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Viral Public Relations At VIRAL PR, we understand that partnering with our clients is not a nicety. Its a necessity.As a full-service agency, we offer many services that support and extend your existing communications efforts.Pulling together an impactful public relations campaign requires passion, clarity, creativity and the highest possible attention to detail - all of which we offer with a personal service. Every aspect of our communications activities is grounded in our clients objectives
Campaign GoalCreate awareness and promote safe sex in the young Afro-Caribbean community.
油Objectives:An increase in the number of young Afro-Caribbeans coming to Marie Stopes clinics in the UK by 20 %A decrease in the rate of abortions by 25%A decrease in the STD rates of young Afro-Caribbeans by 15%
Target Audience16-21 years olds 2nd GenerationMale and FemaleChristianLondon (Brixton, Lewisham, Stonebridge and Harlesden), Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham.
Vox PopMathew  20, BrixtonGenerally, Id rather be safe thansorry but honestly man-at that point , in that moment the  head says one the body demands the other.But you want to be safe,MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE!Jasmine 21,LewishamHe says Im his treasure cuz I give him absolute pleasure. Now Ima loser with an STD.MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE!!
Dio ,21, BirminghamI had Chlamydia for a few years and now Im sterile. If you dont want to screw up your future, MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE! Leilah, 20, Leeds I used to think that asking him to put on a condom is like saying I dont trust him! Then I got pregnant. If youre in my situation, remember to MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE
Ryan, 16, BrixtonI got my girlfriend pregnant and now Im a 16 year old dad. Dont make the same mistake, MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE!
Key MessageMake the right move
Campaign StrategyStage 1: 15th of JanuaryPress ReleaseLaunch of www.maketherightmove.co.uk  websiteMarie Stopes and famous artist Lil Wayne come together to promote safe sexCompetition  AnnouncementDance routine; Winner gets to be in Lil Waynes video Safe Sex
Lyrics from Lil Wayne song:Safe sex is great sex, better wear a latex'cause you don't want that late text, that "I think I'm late" textHeh-heh, so wrap it up
Campaign StrategyStage 2:1st to 21st February Competitors collect their free T-shirts and condoms from their local Marie Stopes Clinics
Campaign StrategyStage 3: MarchShow off your dance moves to Safe Sex - Flash MobLocation : Windrush Square, Brixton, London  6th March 2010Moss Side Plaza, Manchester  13th March 2010Chapeltown, Leeds  20th March 2010Aston Court, Birmingham  27th March 2010           Upload videos on campaign website
Campaign StrategyStage 4: AprilAnnouncement of winners from different locations  10th April 2010Shooting of Lil Waynes Safe Sex video  24th April 2010
MediaNewspapers:Magazines:Keep the Faith
Caribbean EyeTV:Radio
BudgetTotal: 贈40,000
EvaluationNumber of people registering online and website hitsInternal media monitoringFoot traffic of Afro-Caribbeans to the Marie Stopes clinicsStatistics
SummaryThe ProblemTarget AudienceCampaign

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Safe Sex Campaign

  • 2. Viral Public Relations At VIRAL PR, we understand that partnering with our clients is not a nicety. Its a necessity.As a full-service agency, we offer many services that support and extend your existing communications efforts.Pulling together an impactful public relations campaign requires passion, clarity, creativity and the highest possible attention to detail - all of which we offer with a personal service. Every aspect of our communications activities is grounded in our clients objectives
  • 5. Campaign GoalCreate awareness and promote safe sex in the young Afro-Caribbean community.
  • 6. 油Objectives:An increase in the number of young Afro-Caribbeans coming to Marie Stopes clinics in the UK by 20 %A decrease in the rate of abortions by 25%A decrease in the STD rates of young Afro-Caribbeans by 15%
  • 7. Target Audience16-21 years olds 2nd GenerationMale and FemaleChristianLondon (Brixton, Lewisham, Stonebridge and Harlesden), Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham.
  • 8. Vox PopMathew 20, BrixtonGenerally, Id rather be safe thansorry but honestly man-at that point , in that moment the head says one the body demands the other.But you want to be safe,MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE!Jasmine 21,LewishamHe says Im his treasure cuz I give him absolute pleasure. Now Ima loser with an STD.MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE!!
  • 9. Dio ,21, BirminghamI had Chlamydia for a few years and now Im sterile. If you dont want to screw up your future, MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE! Leilah, 20, Leeds I used to think that asking him to put on a condom is like saying I dont trust him! Then I got pregnant. If youre in my situation, remember to MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE
  • 10. Ryan, 16, BrixtonI got my girlfriend pregnant and now Im a 16 year old dad. Dont make the same mistake, MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE!
  • 11. Key MessageMake the right move
  • 12. Campaign StrategyStage 1: 15th of JanuaryPress ReleaseLaunch of www.maketherightmove.co.uk websiteMarie Stopes and famous artist Lil Wayne come together to promote safe sexCompetition AnnouncementDance routine; Winner gets to be in Lil Waynes video Safe Sex
  • 13. Lyrics from Lil Wayne song:Safe sex is great sex, better wear a latex'cause you don't want that late text, that "I think I'm late" textHeh-heh, so wrap it up
  • 14. Campaign StrategyStage 2:1st to 21st February Competitors collect their free T-shirts and condoms from their local Marie Stopes Clinics
  • 15. Campaign StrategyStage 3: MarchShow off your dance moves to Safe Sex - Flash MobLocation : Windrush Square, Brixton, London 6th March 2010Moss Side Plaza, Manchester 13th March 2010Chapeltown, Leeds 20th March 2010Aston Court, Birmingham 27th March 2010 Upload videos on campaign website
  • 16. Campaign StrategyStage 4: AprilAnnouncement of winners from different locations 10th April 2010Shooting of Lil Waynes Safe Sex video 24th April 2010
  • 20. EvaluationNumber of people registering online and website hitsInternal media monitoringFoot traffic of Afro-Caribbeans to the Marie Stopes clinicsStatistics