Causas y efectos del amianto en la Salud, diferentes enfermedades respiratorias relacionadas y la fibrosis pulmonar provocada por asbestosis. Presentación efectuada en la Jornada " El amianto y su impacto en la Salud", realizada en Parc Científic de Barcelona, 15-N-2019
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Enfermedades respiratorias relacionadas con la asbestosis (català)
1. Malalties respiratòries
vinculades amb l'asbestosi
Josep Morera
Novembre 2019
Malalties respiratòries vinculades amb
Dr. Josep Morera Prat – Co-director del Servei Respiratori Centre Mèdic Teknon
Dr. Josep Tarrés Olivella - Coordinador de l’Equip Mèdic Observatori per l’estudi de las
Patologies Relacionades amb l’Amiant en el Vallès Occidental
Actualització en diagnòstic del mesotelioma
pleural maligne
Dr. Ernest Nadal Alforja -Cap de Secció de Tumors Toràcics i de Cap i Coll. Oncologia
Mèdica. Institut Català d'Oncologia. L'Hospitalet.
Projecte Bermes: Desenvolupament d'un nou
fàrmac pel mesotelioma maligne
Dra.Carme Plasencia Castillo - Directora Científica d’AROMICS
Confirmar assistència a o
7. •Ocupacional, en els treballs directes amb
•Domèstica, per aïllaments d’edificis a
altres elements contaminants o per el rentat
de robes de treball
•Ambiental por l'ús d’asbest en espais
públics, per l’enderrocament d’edificis o per
la proximitat a factories contaminants.
Tipus d’exposició
11. Mètodes diagnòstics
1.- Historia laboral (tipus exposició, tipus d’asbest, anys i intensitat
2.- Radiologia:
La radiografia de tòrax és la principal eina de detecció de lesions per
Però el TAC alta resolució (TACAR) es més sensible en la detecció
estadis precoços
3.- Funció Pulmonar: Patró restrictiu / DLCO
4.- Broncoscòpia i Rentat broncoalveolar
5.- Anatomia patològica/ cossos d’asbest
6.- Anàlisis mineralògic i anàlisis de fibres
12. Patologia per amiant
1.- Patologia pleural
- Plaques pleurals, sense o amb calcificació
- Engruiximent pleural difús
- Vessament pleural
- Mesotelioma
2.- Patologia pulmonar
- Fibrosis pulmonar per Asbest
- Atelèctasi rodona
- Càncer de pulmó
13. Altres patologies relacionades amb amiant
Small airways disease and
mineral dust exposure.
Churg A, Wright JL.
Pathol Annu. 1983;18 Pt 2:233-51
15. Vessament pleural
and 2. CT images from a patient with history of asbestos exposure demonstrating large right pleural effusions. Although not typical, the effusions in asbe
C. Norbet et al. / Current Problems in Diagnostic Radiology 44 (2015) 371–382
22. Fibrosis pleural difusa
exposure. However, any entity that leads to the formation of
organized pleural exudate, such as tuberculosis, histoplasmosis,
Dressler syndrome following cardiac surgery, and hemothorax, may
produce the same radiographic appearance. It is most commonly
seen in the lingula, followed by the right middle lobe and then the
lower lobes, but any lobe may be affected.13
Conventional CT is most helpful in making the diagnosis, and
3 major features have been described: (1) rounded or oval mass
(2.5-7 cm abutting a peripheral pleural surface); (2) the curving
“comet tail” of bronchovascular structures passing into the mass,
resulting in a blurred central margin; and (3) thickening of the
adjacent pleura or hypertrophy of the subpleural fat with or without
calcification, which is usually but not always thickest adjacent to the
Lynch et al16
included the additional feature of volume loss
in the adjacent lung (Figs 12-15).
represent the scarred invaginated visceral pleura.17
In e
a positron emission tomography (PET)/CT would be pr
Fibrotic Bands
Abundant inhalation of asbestos fibers can cause
the visceral pleura with single or multiple fine or c
parenchymal fibrous bands radiating from a single
pleura. This creates an image that can be likened t
ance of crow’s feet or chicken’s feet (Figs 19 and 2
usually seen in connection with diffuse pleural thic
has been suggested that “crow’s feet,” pleural tag
chymal fibrotic bands are predominantly related to
the visceral pleura and should be differentiated
features more suggestive of diffuse interstitial fibro
Figs 10 and 11. CT images demonstrating bilateral pleural thickening and its usual continuous nature. The pleural thickening can be up to 3 cm in thickness
exposure. However, any entity that leads to the formation of
organized pleural exudate, such as tuberculosis, histoplasmosis,
Dressler syndrome following cardiac surgery, and hemothorax, may
produce the same radiographic appearance. It is most commonly
seen in the lingula, followed by the right middle lobe and then the
lower lobes, but any lobe may be affected.13
Conventional CT is most helpful in making the diagnosis, and
3 major features have been described: (1) rounded or oval mass
(2.5-7 cm abutting a peripheral pleural surface); (2) the curving
“comet tail” of bronchovascular structures passing into the mass,
resulting in a blurred central margin; and (3) thickening of the
adjacent pleura or hypertrophy of the subpleural fat with or without
calcification, which is usually but not always thickest adjacent to the
Lynch et al16
included the additional feature of volume loss
in the adjacent lung (Figs 12-15).
