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Organization / Workplace
North Hollywood, California
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i kick ass
...and when the ninja turles roundhouse someone real good, i still get really really excited...
I’ve been a lot of things in my life, some of them, I’ve chosen to be and some of them, I’ve just become naturally as a result of events in my life. I’ve been a fat kid, a skinny kid, a nerdy kid, a cool kid, a high school kid, a college kid, an adult, a boyfriend, a fuck buddy, someone’s option, someone’s everything, disliked, liked, a rock star, a foreigner, an introvert, an extravert, drug free, a drug user, a non-drinker, a drinker, a son, a cousin, a boy, and of course, a man. Over my lifespan, changing into these things and being completely aware of it has taught me
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