Divergent Productions is a new production company based in Orlando, FL that aims to help local businesses by providing production services and connecting independent businesses. It also wants to bring awareness to community needs through its work. As a new company, Divergent Productions needs to build its brand through social media and websites, develop strong public relationships and reputation to gain a foothold in the current market as it launches its first production.
2. Executive Summaryhouse
Divergent is a newly founded production
based out of Orlando, FL
Divergent Production looks to help establish
relationships between independent and local
Its purpose is provide production services for local
business with the help of inspiring producers who are
looking for new opportunities to show their talents.
Divergent Productions is also looking to be an
outlet to help bring awareness about the community
5. Situation Analysis
Divergent Productions is a new production house looking
to launch its first production
Looking to utilize social media and websites to build brand
Will need to build brand and strong public relationship and
Will need to build good reputation to gain a foothold in
current market