i'll TeLL tht im d hapiest persn in D wrold....
i love ma lif...
so, i'll dside ma life nONe of d @#C!$RS hav rights to dSIDe it....
i'll be aLys wHT im... hav ma OWn ruls n folo dAt... hate advisers and LOVe pPl folloWINg ma rules
may b cOZ of dat, my fRNds oFTn tell tHT im nuts....
bUt, im jelOUs of maself....
nevr take probs to ma heart.... let it go in its way...
and i loVe 2 hav a LOng drive dURing niGht witH mUSic and my chwET heart.....
crazzZZzzy to try diff typs of diSHEs....