This document discusses principles of effective feedback based on research. It recommends that feedback should be provided as quickly as possible, clearly indicate next steps for learning, and be used to inform planning. Feedback should link to learning objectives and success criteria. Learners need time to think about and respond to feedback, which should be regular and consistently applied. The document then provides examples of effective feedback practices from the Darton Learning Model and a science example. It prompts reflection on what effective feedback would look and feel like, and has departments draft a feedback policy. Recommended resources on the topic are also listed.
5. Activate... your learning + over to you!
No grade and
comment most
What does research tell us about the
principles of effective feedback?
Its not at the
end of
It needs
to clearly
give next
Used to
need time to
think about
and respond
to feedback
Regular and
6. Activate... your learning + over to you!
Darton Learning Model
1. Default 100%
2. Growth Mindset + Ethic of Excellence
3. Tools for learning: environment, BLP, ICT
4. Literacy
5. Highest expectations of learner behaviour
6. Unrelenting curiosity
8. Demonstrate... and show you know
Not in your department groups...
What would we see, hear, feel if feedback at
DC was highly effective?
9. Consolidate... your learning
In your departments...
Draft your thoughts for our feedback policy - we will
collate and present to CTLs on Wednesday.
10. Best professional self...
Embedded Formative Assessment, Dylan William
Visible Learning, Hattie
Why students dont like school, Daniel Willingham
Can I be that little bit better at using methods to make feedback stick?
Teacher Learning Blog WCPS
Education Endownment Fund Tool kit
The Classroom Experiment, video clips - Dylan William