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kl Malaysia
Technical Teacher
++miEy++ ++NoThiNg SpeCiaL++ ++LuV To sMiLe,SmiLe n sMile..HeHe++ ++HaPPy gO LuCkY++ ++DoWn To EaRtH & EasY To HanGouT wiTh++ ++iM A VeRy NiCe PerSoN AcTuaLLy++ ++i CaN MiNgLe WiTh All KinDda PeoPLe++ ++i DoN't NeeD AnYoNe tO LiKe Me++ ++i DoN't CaRe WhaT OtHeR PeOpLe ThiNk AbOut Me++ ++i HaTe LiArS++ ++NeVeR LooK dOwN oN oTheRs++ ++reSpeCt oThEr if U wAnT tO bE rEsPecT++ ++reLaTiOnsHip & LoVe bUiLt oN tRuSt++ ++PoSitiVe..ThE OnLy WaY To LiVe++ ++PeOpLe WaNNa ShooT YoU DoWn, If You CaN't SwiM ThEn YoU WiLL DrOwN++
If You WaNNa Be My FriEnd & Go OuT,Do FuN ThiNgs wiTh Me LiKe PlaYing Bowling,MoViEs... Let Me KnoW Ya!!
Users following Muhaimin Mansor