represent the scarred invaginated visc
a positron emission tomography (PET
Fibrotic Bands
Abundant inhalation of asbestos
the visceral pleura with single or m
parenchymal fibrous bands radiatin
pleura. This creates an image that
ance of crow’s feet or chicken’s fee
usually seen in connection with dif
has been suggested that “crow’s f
chymal fibrotic bands are predomin
the visceral pleura and should b
features more suggestive of diffuse
Figs 10 and 11. CT images demonstrating bilateral pleural thickening and its usual continuous nature. The pleural thickening can be up
23. Ateléctasi rodona
És una forma de col·lapse pulmonar no segmentari i perifèric que
simula una neoplàsia pulmonar o pleural.
És produeix com a conseqüència del plegament sobre sí mateix d`una
part del pulmó, secundari a una afectació pleural.
Qualsevol pleuritis d’altres etiologies poden també provocar-la.
El diagnòstic es fa amb el TAC, ja que a la radiografia de tòrax simula
una massa pulmonar.
El TAC mostra una opacitat rodona de base pleural. Hi ha també
curvatura dels vasos pulmonars i dels bronquis adjacents (“signe de la
cometa”). Sol ser unilateral i als lòbuls inferiors, i el diagnòstic
diferencial més freqüents es amb càncer de pulmó́.
25. Fibrosis pulmonar per asbestosis
Es una pneumopatia intersticial difusa, amb fibrosis, provocada por la
inhalació de fibres d’amiant.
S’associa amb períodes de llarga exposició, entre 10 i 20 anys
Però s’han descrit casos amb exposicions molt intenses de poc temps
(entre1 mes i1any) que l’han provocat.
Els símptomes son inespecífics, como tos seca i dispnea d’esforç i en
la exploració hi ha crepitants tipo “velcro” a bases pulmonars i
En fases avançades: insuficiència respiratòria i corpulmonale
Les manifestacions funcionals i radiològiques son similars a la fibrosis
pulmonar per altres causes
27. Fibrosis pulmonar per asbestosis
Lung dust content in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: a
study with scanning electron microscopy and energy
dispersive x ray analysis.
Monsó, Tura, Pujadas, Morell ,Ruiz, Morera J.
Br J Ind Med. 1991 May;48(5):327-31.
Figure 1 Asbestosfibres in a sample with a previous
diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonaryfibrosis (scanning electron
microscopy 1250 x ).
One sample of normal lung tissue and one sample of
tissue from a patient with IPF were discarded from
mineralogical analysis due to poor quality of the
SEM imaging that impeded recognition of the inor-
ganic particles. These samples were not considered
in the results.
Most of the samples from patients diagnosed as
having IPF contained only occasional inorganic
particles (< 10 particles in the area studied), but two
(8 3%) showed innumerable asbestos fibres (> 100
asbestos fibres in the area). One ofthese patients had
an antecedent of a brief occupational exposure to
asbestos. No relevant antecedent was found in the
second patient (table 2; figures 1, 2).
The twenty four samples of normal lung analysed
Figure 2 Energy dispersive x ray analysis ofan asbestos
all others in the normal group, had no relevant
inhalatory antecedents (table 3).
Our results provide evidence that an examination
using optical microscopy and polarised light over-
diagnoses IPF. We found 2/24 cases with a previous
diagnosis of IPF (8-3%) that contained innumerable
asbestos fibres in the area studied, with no asbestos
Table 3
Inorganic particles in normal lung types
No of Particles Type
7 Silicate (4)
Fe (3)
6 Silicate (3)
Fe (3)
6 Silicate (1)
Silica (2)
Fe (2)
ZnCu (1)
5 Silicate (4)
Silica (1)
5 Silicate (4)
ZnCu (1)
27 Silicate (11)
Asbestos (1)
Pb (15)
3 Silicate (1)
Al (1)
Ag (1)
0 _
8 Silicate (8)
0 _
4 Silicate (4)
4 Silicate (4)
5 Silicate (2)
Fe (3)
3 Silicate (3)
2 Silicate (2)
0 -
0 _
5 Silicate (5)
9 Silicate (7)
Fe (2)
1 Silicate (1)
7 Silicate (3)
Al (1)
Cu (1)
Fe (2)
1 Fe (1)
0 _
1 Fe(1)
Lung dust content in idiopathicpulmonaryfibrosis
Figure 1 Asbestosfibres in a sample with a previous
diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonaryfibrosis (scanning electron
microscopy 1250 x ).
