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Organization / Workplace
Kalpetta Area, India India
Assistant Professor
Contact Details
bharathiyar university
calicut university
working capital management
cash management
business management
structure of working capital
operating cycle
theory of working capital mana
financing and policies of wcm
working capital policies
impact of working capital
optimal size of current assets
regulation of bank finance
significance of cashmanagement
motives of holding cash
strategies for cash management
eoq model to cash managemnt
receivables management
costs of maintaining receivabl
merits of maintaining receivab
factors affecting receivables
credit period
optimum size of receivables
determinants of credit policy
optimum credit policy
credit standards
credit evaluation
credit terms
sixth sem
provisions and reserves theory base of accounting
recording of transactions
bank reconciliation statement
functions of management –
management as an art
fayol’s principles of manageme
management - meaning
management definition
importance of managemnt
management by objectives management by exception
fayol’s principles of management
commerce introduction to accounting theory base of
accounts from incomplete records
theories and approaches of wcm
financial statements
financial managemnt
working capital concepts
kinds of working capital
determinants of working capita
gross working capital
net working capital
measurement of working capital
merits of working capital
working capital cycle
process of control
techniques of control
channels of communicationmunic
barriers to communication
appraisal of working capital
assessment of working capital
ratio analysis
funds flow analysis
working capital budget:
management of working capital
significance cash management
motives to hold cash.
transactions motive
precautionary motive
speculative motive
compensation motive
minimising funds committed
miller and orr model
probability model
stochastic model
(economic order quantity) to c
cash holding in the company
projection of cash flows
trial balance and rectification of errors
financial management
inventory management
bill of exchange
techniques of inventory contro
economic ordering quantity (eo
maximum stock level
minimum stock level
danger level
abc analysis for value of item
perpetual inventory system
h.m.l. classification
f s n analysis
v.e.d. classification
just in time (jit)
inventory turnover ratio
planning meaning
definition nature
planning process
types of planning
decision making
traditional techniques for
steps in decision making
managament function
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