Ppt ch01niruttisaiThis chapter discusses the basics of HTML and introduces HTML5. It covers creating web pages with HTML, the history and evolution of HTML, and new features in HTML5 like semantic elements and rich media capabilities. The chapter also discusses choosing an HTML editor and using best practices like validating code and following web standards.
Plasn sensory surveylorcank88This document discusses sensory sensitivities in schools for children with autism and additional needs. It notes that many pupils with autism have difficulty processing sensory information like sounds, sights, smells, and movement. These sensory sensitivities can profoundly affect their daily lives, behavior, learning, and cause anxiety. The document reports that most pupils in these special schools have some form of sensory sensitivity. It also discusses how occupational therapists help support students and the various assessments used to evaluate sensory processing.
Personalisatie & ROIReinout WolfertPresentatie die Saskia Dikmans en Reinout Wolfert gaven tijdens de eerste ROI Wednesday (12 september 2012). In de presentatie wordt ingegaan over de opbouw van de organisatie én de stappen die gemaakt worden richting personalisatie.
Ppt ch10niruttisaiThis document discusses principles for working with data tables in web design. It covers using table elements like <table>, <th>, and <td> to structure data. It also discusses styling tables with CSS, including adding borders, grouping rows and columns, applying background colors and hover effects, using padding and margins, and summarizing best practices for accessible table design.
Ppt ch11niruttisaiThis chapter discusses how to create user input forms on web pages. It covers using the <form> element to contain forms and attributes like method and action. It also covers various input elements like text boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, and file uploads. Grouping elements like <fieldset> and <legend> are described as well as styling forms with CSS. The overall objectives are to understand how forms work and how to create different types of input objects and style forms.
Ppt ch06niruttisaiThis chapter discusses the CSS box model and how it allows control over margins, padding, borders, and dimensions of content boxes. Key concepts covered include using the box model to lay out pages, applying various margin, padding and border properties, floating elements, and controlling overflow. The goal is to understand how to use CSS to enhance readability and create flexible or fixed page layouts.
Ppt ch04niruttisaiThis chapter discusses cascading style sheets (CSS) and introduces basic CSS concepts. It covers: recognizing the benefits of CSS; building a basic style sheet with selectors and declarations; using inheritance to simplify style rules; examining selection techniques like type, class, and ID selectors; applying styles with external, internal, and inline styles; and using other CSS features like pseudo-classes and attributes. The goal is to teach the fundamentals of using CSS to control web page styling and layout.
Researching genreSarahJaneDixonThis document defines genre as a category of artistic works that share similarities in form, style, or subject matter. It provides examples of common film genres such as action, animation, comedy, drama, and sci-fi. Genre is important to audiences because it allows them to choose films they prefer and understand the conventions of different styles. It is also important to producers because genre gives them a template to follow and attracts particular audiences. The document discusses hybrid genres that combine two genres and subgenres that have more specific conventions within broader genres like comedy. It concludes that genres are not fixed and evolve with audience tastes.
Evaluation question 5Will KearseThe document discusses ways to attract and address the intended audience of a music magazine. It focuses on using eye-catching design elements like vivid colors, patterns, and font styles on the cover to draw in readers. Quotes and teasers are used to spark curiosity about articles inside. The contents page provides a variety of entertaining article options. Both established and up-and-coming bands are featured to appeal to most music fans. Humor, informal language, and exclusive news and interviews build rapport with the target male readership aged 16-25. Overall the goal is to attract potential customers and keep them engaged and coming back through attractive, interesting, and relevant content.
Ppt ch03niruttisaiThe document outlines the process for planning and developing a website, including creating a site specification, identifying the content goal and target audience, choosing a hosting provider, and testing the site. Key steps are understanding the development process, building a team, specifying requirements, designing information architecture and page templates, development, quality assurance testing, and ongoing site maintenance.
Ppt ch12niruttisaiThe document discusses the initial design process for a website. The clients sketched out a basic idea for the site and provided a specification document describing the audience, content, and design. The graphic designer then created a mock-up web page to demonstrate the design concepts before development. The objectives are to apply design and CSS skills by building a home page, describe the design process, and test the work in multiple browsers.
WHATSAPP MASIVOAlejandro KampelmacherWhatsapp Masivo.
Envío masivo de mensajes multimedia a usuarios de teléfonos celulares en cualquier parte del mundo.
Desarrollo de acciones para comunicación corporativa, interna, publicidad y promoción, difusión de contenidos, campañas de fidelización y gestión de comunidades.
Whatsapp masivo es una prestación brindada por Infometrika, con más de 10 años de experiencia y conocimientos de mobile marketing.
Contacto: info@infometrika.com.ar
-niruttisaiThe document discusses principles for designing accessible and user-friendly websites, including understanding different design environments and user needs. Key recommendations are to create a unified design with consistent navigation, use a grid structure and active white space, design pages for different screen sizes and devices, and ensure content is easily readable and accessible across different technologies. Accessibility and usability should be priorities from the start of design.