One sample of normal lung tissue and one sample of
showed only occasi
cases (<10 particl
composition of the
prevalence of non-f
614%) and partic
particles; 34 9%).
particles in the area
was the only asbesto
(1/109 particles; 0
all others in the
inhalatory antecede
Our results provid
using optical micro
diagnoses IPF. We
diagnosis of IPF (8
asbestos fibres in t
Amb aquestes tècniques de 25 biòpsies pulmonars diagnosticades de
fibrosis pulmonar idiopàtica es comprova que dues eren fibrosis asbestósica
29. Fibrosis Asbestosica
phage eventually dies, thus releasing cytokines and attracting
further lung macrophages and fibroblastic cells to lay down fibrous
tissue. This eventually forms a fibrous mass, resulting in interstitial
It usually takes 20 years or more to see asbestosis
develop after exposure.
The distortion of pulmonary architecture, namely, the laying
down of collagen in an interstitial location, is similar to many of
the features seen in usual interstitial pneumonia. Lung tissue
becomes scarred around the terminal bronchioles and alveolar
ducts. The fibrotic scar tissue causes alveolar walls to thicken,
which reduces elasticity and gas diffusion, leading to reduced
oxygen transfer to blood and removal of carbon dioxide. Moreover,
asbestos, particularly amphibole in the form of crocidolite and
amosite, includes iron and is considered responsible for the
production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. These reactive
oxygen and nitrogen species may further promote local chronic
Because of these cellular and molecular events, cleaved asbes-
tos fibers accumulate in regional lymph nodes, the distal end of
developing malignancy, which is discussed further in the section
on neoplastic disease.
Neoplastic Disease
Malignant Mesothelioma
Malignant mesothelioma is known to be highly associated with
asbestos exposure and occurs primarily in the pleura and the
peritoneum, but it can also arise in the pericardium, tunica
vaginalis testis, larynx, and kidney. Asbestos exposure has also
been suggested as a contributor to nodular pulmonary
Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is the most common
primary neoplasm of the pleura32,33
but still a rare tumor. Pleural
Round atelectasis does show enhancement at
trast-enhanced CT (31), and it has been sug-
ed that a uniform pattern of enhancement
ors round atelectasis. However, contrast en-
cement is not thought to be a reliable charac-
stic for differentiating benign asbestos-related
ase from malignancy (1,32). Stability or
nkage of the mass with the passage of time
ngly suggests benignancy (32), but biopsy
y be required.
Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging has been
orted to show round atelectasis as a mass with
signal intensity characteristics similar to those
verity of fibrosis (12,36). The lag between expo-
sure and onset of symptoms is usually 20 years or
longer (36) (sometimes more than 40 years) but
can be as little as 3 years in cases with constant
heavy exposure (36).
The pathogenesis of asbestosis, as with so
much of asbestos-related disease, is incompletely
understood. Tissue damage is caused by che-
motactic factors and fibrogenic mediators re-
leased from alveolar neutrophils or macrophages
after they attempt to ingest and clear the fibers.
Chronic fiber deposition stimulates persistent
mediator release and leads to fibrosis that spreads
ures 12, 13. (12) Photomicrograph (original magnification, ϫ400; hematoxylin-eosin stain) of a bronchoalveo-
avage specimen shows a classic asbestos body with a segmental dumbbell-shaped configuration (arrow). (13) Pho-
aph shows macroscopic appearance of “honeycomb” lung with subpleural accentuation typical of asbestosis (ar-
s). No pleural thickening is present on this section.
f Volume 22 ● Special Issue Roach et al S175
34. ո鰿ٱ
• Trabajadores del vidrio
• Mineros de ganga de hierro
• Aisladores
• Peones
• Productores de maquinaria
• Trabajadores de mantenimiento (electricistas, carpinteros, fontaneros)
• Extracción y refinería de petróleo y gas
• Trabajadores de la industria primaria
• Tuberías y conducciones de agua
• Trabajadores de centrales eléctricas
• Trabajadores del caucho
• Trabajadores y usuarios de plásticos reforzados
• Techados
• Trabajadores del metal
• Astilleros
• Trabajadores de la piedra
• Mineros del talco
35. ո鰿ٱ
• Manufactura de productos de amianto
• Mezcladores de asfalto
• Mecánicos de automóviles
• Instaladores de productos acústicos
• Trabajadores y usuarios del amianto-cemento
• Trabajadores del cartón y papel de amianto
• Molineros y mineros de amianto
• Caldereros
• Químicos
• Trabajadores de la construcción (albañiles, demolición, paramentos,
trabajadores y usuarios de azulejos, arcilla)
• Bomberos
• Trabajadores y usuarios de juntas
• Trabajadores del vidrio
• Mineros de ganga de hierro
• Aisladores
• Peones
Guía para los trabajadores del amianto
36. ո鰿ٱ
• Textiles
• Transportistas
• Manufacturación de turbinas
• Plastoquímicos (aeronáuticos)
• Ferroviarios
• Otros (administrativos, sanitarios, directivos, esporádicos)
Guía para los trabajadores del amianto