巷_晩 2018定12埖27晩
☆ 幄塀氏芙GIGでは惟舵臘效氏をg仏しています
GIG inc.
Good is good.
We provide opportunities to the SEKAI by fusing technology and ideas.
Good is good. いいものはいい。GIGは、vわったユ`ザ`やクライアントが念にMめる^きっかけ ̄をつくりつづけます。
* おい栽せ
巷_晩 2018定12埖27晩
☆ 幄塀氏芙GIGでは惟舵臘效氏をg仏しています
GIG inc.
Good is good.
We provide opportunities to the SEKAI by fusing technology and ideas.
Good is good. いいものはいい。GIGは、vわったユ`ザ`やクライアントが念にMめる^きっかけ ̄をつくりつづけます。
* おい栽せ
1. The document discusses MVVM architecture and how it is similar to fracturing a bone. MVVM separates an app into a view, view model, and model layer that communicate through binding updates rather than direct references.
2. It provides an example of how slipping and damaging a bone in the body is analogous to changing view model properties and states in an MVVM app, and how this then updates both the model and view.
3. Additional services like Bitrise that provide mobile testing and deployment are recommended to help independent developers improve the testing and release of their apps.
This document discusses problems with outsourcing mobile development work to Vietnam and proposes solutions. It identifies three main problems: 1) issues with man-hours where orders are not completed fully, 2) differences in definitions of quality where testing is not prioritized, and 3) sometimes poor coding skills. Solutions proposed include building team cohesion through social activities like sharing meals, emphasizing testing and documentation, and treating the remote team like internal staff by openly discussing work problems and career growth. The overall message is that treating the outsourced team like an integral part of the in-house team can help overcome cultural and work differences.