Ppt ch05niruttisaiThis document chapter discusses web typography principles, including choosing fewer fonts and sizes, using common web fonts, specifying proprietary fonts, designing for legibility, avoiding text as graphics, understanding CSS measurement units like em and px, using CSS font properties like font-family and font-size, using text spacing properties like line-height and letter-spacing, and customizing lists. The objectives are to understand type design, CSS units, font properties, text spacing properties, and build a style sheet.
WHATSAPP MASIVOAlejandro KampelmacherWhatsapp Masivo.
Envío masivo de mensajes multimedia a través de Whatsapp, para campañas de comunicación interna corporativa, publicidad, difusión de contenidos, acciones de pertenencia y fidelización, promociones, etc.
Whatsapp masivo es una prestación ofrecida por Infometrika, que cuenta con más de 10 años de experiencia y desarrollo en mobile marketing.
Contacto: info@infometrika.com.ar
Graphic DesignJoan McCulloughThis short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on ݺߣShare. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.
Ppt ch06niruttisaiThis chapter discusses the CSS box model and how it allows control over margins, padding, borders, and dimensions of content boxes. Key concepts covered include using the box model to lay out pages, applying various margin, padding and border properties, floating elements, and controlling overflow. The goal is to understand how to use CSS to enhance readability and create flexible or fixed page layouts.
Ppt ch04niruttisaiThis chapter discusses cascading style sheets (CSS) and introduces basic CSS concepts. It covers: recognizing the benefits of CSS; building a basic style sheet with selectors and declarations; using inheritance to simplify style rules; examining selection techniques like type, class, and ID selectors; applying styles with external, internal, and inline styles; and using other CSS features like pseudo-classes and attributes. The goal is to teach the fundamentals of using CSS to control web page styling and layout.
Researching genreSarahJaneDixonThis document defines genre as a category of artistic works that share similarities in form, style, or subject matter. It provides examples of common film genres such as action, animation, comedy, drama, and sci-fi. Genre is important to audiences because it allows them to choose films they prefer and understand the conventions of different styles. It is also important to producers because genre gives them a template to follow and attracts particular audiences. The document discusses hybrid genres that combine two genres and subgenres that have more specific conventions within broader genres like comedy. It concludes that genres are not fixed and evolve with audience tastes.
Evaluation question 5Will KearseThe document discusses ways to attract and address the intended audience of a music magazine. It focuses on using eye-catching design elements like vivid colors, patterns, and font styles on the cover to draw in readers. Quotes and teasers are used to spark curiosity about articles inside. The contents page provides a variety of entertaining article options. Both established and up-and-coming bands are featured to appeal to most music fans. Humor, informal language, and exclusive news and interviews build rapport with the target male readership aged 16-25. Overall the goal is to attract potential customers and keep them engaged and coming back through attractive, interesting, and relevant content.
Ppt ch03niruttisaiThe document outlines the process for planning and developing a website, including creating a site specification, identifying the content goal and target audience, choosing a hosting provider, and testing the site. Key steps are understanding the development process, building a team, specifying requirements, designing information architecture and page templates, development, quality assurance testing, and ongoing site maintenance.
Ppt ch12niruttisaiThe document discusses the initial design process for a website. The clients sketched out a basic idea for the site and provided a specification document describing the audience, content, and design. The graphic designer then created a mock-up web page to demonstrate the design concepts before development. The objectives are to apply design and CSS skills by building a home page, describe the design process, and test the work in multiple browsers.
WHATSAPP MASIVOAlejandro KampelmacherWhatsapp Masivo.
Envío masivo de mensajes multimedia a usuarios de teléfonos celulares en cualquier parte del mundo.
Desarrollo de acciones para comunicación corporativa, interna, publicidad y promoción, difusión de contenidos, campañas de fidelización y gestión de comunidades.
Whatsapp masivo es una prestación brindada por Infometrika, con más de 10 años de experiencia y conocimientos de mobile marketing.
Contacto: info@infometrika.com.ar
-niruttisaiThe document discusses principles for designing accessible and user-friendly websites, including understanding different design environments and user needs. Key recommendations are to create a unified design with consistent navigation, use a grid structure and active white space, design pages for different screen sizes and devices, and ensure content is easily readable and accessible across different technologies. Accessibility and usability should be priorities from the start of design.
Ppt ch05niruttisaiThis document chapter discusses web typography principles, including choosing fewer fonts and sizes, using common web fonts, specifying proprietary fonts, designing for legibility, avoiding text as graphics, understanding CSS measurement units like em and px, using CSS font properties like font-family and font-size, using text spacing properties like line-height and letter-spacing, and customizing lists. The objectives are to understand type design, CSS units, font properties, text spacing properties, and build a style sheet.
WHATSAPP MASIVOAlejandro KampelmacherWhatsapp Masivo.
Envío masivo de mensajes multimedia a través de Whatsapp, para campañas de comunicación interna corporativa, publicidad, difusión de contenidos, acciones de pertenencia y fidelización, promociones, etc.
Whatsapp masivo es una prestación ofrecida por Infometrika, que cuenta con más de 10 años de experiencia y desarrollo en mobile marketing.
Contacto: info@infometrika.com.ar
Graphic DesignJoan McCulloughThis short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on ݺߣShare. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshows.