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The tone of the poster is creepy and gloomy. The register of the
words on the screen are short sentences giving the audience an idea
of what to expect of the film. The title gives the audience
information, the From the makers of part of the poster gives the
audience an idea to what other film this Insidious is similar to whilst
giving intertextual references. Its not the house thats haunted
gives the audience some idea of the plot. The bottom part of the
posters text tells the audience who the cast and crew are and the
release date tells them when to expect it in cinemas. The target
audience would be aged 15 and above because the tone of the poster
is scary and this type of horror film wouldnt be suitable for under 15.
The gender would be both male and female and of any
background, be it ethnicity or class. The boy in the poster is
represented as possibly being evil because he is lit in a scary
way, with shadows playing around his eyes. His face adopts a blank
expression and the audience has no reason to sympathise with him.
Hes stood in front of whats assumed to be his house, which is a lot
brighter than him, supporting the words Its not the house thats
haunted. Despite being young I think there is no reason to
sympathise with the boy and the preferred reading would be that he
is evil. The response of mine and a couple of others Ive shown to this
poster was that it is creepy, and so it achieves its aim quite well. The
fact the title is on its side and part of its red gives the film a twisted
feel. It also allows the reader to read from the bottom up drawing
their attention to the boy even more. The colour red has
connotations with anger and danger, which is why this and most
other horror film posters have lots of red in them.
This tone of this poster is mean to be scary and intense. The poster
plays with the idea of the title fairly well. The idea of something being
inside something else and needing a skeleton key to find it is played
on. The main image being the eye and having another important
image inside it plays on this idea. So does the key lock shape for the E
in key, and the light coming out of the letters of the title, hinting
theres something inside. This intrigues the audience as they want to
know whats inside the film or what its about. The fact theres an
actors name right at the top of the poster is probably because shes
one of the only famous people in it and they want to bring in her
fans. The colour of the poster strays from normal horror posters as it
has a yellow and green colour pallet to it, suggesting that its not all
dark. The character inside the eye in front of a house is represented
as vulnerable as the picture is taken from behind him and hes also in
a wheelchair. The house looks fairly creepy anyway, with the tree
hanging down in front of it, but the fact the man is sitting outside it
looking at it suggests its not a normal house. The rest of the cast
other than the main actor at the top is shown in small at the
bottom, suggesting theyre not important enough to have more
attention drawn to them but it also allows the audience more time to
look just at the strong images and the title. The man whos eye it is
isnt really represented much as we dont know enough about
him, he could be the same man as the one in the wheelchair or he
could be evil. We can tell from wrinkles and grey hairs hes fairly old
but most of its left up to the imagination. The people Ive shown this
poster have said that the images are very strong and they all liked the
key hole instead of the E. This poster is very similar to what we think
we will do for ours. Despite the close up of an eye being fairly
stereotypical of horror posters this plays with it by having an image
inside of it and we really liked that and think its something we would
like to use.
The tone and mood of this poster is a bit lighter than the others
because it doesnt seem that scary. You can tell its a horror film by
aspects other than the main image. For instance the image behind it
of the woods is fairly creepy and the line You think you know the
story also defines it as a horror. The main image goes with this
line, having the cabin shaped a bit like a rubix cube, suggesting the
cabin isnt ordinary and its a puzzle that needs to be solved. The
title gives a very straightforward idea of the story being about a
cabin in the woods. The title is near the bottom as is the line about
the story and all the cast and release date. This allows the audience
to focus more on the simple but intriguing main image. Under the
title says one other film that two of the cast members where
involved in, trying to support the film more and bringing fans of the
film cloverfield to be tempted to watch this one. The colour of the
poster is very light and theres quite a lot of empty space. Ordinarily
this wouldnt be a good thing but some people Ive shown and I
think that it works well with the poster as the main image is
interesting enough on its own and the simplicity of it works in its
favour. The fact it is simple could be because the film itself is
supposed to be a stereotypical horror film but with a twist so
theyve made the poster again stereotypical but because the house
is arranged like it is it hints at the twist. Most people Ive shown this
poster liked it and it gave them more of an interest in the film to find
out what its about rather than a feeling of fear.

