join a
startup :(
25. Find the Best of Breed. Work Distributed. Work Remotely
Tools to work
Commuting sucks
Distributed teams LatAm common
work language makes it easy
to work across borders