Snow White tells the dwarves of her plan to deceive the Queen into thinking she went along with her scheme. She warns Dopey that the Queen is unstable. Dopey agrees the Queen is crazy and says he ended their relationship because he needs a real woman. Snow White and Dopey agree they need to defeat the Queen.
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Scene two of english play
1. Scene Two
Snow white and the dwarves are talking before they go to
work. She tells them of her plan to con the Queen into
thinking she went along with the plan. Snow White and
Dopey are then talking together.
Snow White: She can’t know about us. You don’t
know her like I do. She’s completely mental.
Dopey: Oh I know her, that’s why I ended it. I need a
real woman in my life..
Snow White: Awh Dopey...
Dopey: I have to go, I’ll see you later. Let’s take this
b**** down!
Snow White: Oh I intend to (smiles)