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Poster Evaluations

  • 1. The tone of the poster is creepy and gloomy. The register of the words on the screen are short sentences giving the audience an idea of what to expect of the film. The title gives the audience information, the From the makers of part of the poster gives the audience an idea to what other film this Insidious is similar to whilst giving intertextual references. Its not the house thats haunted gives the audience some idea of the plot. The bottom part of the posters text tells the audience who the cast and crew are and the release date tells them when to expect it in cinemas. The target audience would be aged 15 and above because the tone of the poster is scary and this type of horror film wouldnt be suitable for under 15. The gender would be both male and female and of any background, be it ethnicity or class. The boy in the poster is represented as possibly being evil because he is lit in a scary way, with shadows playing around his eyes. His face adopts a blank expression and the audience has no reason to sympathise with him. Hes stood in front of whats assumed to be his house, which is a lot brighter than him, supporting the words Its not the house thats haunted. Despite being young I think there is no reason to sympathise with the boy and the preferred reading would be that he is evil. The response of mine and a couple of others Ive shown to this poster was that it is creepy, and so it achieves its aim quite well. The fact the title is on its side and part of its red gives the film a twisted feel. It also allows the reader to read from the bottom up drawing their attention to the boy even more. The colour red has connotations with anger and danger, which is why this and most other horror film posters have lots of red in them.
  • 2. This tone of this poster is mean to be scary and intense. The poster plays with the idea of the title fairly well. The idea of something being inside something else and needing a skeleton key to find it is played on. The main image being the eye and having another important image inside it plays on this idea. So does the key lock shape for the E in key, and the light coming out of the letters of the title, hinting theres something inside. This intrigues the audience as they want to know whats inside the film or what its about. The fact theres an actors name right at the top of the poster is probably because shes one of the only famous people in it and they want to bring in her fans. The colour of the poster strays from normal horror posters as it has a yellow and green colour pallet to it, suggesting that its not all dark. The character inside the eye in front of a house is represented as vulnerable as the picture is taken from behind him and hes also in a wheelchair. The house looks fairly creepy anyway, with the tree hanging down in front of it, but the fact the man is sitting outside it looking at it suggests its not a normal house. The rest of the cast other than the main actor at the top is shown in small at the bottom, suggesting theyre not important enough to have more attention drawn to them but it also allows the audience more time to look just at the strong images and the title. The man whos eye it is isnt really represented much as we dont know enough about him, he could be the same man as the one in the wheelchair or he could be evil. We can tell from wrinkles and grey hairs hes fairly old but most of its left up to the imagination. The people Ive shown this poster have said that the images are very strong and they all liked the key hole instead of the E. This poster is very similar to what we think we will do for ours. Despite the close up of an eye being fairly stereotypical of horror posters this plays with it by having an image inside of it and we really liked that and think its something we would like to use.
  • 3. The tone and mood of this poster is a bit lighter than the others because it doesnt seem that scary. You can tell its a horror film by aspects other than the main image. For instance the image behind it of the woods is fairly creepy and the line You think you know the story also defines it as a horror. The main image goes with this line, having the cabin shaped a bit like a rubix cube, suggesting the cabin isnt ordinary and its a puzzle that needs to be solved. The title gives a very straightforward idea of the story being about a cabin in the woods. The title is near the bottom as is the line about the story and all the cast and release date. This allows the audience to focus more on the simple but intriguing main image. Under the title says one other film that two of the cast members where involved in, trying to support the film more and bringing fans of the film cloverfield to be tempted to watch this one. The colour of the poster is very light and theres quite a lot of empty space. Ordinarily this wouldnt be a good thing but some people Ive shown and I think that it works well with the poster as the main image is interesting enough on its own and the simplicity of it works in its favour. The fact it is simple could be because the film itself is supposed to be a stereotypical horror film but with a twist so theyve made the poster again stereotypical but because the house is arranged like it is it hints at the twist. Most people Ive shown this poster liked it and it gave them more of an interest in the film to find out what its about rather than a feeling of fear.